Relocating NO residents, could it be a good thing ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Yahoo! News said:
Katrina could prompt new black "great migration"
484,000 people, 2/3rds black and living in poverty, all living in one GHETTO type area...NEW ORLEANS.

If you think about that PRE KATRINA there are some serious things wrong.

I think relocating all these mass ghetto types would be a good thing, break em up, show em a different kind of life.. How about NEBRASKA, or MONTANA, or even IDAHO ??

I think one of the reason that alot of these people are uneducated is because they have massed into a region of "GHETTO" life, I think breaking these cultured people up all around America could be a good thing, I believe more of these "GHETTO"
types could have a better life then living off of our tax money... there ARE jobs out there... I say turn N.O. into a big dump yard and let people who were poor to begin with, rebuild there lives in a more residential type culture.
AT LAST, someone agrees with me. I mean, really, is it so terrible that we say it would be good for the rest of the country? So, it's a tragety, yes, but 1), we'll get over it. 2), at least one filthy city is getting dumped out, and awareness of where we're living will rise.
Massechusettes has pledged to house 2500 poeple for as long as need be and have spoken out in hopes that many will remain. Though I agree with the idae of showing people something new and creating more options for them, I don't know if that will work on any large scale. The culture of the south is VERY strong and in and around NO it is doubly so. The music food and people all get their spirit from teh city the land and teh waters. I just can't see Nebraska or Boston becoming the gumbo capital of the world and I just don't see NO JAZZ going over to well with the Morman Tabernacle Choir (OK the thought of that one just made me giggle) If it had been someplace like NJ that had been devestated I could see it happening (this place is a criss cross of people from all over the country) but I can't see the people of NO abandoning the place for very long.
Let's not spread these people out where they can infect some other community... if they want to move... fine, but don't move them... If they like living in a hurricane riddled part of the coutry in a huge ****ing bath tub that is on average 10' below sea level... **** EM ! !
Its a great theory phreak....but wouldnt that just be relocating the ghetto? I cant see the ghetto types simply abandonding that attitude just because they are in a different locale...

I think the people should be relocated or helped in some way....

it would be an interesting experiement...

course if they, hypothetically, moved to nebraska....i could just see North O. (shudder)..... Specially if i transfer back "the good life" next year
Four words; Work for the dole.

If, as you say, the majority of NO residents are chronic welfare abusers, make them work for that money. Make them rebuild the city that they clearly love.

The same system is in place in Australia, and it is the best way to convince dole-bludgers that working for **** pay sucks. They may as well get a real job, with a real paypacket.

Most of our indigenous communities run a program called Community Development Employment Program, or the CDEP. It saves the gov millions of dollars in providing essential services, like rubbish collection, office administration, parks and gardens maintenance, school aides, etc.

Another term for work for the dole. It's only twenty hours a week, and another twenty bucks is added to the standard rate for unemployed people.

I need no convincing that many NO residents are obese, unfit, and at-risk of being a burden on the hospital system. Get them working for that money. Give them the option that works for us. Work for it, or have your payments suspended indefinatley. ;)


I do think they should relocate them, even if its not permanent but spread them around 'till N.O. is rebuilt. Honestly I don't think they will change much, they will make what wasn't ghetto into ghetto. It's their way of life and it is a very comfortable and easy lifestyle, I think it would be too hard for them to just change their attitude and suddenly grow responsible. That's the way they've been brought up. Maybe that would help the kids if they see a better way of life they MIGHT want to go another route. Many of them have criminal backgrounds and records that is why they can't get a decent job so they are pretty much trapped.
Why I think they should be relocated is because I dont think it fair that Houston is taking in all of these people (It IS a selfish reason) but Im scared of how the crime rate is going to go up. I already live in a bad neighborhood, I don't want it to turn into Magnolia. :eek:
The biggest problem, that I see, is the impoverished wretches are that way because they are lazy. Plain and simple... point blank. Let them wallow in their cesspool.
Actually hell no!! Let's look at in its reality :

I live in the South Texas area and we have already recieved some evacuee's here in our state as I'm sure you already know, However what you don't hear about is that already numerous companies in our areas have offered good paying jobs with transportation to and from work and only a handful of the evacuee's actually took the jobs. In some area's here in Texas the evacuee's have done nothing but complain about the shelters they are in and the food , clothing , and etc that has been freely offered and given to them from the tax payers of the communities. In one community here in Texas , the school staff was actually preparing and delivering food to the evacutee's and the school staff were told by the evacuee's that they would not eat the food because it was not their kind of food.(But the same food is good enough for the children that attend these schools to eat 5 days week )
Nurses are being treates like servants, the evacuee's actually believe we are here to serve them and clean up after them. Ahh NO.
Now with that being said, I'm all for helping the survivors of the hurricane , however I'am not willingly to help those who only want a handout.