RO and Cynthia

RoyalOrleans said:
I'm in the Atlanta area, but we should get alot of residual rain and thunderstorms.


Damn son, you sure would be a "Cracker Ass Cracker" there in Atlanta!

I have a friend from Maine who works for Fed-Ex. He transfered to Atlanta thinking it would be nice...Whoa Nellie! In a station of about 500 people, he was the ONLY honky there. He was so unnerved, he couldn't wait to transfer out, but he had to wait a ****ing year! He said that in Atlanta, Fed-Ex, is SoulBro-Ex and there isn't any sympathy for white boys.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

Damn son, you sure would be a "Cracker Ass Cracker" there in Atlanta!

I have a friend from Maine who works for Fed-Ex. He transfered to Atlanta thinking it would be nice...Whoa Nellie! In a station of about 500 people, he was the ONLY honky there. He was so unnerved, he couldn't wait to transfer out, but he had to wait a ****ing year! He said that in Atlanta, Fed-Ex, is SoulBro-Ex and there isn't any sympathy for white boys.

Well, I live in what is considered "North Atlanta". It's alot more white and suburban. I work for UPS and people call my truck the "doo-doo brown mobile".
I am in new jersey and absolutely CRAVING a good nor' easter. My daughter has yet to experience a good nor easter here at the shore and I can't wait to take her to the beach to see the ocean at it's most powerful/ (we can also walk to the river and watch that go wild, great riverside resturaunt down the street|)
cynthiaa89 said:
I'm in North Louisiana really, so we probably won't get much from it. Maybe some rain or something... :rolleyes: Hopefully....
Fill up a couple gallons of water in the freezer... two lieter bottles work best and be ready for power outages... If you don't have a generator and fuel for it get a power inverter to convert your car battery to home voltage... they cost around $40 and even if you don't need it it comes in handy for camping or a party when you want to run a large amp stereo at a beer party rather than the radio... they won't run the referigerator but a small fan, tv and vcr will make a difference in five or six days of no power especially after the ice melts!

You may want to go get some cheap gas since the prices will jump about 20 or 30 cents after the futures market opens on Monday considering the possible damage to the oil rigs in the gulf being in danger... Buy a container of Sta-Bil gas stabilizer to add to the gas so it stays fresh!
RoyalOrleans said:
Well, I live in what is considered "North Atlanta". It's alot more white and suburban. I work for UPS and people call my truck the "doo-doo brown mobile".

What has brown done for you today?

I heard, that Royal Orleans is going to be moving to the new, "Rapid Delivery" division of UPS.

In fact, there he is with his new delivery truck!
You know we've been getting thunder storms the last few days up here. in AK. There very uncomon up here.
Damn I just wnat rain!!!! My garden is suffereing and I am damn sick of watering the thing
snafu said:
You know we've been getting thunder storms the last few days up here. in AK. There very uncomon up here.

Are you serious? Really...

How the hell does it get so damn green up there then? I'm genuinely curious.
Ya I remember driving through AK during one hell of a storm in August 99. (last time I was there)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Is is open season on looters? I'm ready... hmmm 30.06 or .223 decisions, decisions...

(CES) - Umm....Umm...Okay Monty, I'll take what's behind door number 3!

Applause and wild cheering

(Monty) - That's great, because you've just won the VERY FINEST in Home Defensive Weaponry...That's right! The Barret 50 caliber DEFENSIVE rifle with a 50x scope!

More Applause and wild cheering

(CES) - Oh Monty... Thank You! Thank You! I can't believe it! Thank You So Much! Hey MRIH! Look what I WON! Wowie! I think I'm going to piss my pants! Look, it even has the handy 10 round semi-automatic magazine clip. Yeah Baby!

(Monty) - So what are you going to do now?

(CES) - I'm going to Royal Orlean's house to shoot me some varmint looters...Umm...I mean defend against them. Let's just see if they can get within 1,500 yards of RO's TV. without me picking them off! Afterall, the best defense is a far reaching offense! Hee Hee Hee! EvilGrin :p
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Are you serious? Really...

How the hell does it get so damn green up there then? I'm genuinely curious.

It dose rain alot during fall. And there is alot of snow that melts :rolleyes:

But as far as thunder storms we don't get that much.
We didn't get any rain at all today. We got a lot of wind though. I don't think New Orleans got it as bad as they were predicting. I'm not sure yet, I just got back from school and I haven't seen any news yet expect what I saw earlier on the Internet. It said that the SuperDome, where a lot of people went for shelter, got some of it's roof torn off. Someone told me that Alabama and Tennesesse got it worse than Louisiana. :confused:
RoyalOrleans said:
I'm in the Atlanta area, but we should get alot of residual rain and thunderstorms.

Good luck, God speed and I hope you can tread water for a long time

Peace Bro