Religious Nazis Piss Me Off!

Why don't the people who don't want to say the last two words (Under God) just leave it out, tell their kids to leave it out when saying the Pledge Of Allegience in school and find something a little more constructive to do with their time and the time wasted in courts of law on this type of trivial crap. If you don't like the ten commandments in front of a courthouse, Don't Read the Damn Thing!

I also have trouble believing this athiest is really that offended by the words being in the pledge and if it does I wish that was the extent of the problems in my life. If that bothers him so much he better stop accepting cash or cash payments from anyone because it says "In God We Trust" on cash.
ImWithStupid said:
If that bothers him so much he better stop accepting cash or cash payments from anyone because it says "In God We Trust" on cash.

whereas it used to say, "In silver payable to the bearer on demand" now...we trust in God.
this guy was just looking for a quick payout at the governments expense, and if were all thinking of the same guy, he did not even have legal custody of his daughter in the first place, people like this need to stop trying to get a payout or there name in the paper by screwing the government over, you want money, get a job, you want to be famous, save a kid from a burning building.
The mentality of the quick, easy buck gained by lawsuits, in my opinion, can be linked to what I honestly feel is one of the biggest cancers to society... Lawyers (more specifically, personal injury type lawyers).

I respect lawyers that are actually perfoming their duties in an honorable manner but the rest of the bottom feeding, sue for anything attorneys should find a nice place to lay down and die.
angie said:
People like this piss me off almost as much as Biblethumpers:;_ylt=AobRn_dw_p0AL40y3ySnKvSs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY-

Okay. I'm no Christian, but am willing to overlook the whole "under God" thing. When this country was founded, EVERYONE was Christian, thus the reference. The Pledge of Allegiance is NOT about God, or Religion. It's about patriotism. Which is being destroyed by all of these PC nuts. Is it REALLY that offensive? Hell I have just as many problems with Christianity as the next person, but GIMME A BREAK. This is ridiculous!

Yeah, I agree. They need to grow the **** up.

If any of you ever wondered why it almost takes an act of god to get certiorari (this means the Supreme Court agrees to hear your case) it's because the Supreme Court is busy dealing with stupid **** like this.

So TH what makes you think this is NOT an important issue. I always thought that the seperation of church and state was one of the biggest issues, representing a unique freedom and ideal. I mean the case on it's own may look a little small but it represents something much bigger. You are missing the forrest for the trees. For every freedom you are WILLING to give up, you will loose ten more you were never even asked about
God this is so retarded. This issue has been beat to death. The pledge does not say you have to beleive that we are united under the christian god. It says "one nation, under god" it could mean any god, because in any other religion, the name for god is just a different translation of the word god, so it can really apply to any religion. Now i have seen 3 different people in my school contest having to say the pledge. These people were people that wanted to do anything to piss the school off, and found a way to do this legally, i beleive that everytime this comes up it is just somebody looking for something to bitch about. If you dont like it, dont say it, dont stand up for it, that is within your legal right, but if you have any kind of patriotism, shut the **** up, stand up and say the pledge. The Pledge of the name it does not say The Pledge to Beleive in a Christian GOD....Get over it.
Does it matter if it is any religion? When you say "church and state" it refers to ANY for of religion. I never said a word about a specific religion. Why was teh phrase added in teh first place? It was not in the original pledge, so what is the big deal about removing something that was added without thinking? You have to look at the bigger picture and not be so complacent about giving up small pieces of what are supposed to be fundamental ideals of this country. You end up having a national day of "prayer" on what is supposed to be "Constitution Day" (Ok please tell me someone else caught that and had a bit of a scary little giggle over it)
Good point tizz. But am i right in saying it is always somebody that just wants something to bitch about, and knows this is something that will go to supreme court everytime? I mean if they truely beleive this is wrong then go for it, but if they are just attention whores looking for a place to gain fame, then **** them.
It may not have been brought up by the right person, but as a firm believer in the ideals this country was founded on, I believe in not only the right to bring it up but also the principles this case represents
ImWithStupid said:
Didn't that change when cash was no longer backed by precious metals?

Yes, and this was also the beginning of the little gremlin called "National Debt" and it's been a rapid downhill slide since then... :mad:
Yeah, I agree. They need to grow the **** up.

If any of you ever wondered why it almost takes an act of god to get certiorari (this means the Supreme Court agrees to hear your case) it's because the Supreme Court is busy dealing with stupid **** like this.


Whao! Go back and look at this post!

What's this **** at the bottom?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 "

I'm sorry, he should just give up his essential liberty to the court system so as not to "clog" the Supreme Court by making them deal with stupid **** like stopping state sponsored affirmation of a god...

Right. I see clearly that you are practicing what you preach! Not. :eek:
a reverend in my town was kicked out of his congregation becouse he doesnt approve of gay marriage, thats just screwed up. people in my town left the church becouse of it.
I'm a Christain...anyother form of worship means you will burn in hell! So remember there is only one god! The Chrsitain God, all others are false!
tonon said:
a reverend in my town was kicked out of his congregation becouse he doesnt approve of gay marriage, thats just screwed up. people in my town left the church becouse of it.
Didnt we discuss this like a month ago and come to the conclusion that that wasn't the main reason? Or did you not pay attention to my dissertation?
I beg you all.... please stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a ****ing NAZI...

you want to know what a nazi is? look up my profile pic and then ask me! You never know... you might agree with me!
fullauto said:
I beg you all.... please stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a ****ing NAZI...

you want to know what a nazi is? look up my profile pic and then ask me! You never know... you might agree with me!

Your Iron cross may of been the belief of the Nazi, but it is also Celtic dating back to the 1600s...

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Steven L.