Road rage!

My rage consisted of an as hole that wanted to turn in my lane. I saw him. But the rage I inflected was to cut him off. I simply turned in my lane, using my blinker. He was in the wrong by crossing over two lanes and I did everything legal. Assholes like him don
Ever been going 40 MPH or so, And some one jumps in front of you at 15 MPH..... ........... I should buy a monster truck.
vizcaya19 said:
Ever been going 40 MPH or so, And some one jumps in front of you at 15 MPH..... ........... I should buy a monster truck.

Look here ****wit. How is someone gonna "jump in front of you" doing 15 MPH, when you are doing forty?

****ing loser. Don't waste your time, or more importantly, my time. :rolleyes:
Jhony5 said:
Posted by KathyA:

This statement is a contradiction unto itself. Having serious road rage is not protecting your kids...DUMBASS!!! Road rage is a temporary loss of temperament which overrides reason. In essence 'road rage' takes a momentary incident and creates a much more serious one.


I do have road rage. I do hate all asshole drivers, especially when my kids are in the car.. BUTMy first reaction in any situation would be to protect them first.. So no, I dont act upon them when they are with me... Only when I am alone the car and some asshole pisses me off, do I even utter the first obscenity..

Now instead of taking bits and pieces of what I was saying. Look at the whole picture.. My comments as a whole..

Feel better now? Or would you like to continue on about my parenting skills and driving abilitites and my amazing talent for being a dumbass..
Okay I just came within an inch of being hit coming home from work. This asshole weaved in and out of trafic, cutting in front of me by maybe an inch. Then he cuts of a friend of mine to get in the turn lane. My co-worker and I just looked at eachother in astonisment. Did I want to get out and kick his ass? hell yeah. And I should've before he killed someone. But he turned and went on weaving through the trafic.
KathyA said:
Jhony5 said:
Posted by KathyA:

This statement is a contradiction unto itself. Having serious road rage is not protecting your kids...DUMBASS!!! Road rage is a temporary loss of temperament which overrides reason. In essence 'road rage' takes a momentary incident and creates a much more serious one.


I do have road rage. I do hate all asshole drivers, especially when my kids are in the car.. BUTMy first reaction in any situation would be to protect them first.. So no, I dont act upon them when they are with me... Only when I am alone the car and some asshole pisses me off, do I even utter the first obscenity..

Now instead of taking bits and pieces of what I was saying. Look at the whole picture.. My comments as a whole..

Feel better now? Or would you like to continue on about my parenting skills and driving abilitites and my amazing talent for being a dumbass..

KathyA... if you do not negotiate the ****ing quote tags, I will take a giant **** on you.
snafu said:
Okay I just came within an inch of being hit coming home from work. This asshole weaved in and out of trafic, cutting in front of me by maybe an inch. Then he cuts of a friend of mine to get in the turn lane. My co-worker and I just looked at eachother in astonisment. Did I want to get out and kick his ass? hell yeah. And I should've before he killed someone. But he turned and went on weaving through the trafic.

Yeah... you've got to watch those ****ing dogsleds.
RoyalOrleans said:
Kill one, you've got a nice meal. Kill a whole team, that's just wait. There's burning children in Iraq that'd eat Husky meat.

Kill me one and feed me for a day. Teach me to kill them and you feed me for a life time.
I am the king of the road. I speed, change lanes frequently, never signal, make illegal turns, pass on the shoulder, honk obsessively and race out every stoplight.

**** that man, I am not staying stuck in traffic forever.