Re: Whoops B8mbies



On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 23:21:33 -0500, in alt.usenet.kooks, Archie Leach
<leach@antiham.spam> bloviated:

>Aratzio <> wrote:
>>On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:03:43 -0700, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> got double secret probation for
>>>Aratzio wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 09:47:52 -0700, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
>>>> Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> got double secret probation for
>>>> writing:
>>>>>Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>>>>>> Peter J Ross <> wrote:
>>>>>>>In news.groups on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 16:19:12 -0400, K A Cannon
>>>>>>><kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> posted
>>>>>>>> <> in news.groups on
>>>>>>>> Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:39:25 -0700:
>>>>>>>>>Up to 10.2% propagation since yesterday.
>>>>>>>> W00t!!
>>>>>>>> All hail PJR and his holy trolliness!!!
>>>>>>>I like this kind of trolling. I didn't newgroup the group, didn't ask
>>>>>>>for it to be newgrouped and haven't asked any news admins to carry it,
>>>>>>>and yet it seems to be spreading slowly but inexorably all over
>>>>>>>Usenet. Trolling with no effort whatsoever!
>>>>>> Say, I can't use my kill file and there's a low signal-to-noise ratio in
>>>>>> the group. I demand moderation!
>>>>>>>I see Highwinds and the myriad ISPs who get news from Highwinds have
>>>>>>>also added the group.
>>>>>> Not Giganews.
>>>>>I could ask for it, but even though the bambies have approved
>>>>>of---indeed, have taken an active role in--asking for groups one doesn't
>>>>>intend to read I still feel it's unethical.
>>>> You are posting to it:
>>>> Newsgroups: talk.troll.pjr,alt.usenet.kooks,news.groups
>>>I'm reading news.groups.

>>You could read from talk.troll.pjr if you get it added to your server.
>>We can make it the new news.groups

>Well, as long as you're doing that, why not shoehorn alt.usenet.kooks
>into the Not-So-Big-8 Hierarchy?

Two ways:
Send your own control message and do a little promotion.

Get the b8mbies involved:
The precedence is there with All that needs to
happen is someone posts an RFD to control.newgroup (whatever), include
whines about technical incompetence, do a poll and have everyone vote
yes and then the b8mbies have to approve the group. That is how the
new and improved b8mbie mission works.

The latter would be much more fun, just think of the needed groups

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