Rock am ring 2008 webcasts

Just go to Youtube. I was on there this morning and they had some BFMV at RAR08. They had Waking The Demon, Deliver Us From Evil, and Eye of the Storm I know for sure, but all Waking The Demon was a picture of the crowd and them playing it live. It doesn't show the performance.
Just go to Youtube. I was on there this morning and they had some BFMV at RAR08. They had Waking The Demon, Deliver Us From Evil, and Eye of the Storm I know for sure, but all Waking The Demon was a picture of the crowd and them playing it live. It doesn't show the performance.

Yeah I know I saw those 2, but I want the video´s :)
there's no webcast this year...

but MTV broadcasted Metallica and Incubus...maybe someone uploads that somewhere...pretty sure Metallica will be available soon

I just saw it...and it was crazy