Red Lake High School Shooting

Yeh I read about this today, he was obsessed with Hitler, and neo-nazi ism. Some people just need to be cared for... unfortunately it comes down to this. And now people are going to blame rap music, heavy metal music, violent video games/films.
That's so terrible.

I'm in England, so thank God these things are pretty non-happening here, but kids bring knives to school instead of guns :( This world is so sad and scary... makes you wonder why this sh!t happens, it really does.
I haven't read the newspaper in a while, so I haven't heard of this till now. It's a really aweful feeling to know that this happened in real life and it's just really horrible. Words can't express how saddening it is. I didn't think there would be any more of these high school shootings like the columbine one. It's so scary =( I don't know how anything can justify what the kid did, it's easy to blame the parents, the school, the people who bullied him, but when it comes down to it, who knows why. I just hope there won't be anymore similar incidents like this one. It really is sad. Rip to those who died, and my thoughts are out to those involved and affected by this.
Klaudia said:
I have heard about it too. I'm scared.. I mean I'm going to America next year and this country make me more and more scared...
It's horrible and inhuman...

do you live in Germany, now?

it's really not THAT bad of a country. in my opinion, the only reason it's violent is because we have way too much freedom and comforts. everyone has to be pleased or nothing will work. thats bs.
i think it is totally digusting that even schools are getting to the point where you can't even be safe there.. this kid had problems.. no listened or cared.. they just critized and it drove him over the edge.. but it is pathetic that he thought he had to take it that far.. instead of putting out signals.. sometimes.. the person that needs the help should just ask.. i mean putting out signals can be useful but when no one notices than instead of solving the problem by killing people.. that person should just ask for help... i feel bad for him that he had that kind of life but then again i also feel all of hate toward him cuz he killed those people.. its disgusting.. i mean.. that could happen at your highschool and you wouldn't know it.. until its too late!
KillMeImIrish said:
do you live in Germany, now?

it's really not THAT bad of a country. in my opinion, the only reason it's violent is because we have way too much freedom and comforts. everyone has to be pleased or nothing will work. thats bs.
No, I live in Poland. I hope you're right
People here don't have guns so we don't have such terrible instances...
Read it today in the newspaper.. very wrong and sad.. these kids who were threatned should have brought it to someones attention.. no one should kid with this kind if stuff...

Thoughts for friends and family.
i read in the newspaper that he was a nazi and that he smiled while shooting people. but it really scared me because i thought that nazi died out at the end of the world wars. But i think everyone has to stop blameing it on the fact that he was a goth. because that only spreads more predudice (sp). i think people are blameing it him being a goth because they need to find a scapegoat.
he wasn't a nazi he just followed hitler's "beliefs" whatever those may be.. like i said before.. he is a COPYCAT of the Columbine Highschool shooting... the kids that shot up Columbine did it on Hitler's b-day, they followed his "beliefs", they asked the Victims if they believed in God or not.. i mean this Wiese kid did the same.. he is a twisted psycho freak who should have been under lock down from the first threat!..... which is pathetic.. that no one cared or even thought about what this kid was capable of... they didn't care about him or what he thought.. we was some loner to them.... they made fun of him.. and he struck back.. times 10.. which should have never happened... he is sick.. and there are kids just like him at other highschools waiting for their moment to show how they feel..... think about it