Republicans and their petty, sniveling, hate-filled, envy-driven attacks on Al Gore

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Republicans are hateful, small and petty people by nature. Based
seemingly upon some dysfunctional and bizarre principle, Republicans
reflexively despise anything, everything and anybody that could
somehow benefit humanity.

Hatred and pettiness fuel today's Republican ... oh, and let's not
forget envy.

Considering the true nature of a Republican, it is little wonder then
that they are rabidly and viciously attacking Al Gore and the Nobel
Peace Prize Committee. Republicans worship George W. Bush, failed
Neoconservative policies and their Party's bankrupted ideology more
than they pretend to revere Jesus Christ and more than they adore
having others die for their wars. While their Messiah Bush is wholly
despised by most Americans and nearly every person on the planet, Al
Gore, Mister Messiah's onetime nemesis, is respected and admired by
nearly all. What circumstance could possibly more inflame the hatred
and pettiness of today's Republican?

All the while Mister Bush busied himself igniting wars and torturing
human beings, in general degrading and denigrating the onetime lofty
reputation of the United States; Al Gore, the man who had received
more votes than Bush and lost an election by judicial thievery, spent
his years in exile saving the planet and saving humanity from the
Republicans' greed-driven policies and practices that have fueled
global warming.

In the final analysis, George W. Bush "won" the presidency and lost
all else, while Al Gore "lost" an election and won everything ...
including the adoration, admiration and respect of all humanity. It
must be killing Republicans to realize that, though they used to
ceaselessly mock Al Gore, in the end the joke was on them.
Understanding that they have become a laughing stock, it is little
wonder that Al Gore's winning of the Nobel Prize is fueling the
typical petty and hate-filled Republican reaction.

How does that go? "You reap what you sow" ... or is it, "He who laughs
last, laughs the loudest"? Then again, maybe the lesson is that small,
petty, hate-filled, and envy-driven people can cheat themselves into
power, but they'll never get respect because that has to be earned.