

Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

> <>, it appeared

> metro-golden-meower <> had made a clean

> getaway:

>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:47:41 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>><> wrote:


>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:25:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:26:09 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:11:00 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:21 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38:15 -0800, <>

>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>'80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>about something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>> they let brits in here? KILL ALL BRITS ON OUTING.


>>>>>>>>>>>I think some of these people are French.


>>>>>>>>>> they get NUKED on principle.


>>>>>>>>>> NUKE FRANCE!


>>>>>>>>>You wouldn't be concerned about some sort of prevailing winds

>>>>>>>>>blowing radiation back over the channel?


>>>>>>>> not at all. the wind blows across us to europe as a general rule.


>>>>>>>Ah. In that case, nuke away. It's been far too long since we've

>>>>>>>had a **** good ginormous nuclear detonation.


>>>>>> its just a shame Team American (**** yeah) isn't doing it, you guys

>>>>>> have more nukes than we do. i think i should watch team america

>>>>>> again, i laughed my **** off when they ****** up paris big stylie.


>>>>>You can have some if you want to nuke France. Just be sure to make

>>>>>good videos.


>>>> we could do it like gulf war 1 the tv series and have a camera on

>>>> them right up until impact.


>>>That'll work, but I want some distance high speed footage, too.


>>and why not. we could put it on youtube.


> I think we would need some people with machine guns to shoot any

> surviving Frenchies ... you never know how many of them have lead lined

> fridges and might try and pull an Indiana Jones on us.

Wow, you people...well, one human - one chicken, are really vicious.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>So which is it, pc?




>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hopeless idiot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/12/2008
















Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.


Tim Weaver

metro-golden-meower wrote:

> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:48:25 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

> <> wrote:


>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:26:06 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>> <> wrote:


>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:27:57 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:09:36 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:23:28 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 07:35:29 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>I miss this excellent show:




>>>>>>>>>>> i never liked it myself. i know it was ahead of the time etc,

>>>>>>>>>>> yet, i still didn't care for it.


>>>>>>>>>>If the hot chick had just been Scottish and had a bit more

>>>>>>>>>>bounce in her b00bies...


>>>>>>>>> you'd have been jerking off to cyberpr0n.


>>>>>>>>Which is a bad thing, how?


>>>>>>> over a real women. fair enough. a computer generated and imagined

>>>>>>> one. now that's just tacky.


>>>>>>If the goal is achieved, how you get there is irrelevant.


>>>>> there is a certain logic to that. but still...


>>>>Still nothing. When you're doin' it by yer self, the goal is all that



>>> for some reason i have the song 'sisters are doing it for themselves'

>>> in my head. i wonder what that means?


>>It means you're a perv. This is a good thing.


> after the spoon and the cream up your bunghole thing, i'm not so sure

> being a perv is something i'd want to be.

Being a perv is great because you can do all sorts of different things and

still be considered a perv. Don't like spoon feeding your *** whipped

cream? No problem; stick needles in your *****, pee on your girlfriend,

*** the dog, etc. Pervs wear many hats.


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.


Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

> <>, it appeared Tim

> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>> <>, it appeared Wavy G

>>> <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>After I wiped off my hand and pulled up my pants, I decided to read

>>>>what "Tim Weaver" actually had to say:


>>>>>Wavy G wrote:


>>>>>> After I wiped off my hand and pulled up my pants, I decided to read

>>>>>> what " sychotic <c>hicken" actually had to say:


>>>>>>>Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>><>, it

>>>>>>>appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>> " sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>'80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>about something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>> typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> So which is it, pc?


>>>>>>>>>>>>He's a Brit. Get him to post the link to the video back when

>>>>>>>>>>>>he trolled some young innocents and was on some TeeVee show.


>>>>>>>>>>>>(and get a good look at that mustache...)


>>>>>>>>>>> It was a good mustache. So good in fact that George Michael

>>>>>>>>>>> felt compelled to copy it in subsequent months.


>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the mustache in all its glory


>>>>>>>>>>I had to watch it again. I must admit, I did like the end where

>>>>>>>>>>the guy and the chick were whining about making moral judgments

>>>>>>>>>>and then expressing an opinion, like it's a bad thing.


>>>>>>>>> Yay ... you watched it again. I watch it 10 times a day on

>>>>>>>>> principle. Soon it will be the most popular video on YouTube and

>>>>>>>>> I'll be starring in my own Hollywood blockbuster movies as a

>>>>>>>>> result.


>>>>>>>>> Nothing can stop my plan for world domination bwahahahahahahaha.


>>>>>>>>You might want to pull back on the reigns a bit. Self realization

>>>>>>>>about delusions of grandeur always lead to depression.


>>>>>>>Fine ... I'll be the funniest man in my Hollywood blockbuster ...

>>>>>>>while all the time really I am crying on the inside.


>>>>>>>Happy ?


>>>>>> This video is still a bit odd to me. I mean, you're hanging out in

>>>>>> a restaurant (or whatever you people call them over there) with

>>>>>> people you met--and trolled--on the Internet. That kind of stuff

>>>>>> NEVER happens to me.


>>>>>Do you ~want~ it to happen to you?


>>>>Sure, why not? In reality, I'd probably just clam up and be nice to

>>>>them. Usenet has the advantage that I can say whatever I want and no

>>>>one can punch me.


>>> ...but .... BUT .... they were slimeballs.


>>> Dealing with slimeballs on TV and not getting punched is an art form.


>>No, no. You were trying to defend yourself by insinuating what you were

>>doing was NOT trolling and it wasn't all that bad. And you were very

>>polite to the trollees.


> Yay ... I WIN ... AGAIN !!!!!!

No, you lose, you losing loser.

I win! AGAIN!!!


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.


Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

> <>, it appeared Tim

> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>> <>, it appeared Tim

>>> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>> " sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\""> wrote

>>>>>>>>>>> in message

>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it appeared

>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Wavy G <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( )

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame '80s

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it about

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with you

>>>>>>>>>>>> >> if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left right

>>>>>>>>>>>> and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>> AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a typo.

>>>>>>>>>>> See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>> So which is it, pc?


>>>>>>>>>>He's a Brit. Get him to post the link to the video back when he

>>>>>>>>>>trolled some young innocents and was on some TeeVee show.


>>>>>>>>>>(and get a good look at that mustache...)


>>>>>>>>> It was a good mustache. So good in fact that George Michael felt

>>>>>>>>> compelled to copy it in subsequent months.


>>>>>>>>> Here is the mustache in all its glory


>>>>>>>>I had to watch it again. I must admit, I did like the end where the

>>>>>>>>guy and the chick were whining about making moral judgments and then

>>>>>>>>expressing an opinion, like it's a bad thing.


>>>>>>> Yay ... you watched it again. I watch it 10 times a day on

>>>>>>> principle. Soon it will be the most popular video on YouTube and

>>>>>>> I'll be starring in my own Hollywood blockbuster movies as a result.


>>>>>>> Nothing can stop my plan for world domination bwahahahahahahaha.


>>>>>>You might want to pull back on the reigns a bit. Self realization

>>>>>>about delusions of grandeur always lead to depression.


>>>>> Fine ... I'll be the funniest man in my Hollywood blockbuster ...

>>>>> while all the time really I am crying on the inside.


>>>>> Happy ?


>>>>I'll be happy once you're contemplating throwing yourself into a vat of

>>>>boiling grease.



>>> Perhaps you expect me to conveniently pluck all my lovely feathers

>>> before I do this.


>>Yes. Begin now.


> NO ... I WON'T !!!!!!


> YAY ... I WIN ... AGAIN !!!!!

You will do what I tell you to do or suffer the wrath of an angry ***.


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.



Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

<>, it appeared Tim

Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>> <>, it appeared Tim

>> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>> <>, it appeared Tim

>>>> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>>>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>> " sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\""> wrote

>>>>>>>>>>>> in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it appeared

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Wavy G <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( )

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame '80s

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it about

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with you

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left right

>>>>>>>>>>>>> and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>> AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a typo.

>>>>>>>>>>>> See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>> So which is it, pc?


>>>>>>>>>>>He's a Brit. Get him to post the link to the video back when he

>>>>>>>>>>>trolled some young innocents and was on some TeeVee show.


>>>>>>>>>>>(and get a good look at that mustache...)


>>>>>>>>>> It was a good mustache. So good in fact that George Michael felt

>>>>>>>>>> compelled to copy it in subsequent months.


>>>>>>>>>> Here is the mustache in all its glory


>>>>>>>>>I had to watch it again. I must admit, I did like the end where the

>>>>>>>>>guy and the chick were whining about making moral judgments and then

>>>>>>>>>expressing an opinion, like it's a bad thing.


>>>>>>>> Yay ... you watched it again. I watch it 10 times a day on

>>>>>>>> principle. Soon it will be the most popular video on YouTube and

>>>>>>>> I'll be starring in my own Hollywood blockbuster movies as a result.


>>>>>>>> Nothing can stop my plan for world domination bwahahahahahahaha.


>>>>>>>You might want to pull back on the reigns a bit. Self realization

>>>>>>>about delusions of grandeur always lead to depression.


>>>>>> Fine ... I'll be the funniest man in my Hollywood blockbuster ...

>>>>>> while all the time really I am crying on the inside.


>>>>>> Happy ?


>>>>>I'll be happy once you're contemplating throwing yourself into a vat of

>>>>>boiling grease.



>>>> Perhaps you expect me to conveniently pluck all my lovely feathers

>>>> before I do this.


>>>Yes. Begin now.


>> NO ... I WON'T !!!!!!


>> YAY ... I WIN ... AGAIN !!!!!


>You will do what I tell you to do or suffer the wrath of an angry ***.

If you are a *** then I don't believe in you.

Yay !!! I WIN BIG TIME !


sychotic <c>hicken

Friends intervene on Friends.

Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!

> If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot.


Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008



Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

<>, it appeared Tim

Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>> <>, it appeared

>> metro-golden-meower <> had made a clean

>> getaway:

>>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:47:41 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>><> wrote:


>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:25:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:26:09 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:11:00 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:21 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38:15 -0800, <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>'80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>about something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> they let brits in here? KILL ALL BRITS ON OUTING.


>>>>>>>>>>>>I think some of these people are French.


>>>>>>>>>>> they get NUKED on principle.


>>>>>>>>>>> NUKE FRANCE!


>>>>>>>>>>You wouldn't be concerned about some sort of prevailing winds

>>>>>>>>>>blowing radiation back over the channel?


>>>>>>>>> not at all. the wind blows across us to europe as a general rule.


>>>>>>>>Ah. In that case, nuke away. It's been far too long since we've

>>>>>>>>had a **** good ginormous nuclear detonation.


>>>>>>> its just a shame Team American (**** yeah) isn't doing it, you guys

>>>>>>> have more nukes than we do. i think i should watch team america

>>>>>>> again, i laughed my **** off when they ****** up paris big stylie.


>>>>>>You can have some if you want to nuke France. Just be sure to make

>>>>>>good videos.


>>>>> we could do it like gulf war 1 the tv series and have a camera on

>>>>> them right up until impact.


>>>>That'll work, but I want some distance high speed footage, too.


>>>and why not. we could put it on youtube.


>> I think we would need some people with machine guns to shoot any

>> surviving Frenchies ... you never know how many of them have lead lined

>> fridges and might try and pull an Indiana Jones on us.


>Wow, you people...well, one human - one chicken, are really vicious.

Actually we are really being kind to the Frenchies in the only way that

is possible.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So which is it, pc?




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hopeless idiot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/12/2008



















sychotic <c>hicken

Friends intervene on Friends.

Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!

> If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot.


Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008


Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

> <>, it appeared Tim

> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>> <>, it appeared

>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>> " sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>'80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>about something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>> typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> So which is it, pc?


>>>>>>>>>>>>He's a Brit. Get him to post the link to the video back when

>>>>>>>>>>>>he trolled some young innocents and was on some TeeVee show.


>>>>>>>>>>>>(and get a good look at that mustache...)


>>>>>>>>>>> It was a good mustache. So good in fact that George Michael

>>>>>>>>>>> felt compelled to copy it in subsequent months.


>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the mustache in all its glory


>>>>>>>>>>I had to watch it again. I must admit, I did like the end where

>>>>>>>>>>the guy and the chick were whining about making moral judgments

>>>>>>>>>>and then expressing an opinion, like it's a bad thing.


>>>>>>>>> Yay ... you watched it again. I watch it 10 times a day on

>>>>>>>>> principle. Soon it will be the most popular video on YouTube and

>>>>>>>>> I'll be starring in my own Hollywood blockbuster movies as a

>>>>>>>>> result.


>>>>>>>>> Nothing can stop my plan for world domination bwahahahahahahaha.


>>>>>>>>You might want to pull back on the reigns a bit. Self realization

>>>>>>>>about delusions of grandeur always lead to depression.


>>>>>>> Fine ... I'll be the funniest man in my Hollywood blockbuster ...

>>>>>>> while all the time really I am crying on the inside.


>>>>>>> Happy ?


>>>>>>I'll be happy once you're contemplating throwing yourself into a vat

>>>>>>of boiling grease.



>>>>> Perhaps you expect me to conveniently pluck all my lovely feathers

>>>>> before I do this.


>>>>Yes. Begin now.


>>> NO ... I WON'T !!!!!!


>>> YAY ... I WIN ... AGAIN !!!!!


>>You will do what I tell you to do or suffer the wrath of an angry ***.


> If you are a *** then I don't believe in you.


> Yay !!! I WIN BIG TIME !

I didn't say I was a ***, Chicken Boy, only that you would suffer the wrath

of an angry one. Pay attention, eh?

I win! AGAIN!!!


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.


Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

> <>, it appeared Tim

> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>> <>, it appeared

>>> metro-golden-meower <> had made a clean

>>> getaway:

>>>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:47:41 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>><> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:25:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:26:09 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:11:00 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:21 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38:15 -0800, <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>'80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>about something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they let brits in here? KILL ALL BRITS ON OUTING.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think some of these people are French.


>>>>>>>>>>>> they get NUKED on principle.


>>>>>>>>>>>> NUKE FRANCE!


>>>>>>>>>>>You wouldn't be concerned about some sort of prevailing winds

>>>>>>>>>>>blowing radiation back over the channel?


>>>>>>>>>> not at all. the wind blows across us to europe as a general rule.


>>>>>>>>>Ah. In that case, nuke away. It's been far too long since we've

>>>>>>>>>had a **** good ginormous nuclear detonation.


>>>>>>>> its just a shame Team American (**** yeah) isn't doing it, you guys

>>>>>>>> have more nukes than we do. i think i should watch team america

>>>>>>>> again, i laughed my **** off when they ****** up paris big stylie.


>>>>>>>You can have some if you want to nuke France. Just be sure to make

>>>>>>>good videos.


>>>>>> we could do it like gulf war 1 the tv series and have a camera on

>>>>>> them right up until impact.


>>>>>That'll work, but I want some distance high speed footage, too.


>>>>and why not. we could put it on youtube.


>>> I think we would need some people with machine guns to shoot any

>>> surviving Frenchies ... you never know how many of them have lead lined

>>> fridges and might try and pull an Indiana Jones on us.


>>Wow, you people...well, one human - one chicken, are really vicious.


> Actually we are really being kind to the Frenchies in the only way that

> is possible.

How do you define "kind"?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So which is it, pc?




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hopeless idiot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/12/2008




















Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.



Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

<>, it appeared Tim

Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>> <>, it appeared Tim

>> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>> metro-golden-meower <> had made a clean

>>>> getaway:

>>>>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:47:41 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>><> wrote:


>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:25:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:26:09 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:11:00 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:21 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38:15 -0800, <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some lame

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>'80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread, and make it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>about something a little more holiday oriented. WHO'S

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked left

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they let brits in here? KILL ALL BRITS ON OUTING.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think some of these people are French.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> they get NUKED on principle.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> NUKE FRANCE!


>>>>>>>>>>>>You wouldn't be concerned about some sort of prevailing winds

>>>>>>>>>>>>blowing radiation back over the channel?


>>>>>>>>>>> not at all. the wind blows across us to europe as a general rule.


>>>>>>>>>>Ah. In that case, nuke away. It's been far too long since we've

>>>>>>>>>>had a **** good ginormous nuclear detonation.


>>>>>>>>> its just a shame Team American (**** yeah) isn't doing it, you guys

>>>>>>>>> have more nukes than we do. i think i should watch team america

>>>>>>>>> again, i laughed my **** off when they ****** up paris big stylie.


>>>>>>>>You can have some if you want to nuke France. Just be sure to make

>>>>>>>>good videos.


>>>>>>> we could do it like gulf war 1 the tv series and have a camera on

>>>>>>> them right up until impact.


>>>>>>That'll work, but I want some distance high speed footage, too.


>>>>>and why not. we could put it on youtube.


>>>> I think we would need some people with machine guns to shoot any

>>>> surviving Frenchies ... you never know how many of them have lead lined

>>>> fridges and might try and pull an Indiana Jones on us.


>>>Wow, you people...well, one human - one chicken, are really vicious.


>> Actually we are really being kind to the Frenchies in the only way that

>> is possible.


>How do you define "kind"?

Humanely ending their miserable existence of course.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So which is it, pc?




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hopeless idiot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/12/2008























sychotic <c>hicken

Friends intervene on Friends.

Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!

> If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot.


Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008


Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

> <>, it appeared Tim

> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>> <>, it appeared

>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>> metro-golden-meower <> had made a

>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:47:41 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>><> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:25:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:26:09 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:11:00 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:21 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38:15 -0800,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in message


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>box ( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>lame '80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>and make it about something a little more holiday

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>oriented. WHO'S WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> with you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> left right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they let brits in here? KILL ALL BRITS ON OUTING.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think some of these people are French.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they get NUKED on principle.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NUKE FRANCE!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>You wouldn't be concerned about some sort of prevailing winds

>>>>>>>>>>>>>blowing radiation back over the channel?


>>>>>>>>>>>> not at all. the wind blows across us to europe as a general

>>>>>>>>>>>> rule.


>>>>>>>>>>>Ah. In that case, nuke away. It's been far too long since

>>>>>>>>>>>we've had a **** good ginormous nuclear detonation.


>>>>>>>>>> its just a shame Team American (**** yeah) isn't doing it, you

>>>>>>>>>> guys have more nukes than we do. i think i should watch team

>>>>>>>>>> america again, i laughed my **** off when they ****** up paris

>>>>>>>>>> big stylie.


>>>>>>>>>You can have some if you want to nuke France. Just be sure to

>>>>>>>>>make good videos.


>>>>>>>> we could do it like gulf war 1 the tv series and have a camera on

>>>>>>>> them right up until impact.


>>>>>>>That'll work, but I want some distance high speed footage, too.


>>>>>>and why not. we could put it on youtube.


>>>>> I think we would need some people with machine guns to shoot any

>>>>> surviving Frenchies ... you never know how many of them have lead

>>>>> lined fridges and might try and pull an Indiana Jones on us.


>>>>Wow, you people...well, one human - one chicken, are really vicious.


>>> Actually we are really being kind to the Frenchies in the only way

>>> that is possible.


>>How do you define "kind"?


> Humanely ending their miserable existence of course.

Seems a bit harsh. Kind of how I feel about YOU ! But, I have a reason;

I'm hungry.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So which is it, pc?




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is working!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hopeless idiot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/12/2008
























Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.



Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

<>, it appeared Tim

Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>> <>, it appeared Tim

>> Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>> Tim Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>> <>, it appeared

>>>>>> metro-golden-meower <> had made a

>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:47:41 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>><> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:25:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:26:09 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:11:00 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:21 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38:15 -0800,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill Jillians\"">

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in message


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> appeared Wavy G <> had made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>box ( ) YES ( ) NO:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>I miss this excellent show:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>The first post of "X-Mas" Day, and it's about some

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>lame '80s cartoon? I say we "reboot" this thread,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>and make it about something a little more holiday

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>oriented. WHO'S WITH ME?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I'm always with you Wavy G .... but I'm especially

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> with you if we are against TIMOTHY.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > plonk


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... and I'm even more with you if I'm being plonked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> left right and centre.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AHA!! Either sychotic <c>hicken is a Brit, or he made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a typo. See "centre" in the above line.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they let brits in here? KILL ALL BRITS ON OUTING.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think some of these people are French.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they get NUKED on principle.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NUKE FRANCE!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You wouldn't be concerned about some sort of prevailing winds

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>blowing radiation back over the channel?


>>>>>>>>>>>>> not at all. the wind blows across us to europe as a general

>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule.


>>>>>>>>>>>>Ah. In that case, nuke away. It's been far too long since

>>>>>>>>>>>>we've had a **** good ginormous nuclear detonation.


>>>>>>>>>>> its just a shame Team American (**** yeah) isn't doing it, you

>>>>>>>>>>> guys have more nukes than we do. i think i should watch team

>>>>>>>>>>> america again, i laughed my **** off when they ****** up paris

>>>>>>>>>>> big stylie.


>>>>>>>>>>You can have some if you want to nuke France. Just be sure to

>>>>>>>>>>make good videos.


>>>>>>>>> we could do it like gulf war 1 the tv series and have a camera on

>>>>>>>>> them right up until impact.


>>>>>>>>That'll work, but I want some distance high speed footage, too.


>>>>>>>and why not. we could put it on youtube.


>>>>>> I think we would need some people with machine guns to shoot any

>>>>>> surviving Frenchies ... you never know how many of them have lead

>>>>>> lined fridges and might try and pull an Indiana Jones on us.


>>>>>Wow, you people...well, one human - one chicken, are really vicious.


>>>> Actually we are really being kind to the Frenchies in the only way

>>>> that is possible.


>>>How do you define "kind"?


>> Humanely ending their miserable existence of course.


>Seems a bit harsh. Kind of how I feel about YOU ! But, I have a reason;

>I'm hungry.

Well there will be plenty of Frogs Legs left on the menu for you after

we are finished.




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So which is it, pc?




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is working!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hopeless idiot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/12/2008



























sychotic <c>hicken

Friends intervene on Friends.

Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!

> If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot.


Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008



On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 18:27:01 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

<> wrote:

>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:48:25 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>> <> wrote:


>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:26:06 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:27:57 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:09:36 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:23:28 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 07:35:29 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>I miss this excellent show:




>>>>>>>>>>>> i never liked it myself. i know it was ahead of the time etc,

>>>>>>>>>>>> yet, i still didn't care for it.


>>>>>>>>>>>If the hot chick had just been Scottish and had a bit more

>>>>>>>>>>>bounce in her b00bies...


>>>>>>>>>> you'd have been jerking off to cyberpr0n.


>>>>>>>>>Which is a bad thing, how?


>>>>>>>> over a real women. fair enough. a computer generated and imagined

>>>>>>>> one. now that's just tacky.


>>>>>>>If the goal is achieved, how you get there is irrelevant.


>>>>>> there is a certain logic to that. but still...


>>>>>Still nothing. When you're doin' it by yer self, the goal is all that



>>>> for some reason i have the song 'sisters are doing it for themselves'

>>>> in my head. i wonder what that means?


>>>It means you're a perv. This is a good thing.


>> after the spoon and the cream up your bunghole thing, i'm not so sure

>> being a perv is something i'd want to be.


>Being a perv is great because you can do all sorts of different things and

>still be considered a perv. Don't like spoon feeding your *** whipped

>cream? No problem; stick needles in your *****, pee on your girlfriend,

>*** the dog, etc. Pervs wear many hats.

well, you seem to know about it. i'd just rather not see your home

movie collection or find out what kind of family life you had as a


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