Red State School Violence

<> wrote in message news:fdutgi$76a$
> In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:
> The subject is the horrid amount of violence
> in the Red Nation School System...

Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the number
of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?
In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:

> > Typical Red Stater. I put up a list of mass murders in the Red Nation
> > school system, you say that equals "what happens", but then you deny
> > talking about mass murders of children.

> I don't deny those mass murders happenned.

I never said you did. You and the Red State Presidents, like Bush and
Clinton, have a HARD time understanding even what comes out of your own

What you said was that in Urban Areas, what the list includes happens
every day. The list includes many mass murders of children. So you said
that mass murders of children happen every day in urban areas.

You are wrong. You are full of ****. You don't know what you are talking
about. You are a typical Red Stater.

Now change the subject, just like a good Red Stater. You've tried several
times, and you've never acknwledged your many errors. Typical ignorant
liar. Typical Red Stater.
In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message news:fdutgi$76a$
> > In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:
> > The subject is the horrid amount of violence
> > in the Red Nation School System...

> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the number
> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

It is horrid because lots of innocent children and young adults were
killed. I know that in the Red States, this sort of thing is commonplace.
But the normal folks in this country see it as horrible.

And you have yet to show that your guess about "black urban America" has
any basis in reality. I know that you Red Staters aren't too much into
facts, given how inconvenient they can be, and instead focus on your
opinions. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but no Red Stater
is entitled to his own facts.

So put up or shut up.

If you want to see what reality is, as opposed to your fantasy opinions, I
suggest you look up the murder rates in Memphis and New Orleans. They are
not a pretty picture. All those shithole cities in Red Nation may as well
be in Mexico.
In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:

> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the number
> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

Let's face facts, Red Stater.

Look up the top cities in the US and Red Nation for murder rates per
100,000 population. Well OVER half those cites are in Red Nation. Well
UNDER half those cities are in the United States of America.

Yes indeed, if there is a problem with murder in cities, it is the Red
Nation cities which cause most of it. Red Nation pooh-poohs their problem
keeping school kids from killing each other. Then they claim the problem
exists, but they don't have to worry about it because "black urban
America" has murders too. But it is the RED STATES urban areas which have
the highest murder rates!

If you look at the actual facts of the situation, rather than believing
random Red State fantasies, it turns out that the most murderous cities in
North America are RED STATE CITIES.

But Red Staters hate facts. Facts make it more difficult for Red Staters
to maintain their ignorant opinions. It is easier to just wave their
hands and mumble something about cities, as if that means something.

Sorry Red Stater. In the real world, we use facts to shape our opinions,
and not fantasy.
<> wrote in message news:fdutgi$76a$
> In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:
>> Bullshit: most urban ghettos are in solid "true blue" liberal voting
>> areas.
>> Try: Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Washington DC - the list
>> goes
>> on and on of high crime cities run by the libbies.

>> Too bad your bias covers your eyes, eh?

> Typical Red State response. The subject is the horrid amount of violence
> in the Red Nation School System, and all the Red Stater can offer is
> hand-waving about "libbies".

LOL! You sure don't know **** about what's happening - even in Oakland - do
<> wrote in message news:fe0mf5$81s$
> In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> news:fdutgi$76a$
>> > In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:
>> > The subject is the horrid amount of violence
>> > in the Red Nation School System...

>> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the
>> number
>> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

> It is horrid because lots of innocent children and young adults were
> killed. I know that in the Red States, this sort of thing is commonplace.
> But the normal folks in this country see it as horrible.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Please re-read what Mr. Games
outlined here for you.
<> wrote in message news:fe0o19$2r7$
> In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
>> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the
>> number
>> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

> Let's face facts, Red Stater.
> Look up the top cities in the US and Red Nation for murder rates per
> 100,000 population. Well OVER half those cites are in Red Nation. Well
> UNDER half those cities are in the United States of America.
> Yes indeed, if there is a problem with murder in cities, it is the Red
> Nation cities which cause most of it. Red Nation pooh-poohs their problem
> keeping school kids from killing each other. Then they claim the problem
> exists, but they don't have to worry about it because "black urban
> America" has murders too. But it is the RED STATES urban areas which have
> the highest murder rates!

And aren't those "red state urban areas" cities run by - gasp - liberal
<> wrote in message news:fe0o19$2r7$


In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:

> <> wrote in message news:fe0mf5$81s$
> >
> >> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the
> >> number
> >> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

> >
> > It is horrid because lots of innocent children and young adults were
> > killed. I know that in the Red States, this sort of thing is commonplace.
> > But the normal folks in this country see it as horrible.

> Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Please re-read what Mr. Games
> outlined here for you.

He "outlined" nothing. He made some outandish claim about some vauge
group called black urban America. He substantiated nothing.

I find it hard to deny that Columbine an VT were horrid, even if he has
fantasies about worse events.
In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:

> And aren't those "red state urban areas" cities run by - gasp - liberal
> Democrats?

They are run by Red Staters. Biloxi is run by Red Staters. Selma too.
Houston, Phoenix, Albequerque and every other Red State Shithole is run by
Red Staters.

Why can't Red Staters take personal responsibility? Why must they always
blame somebody else?

You point out horrific shcool violence in Red Nation, and they mumble
something about cities. You prove that most of the violent cities are in
Red Nation, and they change the subject once again to political parties.
These Red Staters will NEVER accept personal responsibility. Typical.
In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:
> >
> > Typical Red State response. The subject is the horrid amount of violence
> > in the Red Nation School System, and all the Red Stater can offer is
> > hand-waving about "libbies".

> LOL! You sure don't know **** about what's happening - even in Oakland - do
> you?

What I know about Oakland don't enter into it. I DO know that Red Staters
can't discuss the reality of school violece in Red Nation. They just try
to change the subject.

The facts are the facts:

1. Horrific violence too often ocurrs in the Red Nation School

2. Red Nation refuses to even acknowledge their problems.
<> wrote in message news:fe0lse$81s$
> In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
>> > Typical Red Stater. I put up a list of mass murders in the Red Nation
>> > school system, you say that equals "what happens", but then you deny
>> > talking about mass murders of children.

>> I don't deny those mass murders happenned.

> I never said you did. You and the Red State Presidents, like Bush and
> Clinton, have a HARD time understanding even what comes out of your own
> mouths.
> What you said was that in Urban Areas, what the list includes happens
> every day. The list includes many mass murders of children. So you said
> that mass murders of children happen every day in urban areas.

No, fool, I didn't say that.

Being a fool in public is all the more worse when you LIE.

> You are wrong. You are full of ****. You don't know what you are talking
> about. You are a typical Red Stater.

"16,400 people were murdered in the United States in 2005... ...the number
of black people slain 8,000 in 2005."

"Black people living in cities were more likely to be violent crime victims
than people living in suburban or rural areas."

> Now change the subject, just like a good Red Stater. You've tried several
> times, and you've never acknwledged your many errors. Typical ignorant
> liar. Typical Red Stater.

Your list had 64 murders in TEN YEARS.

In America's Blue Urban cities we see nearly 45 murders EVERY DAY.

You thought you'd be cute and post something about Red States.

Instead you were caught in public being a fool and a LIAR.

Now take your public-school ******ed ass home.
<> wrote in message news:fe0mf5$81s$
> In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> news:fdutgi$76a$
>> > In misc.survivalism Felix D. <> wrote:
>> > The subject is the horrid amount of violence
>> > in the Red Nation School System...

>> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the
>> number
>> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

> It is horrid because lots of innocent children and young adults were
> killed. I know that in the Red States, this sort of thing is commonplace.
> But the normal folks in this country see it as horrible.

Your list had 64 murders in ten years. That's one every two months. I'm
glad you think that's commonplace for Red States.

> And you have yet to show that your guess about "black urban America" has
> any basis in reality.

Standard Federal Regions
The ten standard Federal Regions were established by OMB (Office of
Management and Budget) Circular A-105, "Standard Federal Regions," in April,
1974, and required for all executive agencies.

Region I: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
Region II: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region III: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
Region IV: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee
Region V: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Region VI: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma
Region VII: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region VIII: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
Region IX: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada (American Samoa, Guam,
Northern Mariana Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands)
Region X: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

Table 4: Crime in the United States by Region, Geographic Division, and
State, 2004-2005.

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
Number - Rate per 100,000 - 2005

Region I:
Connecticut 102 2.9
Maine 19 1.4
Massachusetts 175 2.7
New Hampshire 18 1.4
Rhode Island 34 3.2
Vermont 8 1.3
Totals: 356 2.2

Region II:
New Jersey 417 4.8
New York 874 4.5
Puerto Rico 766 19.6
Totals: 2,057 9.6 (-PR: 4.7)

Region III:
Delaware 37 4.4
District of Columbia 195 35.4
Maryland 552 9.9
Pennsylvania 756 6.1
Virginia 461 6.1
West Virginia 80 4.4
Totals: 2,081 11.1

Region IV:
Alabama 374 8.2
Florida 883 5.0
Georgia 564 6.2
Kentucky 190 4.6
Mississippi 214 7.3
North Carolina 585 6.7
South Carolina 315 7.4
Tennessee 432 7.2
Totals: 3,557 6.6

Region V:
Illinois 766 6.0
Indiana 356 5.7
Michigan 616 6.1
Minnesota 115 2.2
Ohio 585 5.1
Wisconsin 194 3.5
Totals: 2,632 4.8

Region VI:
Arkansas 186 6.7
Louisiana 450 9.9
New Mexico 143 7.4
Texas 1,407 6.2
Oklahoma 187 5.3
Totals: 2,373 7.1

Region VII:
Iowa 38 1.3
Kansas 102 3.7
Missouri 402 6.9
Nebraska 44 2.5
Totals: 586 3.6

Region VIII:
Colorado 173 3.7
Montana 18 1.9
North Dakota 7 1.1
South Dakota 18 2.3
Utah 56 2.3
Wyoming 14 2.7
Totals: 286 2.3

Region IX:
Arizona 445 7.5
California 2,503 6.9
Hawaii 24 1.9
Nevada 206 8.5
Totals: 3,178 6.2

Region X:
Alaska 32 4.8
Idaho 35 2.4
Oregon 80 2.2
Washington 205 3.3
Totals: 352 3.2

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
Number - Rate per 100,000 - 2005
Highest to Lowest

Region III: 2,081 11.1
Region VI: 2,373 7.1
Region IV: 3,557 6.6
Region IX: 3,178 6.2
Region V: 2,632 4.8
Region II: 2,057 9.6 (-PR: 4.7)
Region VII: 586 3.6
Region X: 352 3.2
Region VIII: 286 2.3
Region I: 356 2.2

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
Number - Rate per 100,000 - 2005
Regionalized: Highest to Lowest

Mid-Atlantic (III) 2,081 11.1
South Central (VI) 2,373 7.1
South (IV) 3,557 6.6
Southwest (IX) 3,178 6.2
Midwest (VII) 586 3.6
North Central (V + VIII) 2,918 3.6
Northeast (I + II) 2,413 3.45
Northwest (X) 352 3.2

> If you want to see what reality is, as opposed to your fantasy opinions, I
> suggest you look up the murder rates in Memphis and New Orleans. They are
> not a pretty picture. All those shithole cities in Red Nation may as well
> be in Mexico.

I'm thinking you might be a retard. The Mayor of Memphis is a black
Democrat. The Mayor of New Orleans is a black Democrat. Why didn't you
know that?
<> wrote in message news:fe0o19$2r7$
> In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
>> Explain how it can be "horrid" if it took TEN YEARS to accumulate the
>> number
>> of murders that occur IN ONE DAY in a black urban America?

> Let's face facts, Red Stater.
> Look up the top cities in the US and Red Nation for murder rates per
> 100,000 population. Well OVER half those cites are in Red Nation.

And they all have DEMOCRAT Mayors.

> But it is the RED STATES urban areas which have
> the highest murder rates!
> [...]
> Sorry Red Stater. In the real world, we use facts to shape our opinions,
> and not fantasy.

What facts? You haven't posted a single CITED fact.
In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message news:fe0mf5$81s$

> Your list had 64 murders in ten years. That's one every two months. I'm
> glad you think that's commonplace for Red States.

A horrible bloody murder in a Red Nation school every couple of months?
I hadn't realized that things were that bad.

If you don't like "commoplace", try "frequent". I would think that a
school murder every couple of YEARS would be seen as too many. But I guess
Red Staters think differently about Columbine and Virginia Tech. No big
deal? Is that what you are trying to say?

> > And you have yet to show that your guess about "black urban America" has
> > any basis in reality.

> Standard Federal Regions

What the heck do stats about big regions have to do with "black urban
America"? Your choice of stats mixes together New York City and the
Virgin Isands fer chrissakes!

> Region II: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands


So your guess about "black urban America" remains divorced from reality.
And I'm starting to think that you doen't have the candlepower to even
look it up.

> Region III: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia

And Lookee Here! Region III, with both Red and Bue states all mixed
together. Did you think that this somehow proved your point? And what the
heck was that point again?

> > If you want to see what reality is, as opposed to your fantasy opinions, I
> > suggest you look up the murder rates in Memphis and New Orleans. They are
> > not a pretty picture. All those shithole cities in Red Nation may as well
> > be in Mexico.

> I'm thinking you might be a retard. The Mayor of Memphis is a black
> Democrat. The Mayor of New Orleans is a black Democrat. Why didn't you
> know that?

Because we're talking about the horrible violence that is common in the
Red Nation School System? Because no matter what the party of the mayor,
he is a Red Stater, and Red States cities are all goddamned shitholes?
You seem to think that Red Nation contains no cities. Believe me, there
are plenty. And they are not nice places to be. Try spending some time
in Missoula. You'll become a believer REAL quick.
<> wrote in message news:fe4178$2sv$
> In misc.survivalism Patriot Games <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> news:fe0mf5$81s$
>> Your list had 64 murders in ten years. That's one every two months. I'm
>> glad you think that's commonplace for Red States.

> A horrible bloody murder in a Red Nation school every couple of months?
> I hadn't realized that things were that bad.
> If you don't like "commoplace", try "frequent". I would think that a
> school murder every couple of YEARS would be seen as too many. But I guess
> Red Staters think differently about Columbine and Virginia Tech. No big
> deal? Is that what you are trying to say?

A murder every couple of months represents incredible progress over Blue
City violence.

>> > And you have yet to show that your guess about "black urban America"
>> > has
>> > any basis in reality.

>> Standard Federal Regions

> What the heck do stats about big regions have to do with "black urban
> America"? Your choice of stats mixes together New York City and the
> Virgin Isands fer chrissakes!

If its too hard for you just say so.

>> Region II: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

> See?
> So your guess about "black urban America" remains divorced from reality.

Of course not.

> And I'm starting to think that you doen't have the candlepower to even
> look it up.
>> Region III: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia

> And Lookee Here! Region III, with both Red and Bue states all mixed
> together. Did you think that this somehow proved your point? And what the
> heck was that point again?

Compare the Regions and you'll quickly see that Blue City crime is out of

>> > If you want to see what reality is, as opposed to your fantasy
>> > opinions, I
>> > suggest you look up the murder rates in Memphis and New Orleans. They
>> > are
>> > not a pretty picture. All those shithole cities in Red Nation may as
>> > well
>> > be in Mexico.

>> I'm thinking you might be a retard. The Mayor of Memphis is a black
>> Democrat. The Mayor of New Orleans is a black Democrat. Why didn't you
>> know that?

> Because we're talking about the horrible violence that is common in the
> Red Nation School System?

There's no such thing as a "Red Nation School System."

> Because no matter what the party of the mayor,
> he is a Red Stater, and Red States cities are all goddamned shitholes?

The Mayor of New Orleans is a black Democrat. The Governor of Louisiana is
a Democrat. Louisiana's two Senators are split, one Dem, one Republican,
and the House Representatives are split 5 Republicans to 2 Democrats.

Tell me again how Louisiana is a Red State???

> You seem to think that Red Nation contains no cities. Believe me, there
> are plenty. And they are not nice places to be. Try spending some time
> in Missoula. You'll become a believer REAL quick.

"Missoula, MT, violent crime, on a scale from 1 (low crime) to 10, is 3.
Violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent
manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The US average
is 3."

Missoula is average. Try again. Or, better, go read up on FBI crime stats.
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 18:07:37 -0400, "Steve" <> wrote:

><> wrote in message news:fdjkti$l35$
>> This is a short list of some of the more notable atrocities committed in
>> the Red Nation public school system. It might be time for us to take over
>> their pubic schools, given how badly the Red States run them. It is one
>> thing for the Reds to ruin their own lives, but when their incompetence
>> ruins the lives of innocent chidren, good folks have to think about
>> stepping into the breach.

>Of course most states are "red states" at least for presidential election
>purposes and Stockton CA comes immediately to mind when it comes to school

You mean here in Blue California?..That Stockton? The one they
disarmed the victims in?

In misc.survivalism Gunner <> wrote:
> >
> >Of course most states are "red states" at least for presidential election
> >purposes and Stockton CA comes immediately to mind when it comes to school
> >shootings.
> >

> You mean here in Blue California?..That Stockton? The one they
> disarmed the victims in?

We had a problem in Stockton, yes. But the vast majority of the most
horrible things that happen are in Red Nation. Take yesterday for

5 shot in Cleveland, Ohio, Red Nation Scool System. Look it up. Given how
common these incidents are in Red Nation, they rarely make the news for
very long.
<> wrote in message news:fel3k4$auf$
> 5 shot in Cleveland, Ohio, Red Nation Scool System. Look it up. Given how
> common these incidents are in Red Nation, they rarely make the news for
> very long.

You've been corrected before. So I now assume that YOU'RE LYING.

Ohio is split with 1 Republican Senator and 1 Democrat, 10 Republican
Representatives and 7 Democrat Representatives.

Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson is a Democrat.

Have a nice day, BUSTED LIAR.
Patriot Games wrote:
> <> wrote in message news:fel3k4$auf$
>> 5 shot in Cleveland, Ohio, Red Nation Scool System. Look it up. Given
>> how
>> common these incidents are in Red Nation, they rarely make the news for
>> very long.

> You've been corrected before. So I now assume that YOU'RE LYING.

> Ohio is split with 1 Republican Senator and 1 Democrat, 10 Republican
> Representatives and 7 Democrat Representatives.
> Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson is a Democrat.
> Have a nice day, BUSTED LIAR.

Who cares?
The fact remains that all VICTIMS were unarmed, and the "attempted
murderer" was illegaly armed.

No word YET as to how that retard acquired the weapons he used in his
suicide spree, eh?