Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

Should the awards be done over with the members being able to nominate?

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New member
I honestly think the lists this year are ****. I know it probably sounds like I'm mad about what I got nominated for, and I am, but to me it seems like the lists don't really make sense. I can elaborate if you want. I think it's also pretty bad that mods do the nominating. This is the LPF Awards, not the Mod Awards of LPF. The public should be able to nominate people. I think that's the only fair way to do it.

Some people are just as active as others and jesus christ some people got nominated 6 or 7 times.

Everyone was like 'zomg LPF Awards 06 are coming' and I'm like 'sweet, I'll figure out who I should nominate' and then wtf I see the thread and there's lists of people already up o_O Why can't we just redo it all over again and let people nominate for the awards?



New member
yeah i am unhappy myself i think certain people need nominated for certain things (and no this dosen't include me not being nominated i am fine with that its just there are repeats in like every category)


New member
It may be the case but award lists do tend to be repetetive and generally its the person or whatever with the most exposuer that gets choosen.

But u do have to realise its just a stupid bit of fun and not much more then that and shouldn't been taken sooo seriously at the end of the day.



New member
Just leave it to the next one, its too much bother to restart now and ur sort of undermining all the work put into the selection process i happen to know it took them alot of time to decide lol.


New member
I picked yes but, you know what, this is all just for fun. Also, I'm not as active as you on this forum so I wouldn't know who to pick for "Best Couple" or "Funniest Member" ect... so it wouldn't be fair to the members like me who aren't as involved as the others.


New member
You make it seem like you're ungreatful, it probably took them ages to actually finalize the lists.. if the people were to nominate it'd be a headache from ****. Are you suggesting that the members nominate andt he mods vote? Because you can't have the whole boards nominate, and then have the whole boards vote, that's just.. dumb.

In most cases, awards are chosen by the higher reps of whatever system it is, then voted on by the peons. That's how it is here.

Way to not appreciate their hard work.



New member
You make it seem like you're ungreatful, it probably took them ages to actually finalize the lists.. if the people were to nominate it'd be a headache from ****. Are you suggesting that the members nominate andt he mods vote? Because you can't have the whole boards nominate, and then have the whole boards vote, that's just.. dumb.
In most cases, awards are chosen by the higher reps of whatever system it is, then voted on by the peons. That's how it is here.

Way to not appreciate their hard work.

Totally agree with the ungrateful thing and I know especially mouse have spent ages aranging this stuff.



New member
I dont really care HONESTLY

Last year I got **** and I was fairly "popular" on this forums this year i got a buttload of nominations and if anything I became more of a legend then a popular I think its in a sense fair...I mean the award nominations are listed accordingly and I can't think of one I truely disagree with if anything the cutest couple or best fanfic becuase 9.11 didnt get picked but I mean yea its fine with me



New member
Look man, I understand in part why you'd want to change this. I've seen similar things on other forums, with member nominations. That does however not change the fact that this is how it goes on this particular forum.

This format might look clique-ish and elitist at times, as we're far from perfect, but all I can tell you is that the mods put all their effort in trying to be fair and neutral in nominating.


As to all the work we've put into this. Yes, the mods have been planning, nominating and setting this up since last January. Mouse for example has been told on more than one occasion I think that he's working too hard on this. It's not something we pulled out of a hat like that. From that point I really don't appreciate us being undermined like that. And Mark, I'm especially amazed by this with you being a newscaster. You've read and taken part in the discussion we've had in the mod section, and now you come and ask where you could nominate and wish to rebel this whole thing and redo it? You could've voiced concerns in the mod section from the very beginning of this.



Other than that...this is a forum award, not the Nobel Peace Prize. This whole thing, including nominations and of course final vote resault shouldn't be taken too seriously.

If you're unhappy, ignore it. Let those who wish to, have fun with this. That's what it's all about.






New member


Fribs is 100% right... BUT!, you are entitled to your own opinion so I am unlocking it. BUT, WE ARE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES RE-DOING THE NOMINATIONS OR THE VOTING. Discuss all you want...


Dont spam though.



New member
why can you not redo it?

its better if you do this **** right and not totally 100% **** it up entirely like the mods have



New member
why can you not redo it?its better if you do this **** right and not totally 100% **** it up entirely like the mods have
Why can they not redo it? They've been working on it since January. Stop being a little ingrate and just leave it be.

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