Really Bender?

Yes..only us progressive, "congressive", liberal, socialist, communist, atheist liars are allowed big signatures.

Builder..pare down yours god..the scrolling..

Sorry Em. Just showing the retard what it is like to have it back in kind. :yes:
Just curious.......what rule did I break to justify the staff to punish me?

Or is this the usual "Us Staff are Gods and do as we please to you little folk"?

lol. funny sh!t.
Just curious.......what rule did I break to justify the staff to punish me?

It was that email about riding a camel naked without a saddle, remember? You were trying to get an idea what Islam is all about.

Or is this the usual "Us Staff are Gods and do as we please to you little folk"?

Nope. It means phukk with the wrong phreak, and you get what is coming to you.

lol. funny sh!t.

We finally agree on something.
"I encourage you to show you're real self Bender. This is the only power you have in life, bask in the glory my childish friend. "~TJ

My link

Don't worry bud you'll get the hang!
messing with users profiles/accounts is a second grader kind of lame. I've never been a fan of it, and think it degrades the entire board.

but it's funny to see that TJ has this much of an effect on Phreak.
messing with users profiles/accounts is a second grader kind of lame. I've never been a fan of it, and think it degrades the entire board.

but it's funny to see that TJ has this much of an effect on Phreak.

Have you ever messed with someones account eddo?
Just curious.......what rule did I break to justify the staff to punish me?
You didn't break any rules. I just needed a guinea pig to test out the permission changes I made on the idiot box. And well, I needed an idiot to test it out on and you were the only one available... nothing personal.

Or is this the usual "Us Staff are Gods and do as we please to you little folk"?
Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

lol. funny sh!t.
Yeah, I kinda thought so too. But look on the bright side, at least I gave you an avatar and title under your name that fit's your personality, so you REALLY can't complain too much.

HINT: The more you complain, the longer I'll be motivated to keep you under "IDIOT" status.


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messing with users profiles/accounts is a second grader kind of lame. I've never been a fan of it, and think it degrades the entire board.

but it's funny to see that TJ has this much of an effect on Phreak.

Thanks eddo, at least there is one person on this forum that can see through Bender's actions for what they really are.

Bender is just having a tempertantrum after I handed him his azz in the debate about if Progressives want an all powerful Government or not. Builder's temper tantrum against me recently was for the same reason, only he did not have Admin powers to expand his temper tantrum the way Bender does.

The only thing that really bothers me about Bender's temper tantrum is he deleted all my private messages, I forgot to save something that was in there I wanted but so be it, it is now gone because a immature Progressive could not keep his emotions under control.

Hey Phreak/Bender, I hope you don't think I am supposed to learn to fear you or something from this childish crap. I don't care what you do, just like I did not care about the first time you played games with my account or the many other times staff here has abused their authority as extensions of their failed debating skills. To me it is all just part of the game, a game I obviously won or you would not be behaving so poorly.

I beat you, and to me that is worth all this crazy stuff you are doing trying to get even with me for beating you.
I am going to respond to a flame you made Bender about me in another thread being as I can't post on the regular forum with my new restrictions:

TJ doesn't win debates, he bores people out of participating... hence, the reason why many members have left.

You banned me for over a year before and in that year people who were here dissapeared (like fullauto) and the same few people here now were all you had on my return. If I was the problem, why did you not gain a single regular member in the year I was gone?

The only person who has been here a lot before and is not now is Ali and her departure had nothing to do with me and was more about her finally finding a love interest in the real world so she did not need to immerse herself in this fake world for friendship and companionship anymore. I like Ali even if she did not like me but I was not the reason her, or even one person departed this forum.

Anyone who claimed I made them leave is instead saying they could not force me to accept their drivel and their own failures in debate was why they departed, not me.
AAAAAWWWWWW Phreak. Give him back his stoopid avatar, and his drippy user title.

He's got no cojones without them. But hang on, he has none anyway.

So fire away. Idiot box rox. Got myself in there for a few sessions years ago.

Interesting place to think about how lame you really are. Shame is, he's NPD.

Nobody rox self-love the way that NPD's do.
for the record, I have no issue with the idiot box- if used according to the laid out rules, and those rules are applied to all members equally. I also have no issue with banning folks that have clearly broken rules- these are responsibilities of having mod/admin abilities.

going in and changing profile pics, changing signatures, posting as members (don't think that has happened here, but it has at other places,) immensely detract from the credibility of the entire site.

If your board is set up for that, then fine. There are sites like that, and they can be fun. But if you are trying to have a legit discussion forum, then, in my opinion, it is extremely bad form- and I have said so before, and will say so again.

my $.02
I also have no issue with things like the 'idiot box'. I have used it myself a few times.

eddo strikes at the heart of the issue, rules and the fair delivery of those rules for a community.

How many people here have respect for cops who speed all over the place (not on a call) but issue tickets to you for speeding? How many of us have heard about a wife of a important person getting let go for a DUI? Is that fair? Do you feel respect for the system when that system is corrupt?

This is why I asked Bender what rule I had violated to justify the punishment he was issuing. I give him credit in admitting there was no violation but is that even worse? Openly admitting he is only serving his own anger just goes to prove there is no stability for members to rely on.
Still crying I see.
lol, well when you are crying about how unfair it is for me to hand you you're azz in debates with your obsessive and childish behaviors, I don't think it is out of line to point out what you have done.

Most bullies like you want to complain when their behavior is exposed Bender. Chi, Emkay, Builder, all the usual suspects love to be abusive and gangbang people but the second their bully tactics are exposed they claim it is crying. You have good company, you are just like them now, enjoy, lol.