There is no proof that aliens have visited earth. But there is no proof than anything in the bible(s) happened, but we are still expected to believe? Umm sounds like a flaming pile of **** to me.
Also to the statement that it is phycially impossible to travel from one solar system to another in any given time frame, because nothing can travel faster than light, is like people saying the world is flat.
Also saying relgion is not the cause of war on earth, name one conflict on earth, past or present that has not been the cause of religion, most have.
Also I'm not a fan of totalitarian or religious therocracy. Marx was a ****** moron, I do not believe a state should repress the beliefs or life style of the individual within its sociaty. I'm a fan of decomcracy though and though, I take great pride in voting, doing the right thing by others and living my life the best I can.
How ever the first movment to repress its people wan't communisim, it was relgion, once again I would like to point out the dark ages. A time where the catholic church had run of the land, a time where if you spoke out as we are now doing would end with us being tied to a stake and burnt to death, a time when all advance that was deamed not in the churches best interest was illegal and punishable by death and if the religions of the world could do it to us again, they would.
I believe a state and people should be free from the infulence politically and or morally of all religious institutions. If a relgious institution has to much infulence over a sociaty that sociaty will fall into decay, and only when that sociaty is freeded from relgious oppression that it can grow. I sight as evidence, the rise of Islam in the middle east as a prime example, before the rise of Islam the cultures in the middle east were the most advanced on earth, if you don't believe me, look it up, they had the best medican, music, art and science on planet, but as Islam took hold there sociaties stagniated and if it wasn't for oil they would be ******.
There is no proof than anything in any of the bibles or religious text happend, some of the new testiment were written up to 150 years after christ so called lived and died, are you saying some of the inner circle lived for 150 years?
Every time they so called find proof, it turns out to be bullshit, unless you can show me proof that christ wad born, died and came back to life, unless you can show me proof of the burning bush, the parting of the red sea, unless you can show me than anything from the bible happened, you have no right to say we have not be vistied by aliens, men from mars or anything else.