religion the art of disimformation


New member
I will start by saying organized religion is the true root and cause of all war, hatred and fear that has held back the technological, social and Intellectual development of the human race for more that three thousand years.

How does it do this, the answer is simple, disimformation. How do you defeat an enemy, you feed them **** and play them off against one another.

You see I do believe that the events that are discribed in the old testiment etc happened, they are the primitive mind trying to make sense of a more advanced technologically superior races (aliens) interferance in there lives. but why would someone from another planet come to earth and interfer in our development? The answer is simple, divide your enemy and your enemy is beaten. So they took the supersticious primatives and fed them rubbish, lies, disimformation, but with just a hint of the truth and named is religion. This process was repeated and thus we are now cursed with what we call religion. all of which preach peace, acceptance, truth and love for all humanity, but all of which have a get our of jail free card built in, if you are not one of us, you are not really human! Each religion has different names for the un believer, but they all mean the same thing, if you are not one of us you are not really human, so its ok if I kill you.

In short religion is the root of all evil on the planet earth, if you are religious, you are a SLAVE!!!

I look forward to day when all the churches, temples etc etc are burnt to the ground and replaced by liberaries and other places that further the develpment of humanity and not hold us back.



New member
I will start by saying organized religion is the true root and cause of all war, hatred and fear that has held back the technological, social and Intellectual development of the human race for more that three thousand years.
This tired old canard about religion being the root of war and all that has "held back the technological, social and Intellectual development of the human race" crumbles like month old Blue Cheese in the face of the research of sociologist Rodney Stark. His four book, peer reviewed series on the sociological effects of Monotheism in general and Judeo/Christianity in particular leaves no room for doubt - without the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity science would not exist, constitutional governments with individual rights would never have formed, slavery would still be the norm, and the living conditions of the average human being would be on par with the Australian Aboriginies.

So far from holding us back, it was religion - Judaism and Christianity - that made it possible in the first place. And that's according to one of the preeminent sociologists alive today.

And I'm supposed to take your answer over his? Space aliens?

((shakes head and walks out of the room))



New member
I will start by saying organized religion is the true root and cause of all war, blab, blah, blah, blah .
Why do two packs of chimpanzees fight? Territory and the scarce resources upon that territory. That is the root cause of wars.



New member
I will start by saying organized religion is the true root and cause of all war, hatred and fear that has held back the technological, social and Intellectual development of the human race for more that three thousand years.How does it do this, the answer is simple, disimformation. How do you defeat an enemy, you feed them **** and play them off against one another.

You see I do believe that the events that are discribed in the old testiment etc happened, they are the primitive mind trying to make sense of a more advanced technologically superior races (aliens) interferance in there lives. but why would someone from another planet come to earth and interfer in our development? The answer is simple, divide your enemy and your enemy is beaten. So they took the supersticious primatives and fed them rubbish, lies, disimformation, but with just a hint of the truth and named is religion. This process was repeated and thus we are now cursed with what we call religion. all of which preach peace, acceptance, truth and love for all humanity, but all of which have a get our of jail free card built in, if you are not one of us, you are not really human! Each religion has different names for the un believer, but they all mean the same thing, if you are not one of us you are not really human, so its ok if I kill you.

In short religion is the root of all evil on the planet earth, if you are religious, you are a SLAVE!!!

I look forward to day when all the churches, temples etc etc are burnt to the ground and replaced by liberaries and other places that further the develpment of humanity and not hold us back.

Proof please.

You've reached a have-assed conclusion which is not supported by fact in anyway but merely a pre-made conclusion with some stero-typically "profound" BS tagged along with it that supposedly makes people think. A common problem with idiots is they think they've found the anwser, and often feel the need to preach it. Problem is that their anwsers are still coming form an idiots mind, one not with reason but presumption and ignorence.

And sidenote: Since when did Christianity and Judaism hold sway in places such as the orient who, up until recently in history, were far beyond the peoples of European technology?



New member
Rodney Stark views are based on a religious sociological view point so his work will always be bias towards this point of view. As far as saying Judaism and Christianity have enabled the development of democracy, I would like to point out that the princibles of modern democracy come from the for of democracy first developed in ancient greece, a sociaty based on science and not religion. Yes they had religous orders, but these did not exhert the control modern religion does. Oh yeah this first form of democracy was developed around 3000 bc, which pre dates the earliest for of Judaism.

As to Christinanity promoting the development of democracy and science? Have you heard of the dark ages? a period or around 1200 years where the main christian church of the time, the catholic church suppressed knowledge, held back scientific knowledge and the development of modern sociaty. Modern decomcracy only started when common people gained the right to own land, the magnicata. Then when england broke away and formed the Protestant church, thus making the king/queen of england head of the curch, when the king was then killed by cromwell and his heir was returned to power, but only as a head of state, you had the birth of modern democracy, the development of modern sociaty, science and technology.

Religion has held back the development of humanity by up to 3000 years, only when its strangle hold on sociaty was broken did humanity begin to grow, I stick to my first point. Organised religion disinforms humanity, makes us slaves and hold back the development of sociaty.

Oh yeah, I don't believe in religion, but I believe in ***.




New member
You see I do believe that the events that are discribed in the old testiment etc happened, they are the primitive mind trying to make sense of a more advanced technologically superior races (aliens) interferance in there lives. but why would someone from another planet come to earth and interfer in our development? The answer is simple, divide your enemy and your enemy is beaten. So they took the supersticious primatives and fed them rubbish, lies, disimformation
Now that is rubbish. The truth is that any species that recognizes it is mortal will practice religion. I tend to avoid debates with space alien theory nuts.



New member
I like you quote Hogo at that bottom of your post.

But you have missed the point of John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859. I quote "The worth of a State, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it; and a State which postpones the interests of their mental expansion and elevation, to a little more of administrative skill, or that semblance of it which practice gives, in the details of business; a State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes



New member
A much better argument is that tolitarian states, secular and sacred, inhibit liberty and economic progress. The Soviet Union repressed religion. It was Marx that coined religion as the opiate of the masses. The Soviet Union did not turn out to be an enlightened society.

There is more evidence of *** then there is of space aliens having visited Earth. You have made some absurd statements. Wars are due to competition for scarce resources. The belief in an afterlife is a deep psychological need for a species that realizes its mortality. It exists in all cultures. Them space aliens must have been awful busy instilling religion.



New member
There is more evidence of *** then there is of space aliens having visited Earth.
No there isn't. How can you make such a claim? What evidence are you speaking of? Both theories are plausible, neither is provable.



New member
No there isn't. How can you make such a claim? What evidence are you speaking of? Both theories are plausible, neither is provable.
Actually, space aliens, part of the natural order, is certainly provable. It just ain't been proven. Given certain physical laws it seems highly improbable any intelligent life has visited Earth.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
A much better argument is that tolitarian states, secular and sacred, inhibit liberty and economic progress. The Soviet Union repressed religion. It was Marx that coined religion as the opiate of the masses. The Soviet Union did not turn out to be an enlightened society.
There is more evidence of *** then there is of space aliens having visited Earth. You have made some absurd statements. Wars are due to competition for scarce resources. The belief in an afterlife is a deep psychological need for a species that realizes its mortality. It exists in all cultures. Them space aliens must have been awful busy instilling religion.
The true difference between the totalitarian state and the representative democracy, is that in the totalitarian state, there is no ambiguity, cloak of secrecy, or outright lie as to who is really in control. :eek:

The fact of the matter is that both representative democracy and religion are the same worthless sham used to blind the eyes and ears of an otherwise reasoned mind. Neither truly exists other than in fictional tales and the idealistic thoughts of the gullible, yet both are equally as satisfying to the collective psyche of mankind regardless of how disgusting this truly is.

So long as each institution can continue to make their **** sandwich taste of fine chocolate, this will never change. :mad:



New member
I'm no supporter of the 'Aliens have visited Earth' bullshit.

I'm still waiting to hear your evidence of the existence of ***.

Given certain physical laws it seems highly improbable any intelligent life has visited Earth.
Laws were meant to be broken. Its not even been 100 years since the invent of the internal combustion engine. 100 years from now mankind is likely to make discoveries that defy the current understanding of physics as well as methods of transportation that are capable of traveling great distances in very short periods of time.

As to the issue of religion. I would be far more inclined to buy into the feasibility of the EOG if there weren't so many endless variations of religious beliefs. Every culture has their own spiritual belief system. Which goes far to explain the true intent of religious belief. There is no singular belief. Only popular and unpopular religions/gods. Christianity has monopolized the religion market in the civilized world, and they did so by conquering other belief systems. Methodically destroying other cultures so called "Pagan" beliefs and inserting their own. Modern Xtians will tell you differently, as they have been trained to forget the truth about their religions starting point.



New member
If you have the time, (and ambition) read a post I made a long time ago about the Alien Godspell... It's very informative... and may just put a spin on what both of you are saying... It's long, but worth it... It's an abridged version of what Sitchen/Hancock/Von Daniken have written about for years, and may interest even the most atheist/religous person...


New member
I believe I read that post once. However I have not the ambition to locate it. If you would post a link to it I would give a look see. I prefer your view of things over the popular Xtain world view, which is somewhat unnerving.

Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
sorry.... brain fart....
http://Off Topic
Um, just exactly how many puffs did you take on your crack pipe before writing that one? Unfortunately, it sounds very much like the original premis of the movie STARGATE. :rolleyes:



New member
didn't puff... Read alot.... and the reason it sounds like stargate is because apparently, the writters of stargate are huge Von Daniken fans... I told you, I didn't make that **** up, that was the abridged version of many works... interesting stuff, no?

Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
didn't puff... Read alot.... and the reason it sounds like stargate is because apparently, the writters of stargate are huge Von Daniken fans... I told you, I didn't make that **** up, that was the abridged version of many works... interesting stuff, no?
Well, and this IS NOT personal, okay...

But, what makes this B.S. any different than the B.S. the Catholic Church, or the Baptists, or the Hare Krisnas or any other B.S. religion try to **** off? It's just stories without one shred of proof. Did I miss something?

Personally, I view religion of today as becoming the next legend and lore, like we view the Roman and Greek Gods today.



New member
Personally, I view religion of today as becoming the next legend and lore, like we view the Roman and Greek Gods today.
Brilliant analogy... and who's to say that large Pantheons of Deities and Demigods don't or never existed?

That's why I treasure my degree in Folklore Mythology.

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