Re: who is this sick POS spammer alias?



In article <O#m1gjQTKHA.504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>, says...<span style="color:blue">
> "Leythos" <> wrote in message
><span style="color:green">
> > In article <4ad5fdee$>, fb@amk.cmo says...<span style="color:darkred">
> >> alias
> >></span>
> >
> > Most Usenet providers as well as ISP's accept and act on valid complaint
> > that contain headers and show a violation of a Usenet Groups Charter or
> > the providers own AUP/TOS.
> ></span>
> And you don't think that the cretin Frank is worthy of complaint? </span>

Guys, I took no position, I only posted how to file a valid complaint,
that's all. Don't read more into a post/reply than is actually there.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
It is now common knowledge that Alias is a pest.
Don't be ashamed to report him, th emore of us report, the sooner he's
punted offline and goes back to playing with Upuntoo.