Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

Should the awards be done over with the members being able to nominate?

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New member
If the members chose the nominations it would be nothing but a popularity contest' date=' not to mention it would be pointless to have the members pick nominees and then pick the winner. That's just stupid. They may as well just pick the winner and that's it, that's all. Not to mention the fact that it would be [b']**** ON EARTH [/b] trying to have every single LPF member to agree on 5 nominees.
The mods easily have the biggest oppurtunity to judge and see who is worthy of being nominated, since they oversee EVERYTHING. Besides, they have been made mods because they know how to be fair.

This is the way any awards work. Go look at the Grammy's or some other award show. The people in charge run the show, and make the nominations. Be glad you get any choice at all, the mods could just pick a winner themselves.

Take what you can get. This system works fine. Well, except for all the needless complaining.
We understand. But if you're not trying to see anything from our point of veiw, no one is gonna listen to you... and thats the truth... I'm sorry.

No offense to the mods... but what makes them so different from the people when it comes to popularity contests. The mods may not know enough or have seen enough from people to even make the nessisary nominations. If a person is well known on these forums, then obviously thier name would come up when considering nominations, even if they aren't the best choice for said catagory.

And thats my expanded opinion... still no sugar to be found.

Ahh... I love it when hard work is thrown back into the faces of which it came...
I'm sure it was so back-breakingly difficult and no fun was involved whatsoever.

Plus, its a popularity competion anyway, regardless of wether the community chooses, or the mods choose. Although i think you will get more variation in nominees if the community was voting. Like it was said somewhere earlier, the lists of nominees are repeatative, looks pretty similar to last year from what i remember of it.
Plus the mods dont ever see anymore then the community itself. I mean, there is also alot of stuff that happens behind the scences, for example PM's, I have had many a member PM me asking for help, and i have given it, and i have also PM'ed alot of members asking for help, and recieved it.
And that makes alot of sense too.



New member
Okay. Explain to me how you expect to make it fair by having the members make nominations. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to get everyone to agree on 5 nominees. And then it kind of defeats the purpose.. why even have nominees if you have the group choosing them? Obviously, one member is going to have more nomination votes than the others, so why not just crown him/her the winner right then and there?

Besides, like I said earlier, the mods were chosen to be mods partly because of their good judgement. They see everything that goes on, so who better to pick nominees?

And most importantly, I think people are forgetting that this isn't a manditory thing. The mods are doing this on their own time, of their own free will to give something back to the community. The sad thing is, half the community doesn't realize this, and wants everything changed. It's almost pointless for the mods to put their time and effort into something that half the people don't appreciate.



New member
Okay. Explain to me how you expect to make it fair by having the members make nominations. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to get everyone to agree on 5 nominees. And then it kind of defeats the purpose.. why even have nominees if you have the group choosing them? Obviously, one member is going to have more nomination votes than the others, so why not just crown him/her the winner right then and there?
Besides, like I said earlier, the mods were chosen to be mods partly because of their good judgement. They see everything that goes on, so who better to pick nominees?

And most importantly, I think people are forgetting that this isn't a manditory thing. The mods are doing this on their own time, of their own free will to give something back to the community. The sad thing is, half the community doesn't realize this, and wants everything changed. It's almost pointless for the mods to put their time and effort into something that half the people don't appreciate.
Nevermind, you're a great person, I like you and all, but you're being kind of bull-headed.

If all of this is so, then how about us people who don't agree with the nominee's entirely run our own Unofficial LPF Awards in a more democratic way. As in, let the people nominate, and vote.

If that was allowed, everyone would have to stop ********. :)



New member
Besides, like I said earlier, the mods were chosen to be mods partly because of their good judgement. They see everything that goes on, so who better to pick nominees?



New member
Nevermind, you're a great person, I like you and all, but you're being kind of bull-headed.

If all of this is so, then how about us people who don't agree with the nominee's entirely run our own Unofficial LPF Awards in a more democratic way. As in, let the people nominate, and vote.

If that was allowed, everyone would have to stop ********. :)
How am I being bull-headed? I've brought up a valid counter-point to everything you have said.

You refuse to prove how to get by the flaws in your idea. (i.e. how to get everyone to agree, and what the point is to have everyone to nominate and THEN vote, rather than just vote.)

I'm all for it, if it would actually work. By viewing what's been said, it's kind of hard to see how it would.



New member
How am I being bull-headed? I've brought up a valid counter-point to everything you have said.
You refuse to prove how to get by the flaws in your idea. (i.e. how to get everyone to agree, and what the point is to have everyone to nominate and THEN vote, rather than just vote.)

I'm all for it, if it would actually work.
Well how did the mods choose the nominees then?

Surely every single mod didnt agree 100% now did they?

If the community put in a set amount of nominations, Say 1 person per catergory. We would have a lovely long list which we could present to the community, and then cut it down more by having a vote on who should stay and who should go. Do a series of votes until you get the final list.

(probably havent explained that fully right, oh well.)

Thats one way we could address that issue.



New member
How am I being bull-headed? I've brought up a valid counter-point to everything you have said.
You refuse to prove how to get by the flaws in your idea. (i.e. how to get everyone to agree, and what the point is to have everyone to nominate and THEN vote, rather than just vote.)

I'm all for it, if it would actually work. By viewing what's been said, it's kind of hard to see how it would.
You and me, we ain't so different. I love to argue my point till the ****** end, and refuse to see any other point whether it be valid, or completely out of wack.

Here's how it would work misery.

Any person that could be remotely considered for a catagory would be pre-picked. ANYBODY.

Those people would be shown and reveiled for the whole world to see. People would then list who they would like to see for the top 5 nominee's.

The votes would be tallied up and the top 5 who have been chosen the most would be the nominee's

Then the official voting would begin.

Its not Rocket Science people.



New member
Well, I'm not a mod so I can't say for sure what went on.

But again, it's kind of pointless to have nominations then when you could just have a straight vote from the beginning.. it almost defeats the purpose.

The main thing I'm worried about, though, is that everyone is going to just vote for their friends. At least the way we have it now, the nominees aren't all because of popularity. (The ultimate winner of each category may be, but not everyone is going to be voting for their friends.)

Haha.. I can see it now. Stenners winning every single category :p

But, in the end, it's ultimately up to the mods to decide how it's done, since they're in charge of the whole thing. I, personally, like the system we have now, but we'll see how it goes next year.

Can't change it for this year, that's for sure :p



New member
Well, I'm not a mod so I can't say for sure what went on.
But again, it's kind of pointless to have nominations then when you could just have a straight vote from the beginning.. it almost defeats the purpose.

The main thing I'm worried about, though, is that everyone is going to just vote for their friends. At least the way we have it now, the nominees aren't all because of popularity. (The ultimate winner of each category may be, but not everyone is going to be voting for their friends.)

Haha.. I can see it now. Stenners winning every single category :p

But, in the end, it's ultimately up to the mods to decide how it's done, since they're in charge of the whole thing. I, personally, like the system we have now, but we'll see how it goes next year.

Can't change it for this year, that's for sure :p
I'd be scared if Stenners won everything. Especially best Female. :p



New member
Hahaha i love both parts of it Hahninator

Anyway I say let the regs vote. Give power to the faceless masses. They r the ones with the real power. For although there r those in power, there r far more not in power. And do they not also come to this sight just as often as mods n admins and elites? Restore power to the people. Wow, that sounded like I wanted to start a Revolution. Perhaps I should give that some serious thought.



Active Members
If you don't like the list, don't vote. Its not rocket science.

I believe that if these awards can't be appreciated by the forums, then they have run thier course. This was meant to be a moral boost and a way for members to get involved in the boards.

If the people don't want these LPF Awards anymore though, I say let this 2006 be the last year and call it a day. Because the mods are not obligated to this, and there is no reason why they should have to waste their time just for this **** - a demand of this low grade stupidity.

My final opinion is that, if the majority of the votes say 'Yes' in this thread, we should can the LPF Awards after 2006. Period. Because they will never work if this is the way people are going to be.



New member
If you don't like the list, don't vote. Its not rocket science.
I believe that if these awards can't be appreciated by the forums, then they have run thier course. This was meant to be a moral boost and a way for members to get involved in the boards.

If the people don't want these LPF Awards anymore though, I say let this 2006 be the last year and call it a day. Because the mods are not obligated to this, and there is no reason why they should have to waste their time just for this **** - a demand of this low grade stupidity.

My final opinion is that, if the majority of the votes say 'Yes' in this thread, we should can the LPF Awards after 2006. Period. Because they will never work if this is the way people are going to be.

I agree with you...if people don't like it...what's the point in doing it?



New member
The thing is, most people do like it, it's just a select few people who don't, and they are VERY vocal about it :S


Active Members
The thing is' date=' most people do like it, it's just a select few people who don't, and they are VERY vocal about it :S[/quote']
But the question you have to ask it worth hearing them ***** about it every year when the awards come around? Because I agree with Vash, its very disheartening for the mods to deal with. And I really feel for them.


New member
I don't know man. Don't restart these ones for sure' date=' but maybe next time we could try doing a community involved thing. I think it would make everyone happy. I don't like the list this year, I like the people on it, but it's always those same people for different things. I know that I'm taking this waaaay to personally but it is kind of depressing when I have been a member of these boards for almost 2 years and I have never gotten nominated for anything. Maybe I'm just not a spectactular person. :( [/quote']
Agreed, ive been around here for almost 2 years now, and rather active, yet nothing. But I mean, it doesnt bother me much, its just a online forum lol, but yeh, its popularity.

Dont can the awards, they are good for a moral boost, just maybe give a lil more community input. I dont think this thread is people trying to be rude or ungrateful, i mean, i appreciate the mods putting the work, i think this thread is just a outcry for more community input.


New member
Mark, man.

Why this?

Why didn't you just say something in the mod forum? You come now and act all surprised and request a redo...saying you didn't see the new posts in the mod forum cause it was always white and not blue for new posts...bullshit man. I don't buy that.

I mean sure you could've said something, and then made a thread here now had we decided not to listen to you or something, I don't know. At least do it maturely. You're bashing us. Calling us no good idiots.

Man, it's the internet I know, but I used to have respect for you. I don't anymore.

A few people seem to like the idea of public nominations, and I have become especially fond of that idea, if not for anything else then just because the awards always get the mods this ****. I see now why mods like Vash, Sui and Vero decided they wanted nothing to do with this.

So far I've only seen a handful of members request that members nominate. We can't just flip it like that out of the blue. First I'd say we'd have a vote, on whether to keep this format or not, or ****, whether to keep having the awards.

More member input is definately needed. More categories, for example. I'm all for that. So NEXT YEAR, keep that in mind. Stay active, remind us.

Somebody other than me though, cause I seriously doubt I'll want to take all this **** next year.



New member
oh for christ sake how maneh people are going to witter on about some aspects of lpf being a popularity contest...its a sodding forum

get a ******* grip



New member
Kay ******** you got Keza ******.

Not a good sign.

I think the mods should do it thier own way. Becuase if I got told how to run the Hottest Member Ever I would simply say. "Hey buddy why don't you take a twelve inch long razor and slit your throat. And then shove your hand into your neck and pull out your wind pipe and let me pee down it." But that's me. See, this isn't an option its a privilage. This is their thread their idea their ****. They set it up not you. Noone tells you how to run your threads. I don't go and whine about people when they constantly post threads about 9.11 being planned. Maybe I should start making threads getting mods to redo polls becuase I don't like it when they list everything everybody else likes but nothing for me. Seriously it's not the people's choice awards. It's the Linkin Park Forums Awards...You can't make the word forum members from it. But you can make MOD. So I'm totaly against the whole peoples choice ****. And please don't pull this freedom of speech ****. Becuase heres the things if we are relating this to democracy then that must mean we are the people MOD's and Newscasters are the representatives and senators therefore they speak on our behalf, therefore in the end your whining doesnt even matter becuase you essentially got them elected into their posistions through "your a good mod, she definately should be a mod, wow they are very considerates"s So chyea. Don't get Keza mad.

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