Remember the Name


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2004
LP Underground
This is a Fort Minor fic I've just started. Kind of a different take on things, I set it back in high school. I randomly got the idea about half an hour ago, and so here's the first little bit I've produced.

Remember the Name

Fort Minor High was a small high school in the town of West Minor. It was an old school, having been built more than fifty years prior to the current generation. The bricks on the outside were wearing thin and crumbling, the pillars and roofing tiles all broken and covered with graffiti. Inside of the large building, the once white walls were now grey and back with dirt and filth from the passing years. The floor tiles had no trace of the once beautiful beige and gold patterns that had been christened on them and were instead littered with garbage and cigarette butts, much like the surrounding fields outside. Judging by the outside, the school looked like a penitentiary. The halls smelled of body odor, cigarettes, weed and cologne. However, most of the student body was used to it by now.
Students littered the hallways like they themselves littered the ground; all clumped together in huge groups, blaring their ghetto blasters and rapping along to the music. Guys would wear baggy clothing five sizes too big for them, their baseball caps turned sideways or backwards and toques barely touching their scalp. Pants would hang down just above the crotch, showing plaid boxers as their shirts rode up when they walked. Girls wore skin tight clothing that left nothing to the imagination; low cut tops and tiny skirts that could easily pass off as belts.
The dominant race at Fort Minor High was mostly blacks, but only by about a dozen. In this high school, social class meant a lot. If you were poor, chances were you’d never hang out with someone who was rich. It was just the way things were. Like all high schools, the student body had two main divisions: the popular kids and those were less popular. But because it was such a small school, everyone knew each other. So they all knew of whose way to stay out of.
Included in the group of the school’s most popular people were a group of rappers that hung outside near the metal doors of the gym. The group consisted of five guys: Ryan “Ryu” Maginn, Takbir “Tak” Bashir, DJ Cheapshot, Vin Skully, and Mike Shinoda, who called themselves the Divine Five. The five of them were all handsome, talented young men who were very popular with the ladies. They were jokers; obnoxious boys who usually got whatever they wanted by any means necessary. They were players, and yet everyone seemed to love them. All accept one person.
Chrissy Baldwin hated Fort Minor High with a passion. She didn’t really fit in with the rest of the students there. While the majority of girls were sluts, Chrissy hated wearing clothing that left you almost stark naked. She didn’t like most of the music that the other students would play; it was all about sex, drugs and money, all discriminating against women. She couldn’t believe that people listened to that ****, let alone sang it. It was horrible, the things she heard kids saying about each other. Stereotyping, blackmailing, all the hate. It was stupid and immature, and Chrissy hated being around it.
“Can you believe them?” Chrissy asked her best friend Tanya Larkins at lunch one afternoon. They were standing by their lockers looking on at Cheapshot and his gang, dancing to hip hop and rapping along to the beat of the music that blared through the hazy summer air. “What a bunch of morons, honestly.” Rolling her eyes, Chrissy opened her locker and shoved her books inside. Tanya crossed her arms and sighed heavily.
“Yeah, well let me tell you, girl, it ain’t gonna change one bit,” she responded. “They ain’t no way those guys are gonna smarten up. Hell, they can’t even dress properly, let alone do well in school. I bet at least half of them drop outta school.” Tanya was on Chrissy’s side when it came to the other students in the school. She, too, couldn’t stand their behaviour most of the time.
“Well, it’s a good thing they don’t talk to us, because I’d sure give them one hell of a beating.” Chrissy closed her locker and her and Tanya set off for the cafeteria. It, like the rest of the school, was old and gross. Chrissy didn’t dare eat anything from the caf, so instead she’d make her own lunches and take them to school. Sitting down on the cleanest chair she could find, she and Tanya began to eat.
“So, how’s everything with Travis?” Chrissy asked her friend anxiously. “Is it anything serious yet?” Tanya’s face seemed to light up at the mention of her boyfriend.
“Oh, yes!” she exclaimed, grinning widely. “Oh, Chrissy, he’s so perfect. I mean, he’s such a gentleman. Dresses fashionably, unlike the guys here. Travis is perfect, Chrissy. Oh, and his huge muscles and cute goatee…” Chrissy could tell that Tanya really liked this guy. Although Chrissy had never met him, he sounded really nice.
“So what about you, Chrissy?” Tanya asked, taking a bite out of her chicken wrap. “You haven’t been with a guy for I don’t know how long. You got your sights set on anyone?” Chrissy smiled and shook her head, brushing back pieces of her long blonde hair.
“Nope. Not yet,” she answered simply. “I don’t think I’ll find any guy around here that’s right for me.” Her voice dropped to a quiet whisper almost as she thought about how true her words were. There was no one really worth dating in town that she knew would be a loyal boyfriend. Tanya reached her dark arm across the table and gently held onto Chrissy’s hand.
“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone. Nothing’s impossible, you know.” Chrissy knew she was right. But at the moment, everything looked pretty bleak. And to dampen her spirits, the Divine Five walked into the caf. Groaning, Chrissy folded her arms on the table and lay her head down. Her ears rung as people started cheering, and Chrissy could hear someone starting a beat. Then the rapping came in, speaking about sex and women in a derogatory way. Slamming her fists down on the table, she stood up and marched over to the five popular young rappers with a look of pure hatred across her face.
Thanks! Here's the next part.

“Shut up!” she shouted at them as she drew nearer. Cheapshot pushed the pause button of the stereo and Tak and Ryu stopped rapping. Giving her an equally dirty look, Tak approached Chrissy with his arms crossed, eyebrows slanted.
“You want us to stop, girly?” he asked, raising one eyebrow at her. “You got the nerve to come over hear and tell us to shut up? Damn, bitch, you gonna get yo ass kicked in a second.” The tall black man looked her up and down, an unimpressed look sweeping over his face.
“Yeah, just try it,” Chrissy snapped back. “I’ve had enough with this bullshit you call music. Do you have any idea of how insulting it is?” The Divine Five laughed, their voices echoing over quieting cafeteria.
“Oh, well look at that. The little white bitch finds our music insulting,” Tak laughed, smiling at the rest of his crew. “Listen, why don’t you run on outta here, huh? You got problems with us, then you leave. I don’t hear anyone else complaining. They all like our ****.” Tak nodded towards Chrissy. “You get on outta here. ‘Fore I hafta get rough.” Chrissy glared at him, then at the rest of the guys.
“You’re all pathetic,” she said, and walked away. Storming through the caf doors, she could hear the music start up again and the guys start to sing. Tanya soon caught up with Chrissy, cursing as she ran up beside her.
“Damn, girl, I thought you was gonna get your ass kicked by Tak,” Tanya said with a worried look on her face. “Please, Chrissy, don’t do that again. You know those guys won’t hesitate to turn on you.” Chrissy nodded, knowing her friend was right. “Look, I’m gonna go give Travis a call for a second. You take it easy, okay?” Nodding again, Chrissy sighed as she watched her friend head outside to use her cell phone.
“****,” Chrissy said, leaning her back against a locker. She was so deep in thought that she didn’t realize that someone was approaching her.
“Hi,” said a familiar voice, causing Chrissy to yelp and jump. She turned to face the stranger, frowning when she saw who it was.
“What the hell do you want?” she asked as she rolled her eyes and turned her head away.
“I just wanna talk. Do you have a second?” Mike Shinoda replied, stepping so that Chrissy was looking at him. She shrugged her shoulders, and Mike took that as an invitation to speak. “Look, I’m real sorry about what happened in there. Honestly. I didn’t mean to offend anyone with that…”
“You’re a joke,” Chrissy cut him off, her voice angry. “Don’t give me that bullshit. How could you not mean to offend anyone? Do you have any idea of what you’re rapping about?” Mike started to reply, but Chrissy wouldn’t let him. “You may not know this, but I’m not a whore. I am a female, but I don’t sleep around with every guy I see. I don’t flaunt my body around; I’m not just some thing that guys gawk at, okay? I’m a person. A human being and I’d like to be treated like one. Maybe the rest of the women don’t feel that way, but I do. I respect myself as a female. You’re promoting the exact opposite.” Chrissy’s face was red with anger, and tried her best to hold her tongue. Mike waited a moment before speaking.
“Look, Chrissy, I’m sorry,” he said in an apologetic tone. “Really, I am. I guess I just didn’t think of it like that. I know it was stupid of me. I mean, how could I not notice? I can see where you’re coming from.” Chrissy’s expression lightened up a bit, but she was still upset. “Look, Ima tell Tak to cool it, the rest of the boys too. Just please, I don’t want you to get too involved. I know you don’t like it, I hear you. I’ll speak to the guys, but I don’t want you to intervene. You and Tak aren’t exactly on friendly terms, and I don’t want things to get messy.” Mike sounded sincere, but Chrissy didn’t know if she could really trust him.
She looked Mike in the eyes, noticing just how deep a brown they were. She could see something in them; potential, a great talent, and a good heart. From his eyes she could tell that he was a good guy but may have gotten mixed in with the wrong people.
“Yeah, okay,” she said, darting her eyes towards the ground as Mike noticed her staring at him. “I hope you’re true to your word. You seem like…a decent guy. I hope I’m not wrong about you.” Just then Tanya came walking up to them, a puzzled expression on her face as she looked from Chrissy to Mike. “I gotta go,” Chrissy said to Mike. Giving the young rapper a slight smile, she headed off down the hall with Tanya at her side, babbling on about Travis again. What Chrissy didn’t notice was the deep brown eyes of Mike Shinoda watching her as she turned the corner. Sighing, Mike headed back into the caf with the rest of the Divine Five.
Next Part!

As Mike entered the cafeteria, a twinge of guilt shot through his body. He genuinely felt bad about offending Chrissy. The girl had only spoken her mind and told them how she felt about the content of the music being played. Mike wanted to do something about it, tell the guys that maybe they shouldn’t play that **** anymore. However, he’d feel like such a ***** if he told his boys to switch their songs because some girl told him to. Pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, he closed his eyes and tried to reason out what he should do.
“Mike, man, what’s happenin’? Tak asked as he slapped Mike on the shoulder. Placing his hand at his side, Mike looked up at Tak.
“Nothin’, man,” the white rapper told his friend, shoving his hands in the front pocket of his grey and green Ecko sweater. Nodding towards the stereo he said, “Let’s take it outside.” Tak gestured to Ryu for him to pick up the stereo and they all headed outside again.
“There you boys are,” a female voice said as the Divine Five set the stereo against the wall outside. “We been waitin fo you.” Tak walked up to LeTeesha and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her softly.
“Here I am, baby girl,” he smiled, placing his hands on each of the girl’s ass cheeks. “You wait up fo me baby, well we gonna treat you nice right now. Hit it, DJ.” DJ Cheapshot saluted his friend with a smile, then hit the play button on the stereo. As the music blared, Tak grabbed LeTeesha and the two of them started grinding together.
“Renee, baby, let’s go,” Ryu said to a short haired brown girl standing next to LeTeesha. “You and me doll.” Mike leaned his back against the brick wall, sighing as he pulled his ball cap down over his eyes. Almost instantly a tanned hand flipped it back up and a pretty girl with light brown hair looked him sternly in the face.
“You gonna dance wit me of what?” she asked, setting her hip to one side and crossing her arms. She had caught Mike totally off guard.
“Um, actually, I got work to do,” he lied, not looking her in the eyes. Instead he focused behind her at the group of people that had migrated over to where he and the boys were, all of them dancing dirtily.
“Work?” repeated the girl. “Damn, boy, get yo ass over here.” With that she pulled him by the hands and started grinding her body against his. Reluctantly, Mike went along with it. He placed his hands slightly above her ass and moved with the rhythm of the song blaring from the stereo. Just as the girl leaned her head into Mike’s neck and began to kiss him, he saw Chrissy and Tanya appear around the corner. Mike’s eyes widened and his body stopped moving, stiff with shock. Chrissy gave him the dirtiest glare he’d ever seen, rolled her eyes and stormed away. Immediately Mike pushed the girl away from him.
“What’s the matter, you don’t like it?” she asked, licking her lips seductively. Mike paid no attention.
“Sorry, Tash, I gotta go. Hey y’all, I’ll see y’all later, a’right?” Mike shouted to the guys as he headed off in the direction Chrissy had gone. He entered through the side doors of the school and looked around, seeing no trace of her. Damn, Mike thought as he hung his head, removing the cap from his head. Some seconds later the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and beginning of afternoon classes. Even though Mike said he’d skip with the boys today, he headed off down the hall towards his class before any of them saw him.
Chrissy sat beside Tanya in math class, her brows furrowed and an upset look about her face. She couldn’t believe how much of an asshole Mike Shinoda was. When she had spoken to him earlier in the hall he had been kind and almost sincere. Yet just ten minutes ago she had seen what he was really like: no more than a filthy, lying player. All he cared about was his boys and getting some ass. ****ing jerk, she thought angrily.
All through math she could barely concentrate. This week had been bad enough for her, and the stupid Divine Five had made things even worse. And to top it all off, Mike was in her next period English class. Maybe, she thought. Or maybe he’ll just skip again. It was really make my day if he wasn’t there. Unfortunately for Chrissy, when she walked into her English classroom after math had ended she saw the rapper sitting in his seat just a few desks away from hers. Trying not to look at him she took her seat and placed her binder on her desk.
Out of the corner of her eye she could see him stealing glances at her, his facial expression looking somewhat desperate. Ignoring him, Chrissy turned her full attention to the teacher.
“Now, as you all know you have a new project you’ll be working on for the next two weeks; a presentation on a novel, any novel of your choice,” Mr. Jackson told the class, and many of the students cheered. Usually they were assigned a book to read, which made it less fun than it already was. “But there’s a catch. You and your partner have to agree on a novel together. Yes, partner. I’ll be pairing you up and you’re to have the novel completed and presentation ready in two weeks.” For the most part the class was okay with the assignment, although Chrissy knew that not many of them would be doing it. Two weeks was plenty of time to get through a novel and have a presentation ready, but most students chose to slack off and not do it.
“Hopefully we’ll be paired up again,” said a girl named Chantelle as she turned around in her seat to face Chrissy. “That would be awesome. We’d so have the best presentation.” Chrissy smiled and agreed. She and Chantelle were always partners and always came away with no less than ninety on every project. However, as Mr. Jackson was reading off the pairs, Chantelle was partnered with someone else.
“Damn,” said Chantelle, clearly upset. “Goodbye nineties.” Chrissy laughed.
“You’ll do fine,” she told her friend. “Can’t wait to see who I get.” It wasn’t long before Chrissy got her answer.
“Chrissy Baldwin and Mike Shinoda will be partners,” announced Mr. Jackson, briefly pausing to look at each of them before reading out the next pair. Chrissy’s heart skipped a beat and her eyes nearly popped out of her skull. Oh, great, she thought, laying her head down on her desk. When all the names were called out, the teacher had everyone get with their partners and start planning their projects. Chrissy stayed put, not glancing at Mike as he slowly rose out of his seat and sat beside her.
“Hey,” he spoke with a sheepish grin, causing Chrissy to look his way.
“Hi,” she said sharply with a hint of anger. There was an awkward silence between them before Chrissy spoke again. “So, as for books, I know a few good ones we could choose from. I don’t know if you’d-“
“Chrissy, I need to talk to you,” Mike said in a serious voice. “About what happened at lunch. Really, I didn’t mean for that **** to happen. And with Tash, I…I didn’t even want to dance…”
“You call that dancing?” Chrissy raised her voice. “That chick was all over you, and from where I was standing you were all over her too. When we spoke in the hall there, I thought that maybe you were different. Obviously I was wrong. You’re just some jackass player like all the rest of them.” She turned her attention to a black piece of lined paper on her desk, fiddling with her pencil.
“Chrissy, it’s not like that, honest,” Mike tried to defend himself. “She came onto me okay? To be honest I wanted nothing to do with it. And, well…I never actually got around to saying something to the guys, but I promise you I will. I promise.” Mike reached out and placed his hand gently over Chrissy’s, surprising her. She looked up at him and saw the same look of sincerity and kindness shining in his deep brown eyes. Now that she really looked at him, she found herself thinking that he was kind of cute. With his long face, short hair and stubby goatee, he was actually an attractive looking young man.
“Whatever,” Chrissy said suddenly as she realized she was staring. “I’ll stay on the fence with you for now. Sorry, but I don’t really feel I can trust your word right now.” Mike nodded, understanding her completely. Chrissy just realized that he still had his hand on hers and quickly brushed it off.
“Now, can we please work on this?” Mike smiled and nodded, listening to the ideas that Chrissy had to share.
Now, can we please work on this?” Mike smiled and nodded, listening to the ideas that Chrissy had to share. They made a list of different books they could do for their project (although it was mostly Chrissy giving ideas since Mike didn’t read much). By the end of the class, which seemed to have gone by quickly, they had narrowed their selection down to two books. Chrissy was quite surprised that they had gotten at least that much done. She was also surprised that she found herself enjoying working with Mike. He was actually a nice guy, and he was pretty funny, too. He had a nice laugh, almost childlike and innocent, and she couldn’t help but smile when she heard it.
Five minutes before the class was over, everyone started packing up and returning to their regular seats. As Mike went back to his seat he smiled sweetly at Chrissy, who smiled back. Chantelle returned to her chair in front of Chrissy, stuffing papers into her green bag.
“So, how was working with Mr. Divine?” she nodding her head in Mike’s direction. Her bangs fell in front of her eyes and she swept them back with a tiny hand.
“Not bad, actually,” Chrissy replied. “He’s actually a pretty nice guy.” She stole another glance at Mike and Chantelle laughed.
“Oh, please, girl,” she said. “He’s only nice ‘cause he wants in your pants. All guys are like that; all guys are dogs.” The bell rang and she picked up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. Raising her eyebrows she added, “trust me, Chrissy. It’s true.” With that, Chantelle turned on her heels and headed out of the classroom. Chrissy was soon to follow suit. Luckily her locker was just a little ways away from the English room, so she could just throw her books in quickly and head out of school. Finally, the weekend is here, she thought.
“Hey, Chrissy!” Mike called as he came out of the classroom. Chrissy had just closed her locker and turned around to greet him. “Things went pretty well, huh? In English.” Chrissy nodded, leaning her back against the lavender coloured locker.
“Yeah, pretty well. I’m going to the library sometime this weekend, so I can pick up the books for next week,” she told him.
“Hey, I was thinking…” Mike started. “Maybe we could go together. To the library, you know. So then we can just decide there and check out the book we need. If you want.” Chrissy smiled, a bit confused by the rapper’s suddenly odd, nervous behaviour.
“Um, yeah. Sure, that sounds fine,” she said, pushing herself away from the locker. “I’m gonna head out now though, okay? Give me a call whenever you can go.” As she started to walk away, Mike called after her again.
“Um, I would call you, but I don’t have your number,” he said shyly. He had a weird grin that crossed his thin face.
“Oh, right,” Chrissy laughed, ripping off a piece of paper from in her bag and jotting her number down. “So, call me sometime?” Mike nodded, and as the girl walked away again he reached for her arm, catching her off guard.
“Wait up,” he said, running his fingers down her wrist and palm. “I was just wondering if, um, well if you were doing anything tonight. Like, ‘cause if you weren’t, I thought that, maybe…you’d want to do something. With me, I mean.” Mike knew he sounded like a dork, as did Chrissy. A nervous laughter escaped Mike’s lips as he let go of Chrissy’s hand, waiting for an answer.
“You know, I’m actually busy tonight,” Chrissy said, which was true. “Maybe some other time.” Mike nodded and muttered an “okay” as Chrissy turned to leave for the final time.
Damn, Mike said as he walked down the crowded halls of Fort Minor High. He was really hoping to have hung out with Chrissy tonight, let her get to know him better, let her see that he wasn’t the asshole he’d stupidly portrayed himself as. To tell the truth, he really liked her. Not just because she was beautiful, but because she was smart, funny, and an all around amazing person. There was something different about her, different from everyone else in the school. She didn’t follow the trends, didn’t act like a stuck up slut, and she spoke her mind honestly. Mike really had to admire her for that because not many other people were like that.
Pushing open the large metal front doors of the school, Mike made his way down the steps and along the sidewalk. A few of his friends called his name and nodded him and he nodded in return but didn’t stop to chat. When he was about halfway home his cell phone, located in his left pocket, began to vibrate. It shocked Mike, catching him by surprise. Looking at the main screen he saw that the caller was Tak.
“Yo, Tak, what up man?” Mike answered.
“Mike, man, where the **** were you? We was waitin’ fo you round the back, yo. You ****in disappeared on us, man,” Tak spat out, sounding a bit angry.
“Yeah, I went to class, man,” Mike said. “I had this project thing to do, you know? Forgot about it last minute. Don’t worry, Ima chill with my crew tonight, yo.” Mike tried to reassure Tak, but the other rapper wasn’t buying it.
“You ****in ditched us, yo,” he told Mike. “Yo, man, you better still be on fo tonight. ‘Cause if you aren’t Ima hafta kick yo ass, bro.” Mike laughed into the phone, hoping Tak wouldn’t catch onto his nervousness.
“Naw, man. Ima be there, don’t worry,” he said. “You want me to swing around and pick you up?” Tak answered that he needed a drive anyways, and since Mike offered he took him up. They were all heading out to a club tonight, DJ Taylor’s, and Tak had gotten them a spot on stage. Mike didn’t really feel like going; he was tired and had too much on his mind, mostly about Chrissy. But nonetheless he promised the boys he’d be there, so he was going to go. However, he didn’t realize that someone else had plans to go to DJ Taylor’s tonight as well.
Chrissy opened the door to let Tanya and Morgan inside, hugging each as they stepped over the threshold. Chrissy had invited them over to go to DJ Taylor’s that night around eight. It was now just after five, and the three of them ordered a pizza for dinner, then went upstairs and got ready for the night.
Tanya changed into a brown tank top and tight black pants, pulling her ebony hair up into a half pony tail. She added just a bit of light blue eye shadow, and she looked stunning. Morgan chose to wear a purple top that tied up behind the neck. With it she wore a pair of blue jeans, leaving her red hair to fall in curls at her shoulders. Chrissy wore a red tube top and dark denim jeans, pulling her blonde hair up into a full pony tail. Just a touch of lip gloss completed the attire, and she looked absolutely gorgeous.
Around seven thirty the girls decided to hop into Morgan’s shiny blue corvette and drive down to DJ Taylor’s. Along the way, Tanya kept a wide smile on her face. They were going to meet Travis and some of his friends at the club, and she couldn’t wait. Morgan added that she’d like to meet some hot guys there and get down and dirty on the dance floor. They all laughed, anticipating the second they walk through the club doors.
It only took them about fifteen minutes to drive further downtown to where all the excitement was. The lights on all the bars and clubs were lit brightly, beckoning in any happening customer. It was actually quite pretty, for a place that was downtown and practically in the ghetto. Morgan turned into the parking lot, which was near full, finally finding a parking spot after driving around for a minute. They had to park in the back, but at least it wasn’t a far walk from the front doors. All of the girls were excited, ready to head in their and dance the night away.
As Chrissy held open the large doors for her friends, a wave of heat washed over them all, causing their hair to fly back. It was certainly a lot hotter inside, with all of the bodies so close together and dancing. The lights were of a faded yellow that shone down overhead; the floor was put together of wooden tiles that stretched all through the club. The tables, chairs and bars surrounding the dance floor were also wooden, giving the club an old fashioned feel to it. A large portion of the north part of the enormous room was taken up by a five foot stage that extended about twelve feet. This was where karaoke took place, as well as some live singers and bands. There was something going on every night in DJ Taylor’s; it was definitely the place to be.
Travis and his friends, a white guy named Jason and another black guy named Steve, were waiting for the girls at a table to the right of the entrance. Tanya spotted them right away and ran into Travis’s arms. They kissed before Tanya stood back and let her boyfriend admire her. Travis was a tall, well built black male with a slight moustache starting as well a small beard that he kept neat. He was a handsome guy and Chrissy could see why Tanya liked him. Travis introduced his friends to the girls, and right away they all seemed to get along. The guys had gotten a pitcher of beer for everyone, and they sat around drinking and talking and having a great time.
The music overhead switched to familiar hip hop beat, and the girls practically jumped out of their seats and ran over to the dance floor. Right away they started moving their bodies to the music, shaking their hips and flaunting what they had. It wasn’t long before Travis, Jason and Steve approached them. Travis grabbed Tanya by the hips and the two of them started grinding together. Steve had taken a fancy to Morgan, taking her hands and pulling her closer to him. Jason placed his hands on Chrissy’s hips, drawing her nearer as well and their bodies entangled in the dance. All six of them were laughing and having a great time. Jason took a hold of Chrissy’s hands, lifted them up and spun her around, catching her back in his arms as the song ended.
“You’re a great dancer,” he said as they headed back to their table for some more drinks. Chrissy smiled sweetly.
“So are you,” she told him, pouring a glass for herself and taking a dip. “How come I’ve never seen you around before?” Jason answered that she probably had, she just didn’t recognize him. He was at DJ Taylor’s a lot, usually with some of the other guys he hung around with.
“He’s everywhere, man,” Steven said as he approached the table, arm around Morgan’s shoulders. “He’s like Jesus, he’s all around us!” With that, everyone burst out laughing. Chrissy clutched her stomach as she doubled over, trying not to spew beer from her mouth. When she could finally manage to swallow the drink and catch her breath, she told Steve that that was one of the best things she’d ever heard.
Soon enough they were all back on the dance floor, hot and sweaty yet having a blast. Chrissy got many stared from guys surrounding her, all eyeing her carefully and smiling. She just smiled back but let her body language tell them that they had no chance. It was around nine thirty when the music stopped for a moment while a large, bald black man appeared on the stage. Grabbing a mic from a stand in the corner, he turned it on and announced the audience, telling them that in about two minutes they were going to have a live band perform.
“Give it up for the Divine Five!” the man yelled, clapping several times before turning off the mic and headed back offstage. The crowd went wild, cheering like mad. Chrissy’s jaw fell open in disbelief as the five familiar rappers walked out on stage.
Mike Shinoda walked across the stage, mic in hand, alongside Tak and Ryu, followed by Vin Skully and DJ Cheapshot. A few of the bar staff had brought out a turn table and Cheapshot got himself ready to perform. Vin set down a large boom box and placed a CD inside as Tak addressed the audience.
“Hey, how y’all doin tonight?” He yelled, getting a loud response from the audience. “Make some noise for ma boys in da club!” The cheer was louder. “Y’all ready do dance? Let’s go!” With that, Vin hit play and a loud escaped the large speakers. Tak began to rap, slurring off rhymes about money, sex, and drugs. When Tak would finish a verse, Ryu would pick it up and continue from there, and Mike would finish off Ryu’s verses. They were all having the time of their lives up there on stage. Mike was seating by the end of the second song, but his voice was not yet exhausted. He loved the feel of being up on stage, singing in front of a bunch of people that loved to hear him. He and his crew were big, they knew it. Not big enough to get a label or be signed, but they were well known around the area. Everyone knew the voiced of Tak, Ryu and Mike, and the music of Vin Skully and DJ Cheapshot.
While Ryu was rapping away, Mike took the time to scan the audience. He liked to see their faces, liked to see them dancing and moving to his crew’s beat, liked to see if some of them could rap along with the words. Some of the could, Mike observed, and it made him smile. But as he was scanning the audience he saw a face that he never expected to see in the audience, especially tonight. He felt as if his heart had stopped, as if time itself had frozen. Mike looked down at the angry face of Chrissy Baldwin, and he could see in her eyes how mad she was. Mike felt an enormous wave of guilt wash through him. Although it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know she was coming, he still felt bad because it seemed that lately wherever he and his crew were playing, Chrissy was nearby. None of this was set up, he knew, but his face turned red and his throat ran dry.
Mike was so caught up in his thoughts that he was a bit late on his part of the song. He just sort of blurted out the words, the usual spirit of his voice now lost. He didn’t feel like rapping at the moment, not now. Not when someone he actually cared about was standing there taking it all in after she had expressed how much she disliked it. The lyrics came out, though, clear as day, talking about bitches and hoes, of guns and dope. The rest of the crowd soaked it up, loved it. But that didn’t matter right now. It was a hundred people versus one, and Mike was on the side of that one person.
When the song was done, Tak announced that their time on stage was up, and he thanked the crowd for being so amazing. Mike practically ran off stage as he saw Chrissy heading towards the door. Unfortunately, he lost sight of her as he had to swim his way through the crowd of dancers, some of them reaching out for him, wanting him to dance with them. Mike didn’t have time; he had to get to Chrissy, had to speak with her and explain everything. He knew she definitely hated him now, he couldn’t prevent that. But he just had to talk to her.
Luckily he caught her sitting a table with her friends, and he paused by one of the large wooden pillars near the front door. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he tried to look casual as he walked up to the table. At once everyone looked up at him, and Chrissy and Tanya rolled their eyes. Chrissy took a sip of beer and turned away.
“Hey, Chrissy,” Mike said over the music that now blared from the speakers over the dance floor. “Um, can I talk to you for a second?” He waited for a response, but the girl didn’t turn around.
“Hey, man, nice job up there,” Steve said when no one else had spoken. “I really like the music, man. I could feel it, y’know what I’m sayin?” Mike nodded and thanked him, a nervous look about his reddening face.
“Chrissy, please, just for a second,” he started. Chrissy whipped her head around and glared at him.
“And what exactly do you want to say, huh? That you didn’t mean it, that you’re sorry for rapping such discriminating, disgusting things? Yeah, sure Mike. Whatever.” She took another sip of beer. Mike tried to explain, but Chrissy cut him off. “You know, I honestly thought you were a nice guy. You didn’t seem at all the type that would say such awful things. But I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong. You definitely had me fooled.”
“Chrissy, its not like that, please,” Mike started again, but Chrissy stood up, shoved her chair aside and brushed passed him, storming outside. Mike was about to go after her when he felt a hand tightly grip his shoulder.
“Hey, man, you better just **** off now,” Travis said as Mike turned to face him. He was immediately intimidated by the tall black man, swallowing a lump in his throat.
“Look, I just need to talk to her,” Mike explained. “This is between her and I, and I need to settle something.” Travis hesitantly let go of Mike’s shoulder, and the young rapper headed outside in search for his blonde crush.
It was cool outside, the night air refreshing on his hot skin. Frantically he looked around, not seeing any sign of her. He walked around back, looking left and right, until he found her leaning against a blue corvette. Her arms were folded across her chest and she still had an angry look about her. Mike approached her slowly, scratching his neck nervously as he walked up to her.
“Chrissy, look, I’m really sorry,” he said. “I had no idea you’d be here. It seems like every time the guys and I get together to rap, you’re somewhere nearby. I don’t mean for it to be like that, honestly. I know you don’t like the **** we rap about, and you got me thinking. I mean, it is pretty derogatory and it is offending. But you’re the only one who can see that. I wish…I wish that other people saw that too. I wish that I had seen that earlier. I don’t know what I was thinking. But I swear to you, Chrissy, I never meant to offend you.” They were both silent for a moment before Chrissy looked over at him.
“You have a nice voice,” she said, catching Mike completely off guard. “You have a talent for rapping, you know that? You shouldn’t waste it. And it’s a shame, because right now, you are. You’re wasting your words on awful, discriminating subjects. Instead, you could be relaying positive messages to people out there. You could be spreading word of hope, of love, of help. But you’re wasting that.” Chrissy shook her head, staring down at the pavement. Mike stepped closer to Chrissy, resting a hand on her bare shoulder. She was cold to the touch, shivering slightly.
“You’re cold,” he said, taking off his green-grey jacket and draping it over her shoulders, then put an arm around her. She thanked him, looking into his eyes; their faces were only inches apart. Mike’s heartbeat quickened. “Chrissy, I…I don’t know what to say, other than you’re right. I never thought of it that way. And maybe…maybe you could, you know, help me out. You’re a writer, you love writing. So if you want to, we can collaborate and work on some lyrics, and I could show it to the guys and see what they think.” Chrissy thought about Mike’s offer for a second.
“It’s tempting, but if the guys knew I helped with it, they’d have a fit. They don’t like me, and you know it. To be frank, I don’t like them much either. But that’s only because they’re constantly giving me grief,” she explained. Mike tightened his grip on her.
“I know, and I’m really sorry. You know what, I’ll talk to them,” he said, and noticed the sharp look Chrissy gave him. “Not like last time. For real, I’ll tell them to cool it. I promise.” Chrissy nodded her head, saying that this was the last time she’s hear him say he promised to do something on her behalf. Mike completely understood.
“Hey, what do you say we go somewhere? Just you and me. We can grab a bite to eat or something,” Mike offered.
“What about the guys?” Chrissy asked with raised eyebrows. Mike looked confused.
“The guys?” Chrissy nodded.
“Yeah, I saw your car out front. You drove them, didn’t you?”
“Oh, no,” said Mike, “just Tak. But he can catch a ride with the other guy’s, I’m sure. So what do you say, you wanna go?” Chrissy hesitated before saying yes. Then, taking her hand in his, Mike lead her to the front parking lot and unlocked the car, opening the passenger side for her and then climbing in the driver’s side.
“You ready?” he asked, smiling at her. She smiled and nodded.
“Yeah,” she said, keeping her gaze on his handsome face. “Let’s go.”