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Ref can be annoying, but I find his posts amusing, when LPF is become a dull place full of random new kids who just post tons of pictures involving themselves and a mirror, and even when they are directed at me i let it fly. I dont know if its because we share similar opinions or what, but I dont care too much about Ref on LPF, i mean geez its a forum, not the real world, unless he is sending you hate mail, or calling you a "jew jew you ****ing jew", get over it, you can simply ignore what he says and go take a walk outside. You can't win every argument (which ive found). I say he should be allowed to have a presence on this forum. You may say my opinion is formed this way because I havnt had a serious run-in with Ref, it may be the case, but its still my current opinion.

EDIT: Reading on, I see that ref has said hurtful things to people, this of course shouldn't be pardoned, but I still think that this is an internet forum, its not exactly the "real world" so we know people differently here, I know offense can still be taken, and if it is serious there should be consequences, but if people go crying to their internet blog about how some dude told them that their fave band, LP in mind, is useless and ****, they should build a bridge and GET OVER IT.
Ref can be annoying, but I find his posts amusing, when LPF is become a dull place full of random new kids who just post tons of pictures involving themselves and a mirror, and even when they are directed at me i let it fly. I dont know if its because we share similar opinions or what, but I dont care too much about Ref on LPF, i mean geez its a forum, not the real world, unless he is sending you hate mail, or calling you a "jew jew you ****ing jew", get over it, you can simply ignore what he says and go take a walk outside. You can't win every argument (which ive found). I say he should be allowed to have a presence on this forum. You may say my opinion is formed this way because I havnt had a serious run-in with Ref, it may be the case, but its still my current opinion.
haha good post
This is what I wanted you to understand/remember.. You want to sit here, and poke, poke, poke, out the flaws, and whether its intentional or not, it makes it look like they are OUR fault.. When in then end they aren't.. There are just some things that WE don't have the power to change.. I can work against this or that, and work for that and this.. but it doesn't mean I can change them... and not matter how much I try to explain it, people are still going to complain, and say we aren't doing anything, and its our faults, and why didn't we do this, or why did we do that.. You know exactly how that feels, and its important to remember, before you place ALL the blame on us.

And yes, I was around while you were a mod.. I have been here FOREVER.. I am not a very active poster, now and back then.
of course I wanna poke poke poke. all authority needs to be questioned. you can't have a functioning community if the oligarchy always has all the say about everything and no one can say **** about that.
yes I know how you feel, to an extent. I've been as part of the staff under a pretty big shitstorm.
maybe you can call this, me and a couple others raging over this a shitstorm, I dunno, but I haven't seen anything big since back in '06 when I quit.

This thread was honestly, or how I interpreted it to be, is just a thread for you guys to tell us how you felt about it, and for us to tell you in general about banning Jake, so when you found out, you wouldn't get all riled up and point fingers at us for not telling you.. This thread was not at all meant for you guys attempt to change our minds.

And I am glad you are speaking out.. Whether you think we are doing things with it or not, I can tell you WE are.. We aren't ignoring it, and we aren't going behind your back and saying, "Let him complain all he wants. We will never change anything" We are actually working to make changes,.. SO please don't stop what you are doing, in other cases, not Jakes, lol.

alright fair enough. I'll get off your backs, for now.
Not really, the arent many catalysts I would say Reflectionist, Makr, Myself and maybe Firehawk are the only catalysts left... but in different ways, we are just opinianated, Reflectionist was more volatile.
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