The sobbing saga continues.... .
But one day you will get over it enough to show your face in debates again Bender.......
I wonder if you will claim the Progressives are the "party of no" when they don't agree to go along with the Republicans after the big Democrat losses tomorrow? How much crying will you be doing then Bender?
I bet you will suddenly want everyone to believe the Democrats refusal to cooperate with the Republicans will be for a good reason, and not just because they are upset over losing their azzes, lol.
The Country as a whole is ****** off at the arrogance of Obama, Pelosi, and Harry Red (that is his new name as far as I am concerned) and the rest of the liberal elite who thought they could snub their noses at most of America and get away with it. This election is a firm rejection of the Obama/progressive agenda to tranform America. And once that is made clear, I predict the Progressives like Bender here will still refuse to admit it. They will blame "stupid voters" and how they were unfairly labeled but even they know they mess up.
And how do we know they understand they messed up? None of the democrats are willing to run on their record unless they voted against the majority. Nobody, not even Harry Red is making it a point to talk about the healthcare scandal, sure he mentions it here and there but not any real push as if it was a great accomplishment and outside of him and a couple other Democrats, nobody else will even do that much if they voted for that ****.
Better get out the crying towel Bender, the end of your perfect progressive plan through Obama is about to be over.