Republican Economy Sucks for many Americans

"Sid9" <> wrote:
>spammer wrote:
>> Maybe you libs should stop whining and get, well you know, A JOB.

>Have no response? Snip it all out and attack the sender!
>The Republican way Turnout in Iowa was 2:1 Democrat!

It's funny: The jobs are going to India, Mexico, China, Japan,
various third world shitholes. And rightarded traitors demand
that the way to escape the Republican economy is to "get a job."

"Like Saddam Hussein's (evil, awful) sons, the Republican Party, drunk on power
and unmediated by any sensible outside force, went ****ing insane."
spammer wrote:
> On Jan 4, 9:13 pm, X...@aol.COM (Friendly Xenu) wrote:

>> It's funny: The jobs are going to India, Mexico, China, Japan,
>> various third world shitholes. And rightarded traitors demand
>> that the way to escape the Republican economy is to "get a job."

> You're right, it's better to sit on your ass and whine rather than
> doing something about it.

Americans work harder, longer and for less than most citizens of
industrialized countries