Road rage!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
Okay I don’t mean go out gunning for someone but what pisses you off with stupid drivers?
I really hate people that don’t use their blinkers for one.
And assholes that when turning left onto a double lane road, they turn all the way into the far right lane. When I am on the other side of the street waiting to turn right, I always cut them assholes off. I had a guy yell at me tonight because I did that. He said "you should stop"(broken English) I said “I did stop, you should turn in your own ****ing lane asshole”! And use your ****ing blinker. I think the word ****ing was all he understood. I wish I had more time with him.

I want to make a sign with the little suction cups on it. The sign would say,“ So your what a moron looks like”. I’d quickly stick it to my window for him to read.
I have serious road rage.. Especially if my kids are in my truck.. I hate all asshole drivers. But I will admit, its alot easier to tolerate, when they can atleast speak my ****ing language...
I used to have that problem but now I play violent video games such as grand theft auto to get out my frustrations...OF course NEVER around my daughter.
KathyA said:
I have serious road rage.. Especially if my kids are in my truck.. I hate all asshole drivers. But I will admit, its alot easier to tolerate, when they can atleast speak my ****ing language...

I have a nickname for people with road rage. I call them ...targets. You'd better be ****ing careful who you get ragey with, lady. All of you. Never forget that the vehicle your sitting in is not a little world where you have all the power. That little world can come to a frightening stop real ****ing fast. One minute you flipping off some dumbass that can't use his signal. The next minute your begging for your life in front of your children, just wishing you had kept your big ass mouth shut. If you had, you'd be almost home by now. Instead your on the side of a cold road, trying to stuff your steaming entrails back into the newly formed hole in your visceral cavity, all while dealing with your children freaking out at what they had just witnessed, watching their mother/father die in this senseless manner.

Its a ****ing turn signal. Its a few seconds of your time. Its a slight momentary lapse of judgment or respect from complete stranger. Don't let it get to you. I see it all the time. We're all sitting at a redlight, awaiting its change. The light turns green and not 1.5 seconds later some stressed out shitbag is pounding his horn leaning out the window screaming "go you ****ing asshole". This guy might be about to die a violent death, all because 1-3 seconds of waiting at a light was to much for him to handle.

Posted by snafu:
I had a guy yell at me tonight because I did that. He said "you should stop"(broken English) I said “I did stop, you should turn in your own ****ing lane asshole”! And use your ****ing blinker. I think the word ****ing was all he understood. I wish I had more time with him.
What if the extra time you got to spend with him was watching him put bullets through your face? Why the **** do you even care, or even let that **** eat at you man? Its just some ****ing random guy. I carry a gun on my side like John ****ing Wayne, BUT I do not ever look for reasons to use it, NOR do I allow the knowledge that I can defend myself with lethal force to go to my head and make me feel invincible. Maybe it is the fact that I have a .45 cal handgun within easy reach that allows me to laugh at the dumbass stressclown that just cut me off. None of this finger flipping leaning out the window and yelling "Hey mother**** was my ****ing turn to go you ****ing ****er...**** YOU ****ER". Not for me. I'm going home safe and sound and John Q Random can just go on thinking he got over on me.

I'm not trying to sound over-dramatic here, but ****, just watch the news at night. All the terrible things we do to each other over the silliest most unimportant things. How do you think some of those horrible things start? Sometimes its as simple as a turnsignal gone unused, or a stopsign ignored.
An Idiot almost broad sided me in the parking lot at Costco tonight, he acted like I had done something wrong and almost did it again. I was ****in pissed. I was waiting for him to get out of his car and I swear I would have gone off on him...
He thought because he was driving a Hummer that the rules of right of way mean nothing...well **** him.
Jhony5 said:
I have a nickname for people with road rage. I call them ...targets. You'd better be ****ing careful who you get ragey with, lady. All of you. Never forget that the vehicle your sitting in is not a little world where you have all the power. That little world can come to a frightening stop real ****ing fast. One minute you flipping off some dumbass that can't use his signal. The next minute your begging for your life in front of your children, just wishing you had kept your big ass mouth shut. If you had, you'd be almost home by now. Instead your on the side of a cold road, trying to stuff your steaming entrails back into the newly formed hole in your visceral cavity, all while dealing with your children freaking out at what they had just witnessed, watching their mother/father die in this senseless manner.

Its a ****ing turn signal. Its a few seconds of your time. Its a slight momentary lapse of judgment or respect from complete stranger. Don't let it get to you. I see it all the time. We're all sitting at a redlight, awaiting its change. The light turns green and not 1.5 seconds later some stressed out shitbag is pounding his horn leaning out the window screaming "go you ****ing asshole". This guy might be about to die a violent death, all because 1-3 seconds of waiting at a light was to much for him to handle.

Posted by snafu:

What if the extra time you got to spend with him was watching him put bullets through your face? Why the **** do you even care, or even let that **** eat at you man? Its just some ****ing random guy. I carry a gun on my side like John ****ing Wayne, BUT I do not ever look for reasons to use it, NOR do I allow the knowledge that I can defend myself with lethal force to go to my head and make me feel invincible. Maybe it is the fact that I have a .45 cal handgun within easy reach that allows me to laugh at the dumbass stressclown that just cut me off. None of this finger flipping leaning out the window and yelling "Hey mother**** was my ****ing turn to go you ****ing ****er...**** YOU ****ER". Not for me. I'm going home safe and sound and John Q Random can just go on thinking he got over on me.

I'm not trying to sound over-dramatic here, but ****, just watch the news at night. All the terrible things we do to each other over the silliest most unimportant things. How do you think some of those horrible things start? Sometimes its as simple as a turnsignal gone unused, or a stopsign ignored.

Well I can get shot in the face looking at the asshole wrong. I’m not going to spend my life cowering just because “what if”. I carry a gun also but in that instance it probably wouldn’t help much if he had his out first. I normally don’t confront anybody on the road but he pulled up to me. I would’ve liked to make him understand that in America we have laws. He for one didn’t use his blinker which could’ve created an accident. Then he takes two lanes to turn and thinks it’s my fault. I had the right of way in my lane. If it came down to it I would defended myself. If it escalated to my Volvo tire checker (alumium bat) or my colt 45 would be determined by him.
I can get killed by walking across the street and being hit by a transit bus.. When its your time, its your time. You can't control the hand that has already been dealt..

Now with that being said. I have every right to protect myself and my children while riding in the car.. Shy of carrying a gun.. Too many laws and to difficult to obtain permits.. I drive a full sized Chevy Suburban XLT 1500 series..All 17 feet of it would plow right through most average sized cars leaving my children and myself virtually unscathed..
I get pretty ****ing pissed at a lot of drivers (I'm on the road alot during the day), but nothing pisses me off more then someone on a cell phone.

A few weeks ago some crazy bitch just about hit me by veering off into my lane... the stupid bitch didn't even notice she was doing it because she was too god damn busy yapping on her phone. So I picked up my unopened can of soda and hurled it at her ****ing car while she was driving.. Scared the living **** out of her... I then proceeded to sceam at the stupid **** to get off that ****ing phone once I met up with her at the stop light... she quickly sped off and I never saw her again..

Nothing pisses me off more than someone that pulls out in front of me to turn at the next intersection! I mean, come the **** on, how hard would it have been to wait 3 more seconds for me, or whoever, to go pass, then pull out, and turn at the next block or intersection? I drive a big SUV, i don't mind pulling up as far on their asses as possible! I know 2 wrongs don't make a right, but sometimes a person just can't help but unleash on these ****ing idiots...and don't get me started on the non-English speaking drivers:mad:
The only thing that pisses me off are those useless self-righteous cellphone yackers that seem to be unable to merge.

I cut one off today and it felt ****ing great. Word to the wise, don't piss me off if we are sharing the same road... I have a powerful truck.
What annoys me the most is when someone (apparently) believes that driving rules don't apply to them because they have the most expensive car...doesn't make a **** bit of difference too me !!
I admit to some road rage in cases like that.

I had one guy yell at me because I was driving too fast in a parking lot. When I got out of the car I apologized, sincerely. I had a stressful day and I was in a hurry(I didn't say that too him however), only that he was right and that I should have been more careful. They guy kept yelling even after I apologized. I got close to him, stuck my finger out at him and said "You can go **** yourself !!" If I actually take the time to apologize, listen the **** up, don't keep going on AND don't expect me to be frightened that your yelling at me...I am USED to be yelled at by much bigger men then that. He was speechless, it was priceless.
I was affraid he was going to follow me in the building, they would have to pull me off him, I was wound so tight.

On days like that, when I know I'm not 'ok', I try to stay off the road, away from people and I don't answer the phone...he caught me before I could get my daughter from daycare and get home.
KathyA said:
I can get killed by walking across the street and being hit by a transit bus.. When its your time, its your time. You can't control the hand that has already been dealt..

Now with that being said. I have every right to protect myself and my children while riding in the car.. Shy of carrying a gun.. Too many laws and to difficult to obtain permits.. I drive a full sized Chevy Suburban XLT 1500 series..All 17 feet of it would plow right through most average sized cars leaving my children and myself virtually unscathed..

thats a pretty shitty attitude...what if ya plowed into a car with a mouthy bitch driving and three little ones riding??? and killed the little babies?? I drive a big pickup usually tuggin a 36 foot gooseneck trailer filled with around 25,000 pounds of livestock in the back. Yeah I get ticked off at idiot drivers, but I also try and think about the innocent ones I could possibly take out if I were to just run em over...think before ya open yer trap!!!
I do plenty of driving in my line of work...and have seen many idiot drivers. The thing that pisses me off the most are people who think that just because they have a 4x4...they can drive 80 mph on an icy road. here in my part of the country, when it snows...its usually wet enough to turn the roads into a skating rink. Im a volunteer EMT so I go out on alot of accident calls...when the ambulance can only creep along at about 35 mph...responding to some idiot who rolled his 4x4 because he thought it added traction!! C'mon may help ya not get stuck in a snow drift...but ice is ice and there aint no getting around that.
Maybe you should read my comment again.. I said, If I was 'protecting' myself and my children that would be an option.. Did you even read the comments above mine? That is what we were talking about.. Its not like we were debating doing this **** for fun.. If I was approached by some lunatic holding a gun..that is the option I would choose..

Maybe you should take your own advice up there..

lilmizztemper said:
thats a pretty shitty attitude...what if ya plowed into a car with a mouthy bitch driving and three little ones riding???

I wouldn't run over a mouthy bitch.. Though technically I could, If I felt the need..But I would beat the ever living daylights out of her though..Then reach into the car and smack the kids while I am at it.. Just for having a mother that is a complete ****ing retard for starting **** with me in the first place, while her kids were in the car..
KathyA said:
I have serious road rage.. Especially if my kids are in my truck.. I hate all asshole drivers. But I will admit, its alot easier to tolerate, when they can atleast speak my ****ing language...

uh-hu I sure DID read yer previous post...just my opinion, but when children are in should exhibit patience and care while driving...not worrying about screaming at the driver who just cut ya off er whatever...road rage, a "big truck" and children dont mix well!
I do have serious road rage. I hate all asshole drivers especially when my kids are in the car..My first reaction in any situation would be to protect them first..

You assumed that my statement 'of plowing through an average size car' meant that is how I would react at someone who had just cut me off.. That is not what was said.. Again, maybe you should read the comments above mine.
KathyA said:
I do have serious road rage. I hate all asshole drivers especially when my kids are in the car..My first reaction in any situation would be to protect them first..

Natural motherly reaction, really.

KathyA said:
You assumed that my statement 'of plowing through an average size car' meant that is how I would react at someone who had just cut me off.. That is not what was said.. Again, maybe you should read the comments above mine.

Smite encourages smite. Carry on regardless.
KathyA said:
I do have serious road rage. I hate all asshole drivers especially when my kids are in the car..My first reaction in any situation would be to protect them first..

You assumed that my statement 'of plowing through an average size car' meant that is how I would react at someone who had just cut me off.. That is not what was said.. Again, maybe you should read the comments above mine.

I never said you WOULD plow through a car...just said it was a pretty shitty attitude....
Posted by KathyA:
I do have serious road rage. I hate all asshole drivers especially when my kids are in the car..My first reaction in any situation would be to protect them first..

This statement is a contradiction unto itself. Having serious road rage is not protecting your kids...DUMBASS!!! Road rage is a temporary loss of temperament which overrides reason. In essence 'road rage' takes a momentary incident and creates a much more serious one.

To err is human. We all make mistakes, and that includes while driving. I admit when some ****ing teenagers are driving like jerks ON PURPOSE and they almost cause me to get hurt or have an accident, I react. This is a defensive posture. However I see many incidents of road rage stem from a simple honest mistake made by someone whom did not mean any ill will.

If I was going to do a college thesis on human psychology. I would place a camera at a busy 4-way stop. There you would see the inner workings of the human mind at stress. People exchanging ****-yous and fingers a flippin, over the simplest of mistakes and misunderstandings. People feel empowered in the sanctuary of their vehicle. This is a false conception. That car can be stopped without recourse, and your door may be opened. You inner-sanctum can be shattered in a moment.

Treat the stranger next to you in traffic like you would a friend or neighbor. You wouldn't scream at your friend and flip them off for bumping into you while they were walking by, would you? Then extend that same courtesy to those who you do not know. This creates a positive karma that will be sure to follow you.

The old adage. Ask for trouble and you shall receive.