Rosa Parks-RIP

Kryptonite Man

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
A pioneer in the Civil Rights movement passed away . Rosa Parks, the lady who defied the unjust Jim Crow laws by refusing to give up her seat on a bus in 1955, essentially giving birth to the Civil Rights movement, left us on Monday. She was 92, I think. Natural causes. She will be missed by all of us. :( :( :(
She was a patsy for the movement. She was at the right place at the right time.
But I wouldn
I can't imagine what it must have been like for her and others in the same generation to be told they can't ride in the front of the bus, they can't eat in the same restaurants, drink from the same water fountain, the sad sordid list goes on. Then for her to have the courage to say NO. To be told you are less then nothing all your life and to NOT let that become who you are, she had an amazing resolve.
Hey Kryptonite man,

Are you aware that (in Texas at least) Some of the Jim Crow statutes are still in existance? All of the handgun laws from that era that are still in full force. They just replaced the "No negro" phrase to "No person".

One thing that TERRORIST-HATER said that I agree with is, when society disparages rights to one class of its citenzenry, soon it will be disparged to all.

I really wished that racsist crap never happened, it really ****ed up our constitutional rights.

Here in Texas, we need to repeal all of the handgun laws and start over.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Hey Kryptonite man,

Are you aware that (in Texas at least) Some of the Jim Crow statutes are still in existance? All of the handgun laws from that era that are still in full force. They just replaced the "No negro" phrase to "No person".

One thing that TERRORIST-HATER said that I agree with is, when society disparages rights to one class of its citenzenry, soon it will be disparged to all.

I really wished that racsist crap never happened, it really ****ed up our constitutional rights.

Here in Texas, we need to repeal all of the handgun laws and start over.

So your from Texas, I knew there must be a reason you appealed to me. I am originally from Texas.
Racism is truly a cowardly ideology spawned from pure ignorance which has no justification whatsoever. It is sad that to this day, people cannot see people as a whole are different. Not every street thug is black, not every rich millionaire is white, not every straight A student is Asian, and not every drug lord is Hispanic.

If people would just sit down and shut the hell up and blame the individual ****s that ruin it for everyone else, we would have it alot easier, less money being spent, less lives being lost, more knowledge for those with enough sense. It is amazing how we, the people of today, still must suffer for what some ignorant pig-headed ****noodles did way back when. :mad:
In the words of... who was it...Cedric the entertainer ?? "Rosa parks didn't do nothing but sit her black ass down."

Civil rights leader my ass.
The poster-girl for what would soon become the unrelenting, bitchy ghetto girl of this day and age. Women, no matter what color, think they can do anything.
Good Job, Rosa. Look what you started. No, I'm not talking about civil rights. I'm talking about the ghetto female cliques that try to dominate every widespread institution, because they think they should assimilate everything to be a
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Hey Kryptonite man,

Are you aware that (in Texas at least) Some of the Jim Crow statutes are still in existence? All of the handgun laws from that era that are still in full force. They just replaced the "No negro" phrase to "No person".

One thing that TERRORIST-HATER said that I agree with is, when society disparages rights to one class of its citenzenry, soon it will be disparged to all.

I really wished that racist crap never happened, it really ****ed up our constitutional rights.

Here in Texas, we need to repeal all of the handgun laws and start over.
True enough. The Jim Crow bullshit has royally ****ed up America in ways we can't even begin to imagine.
In relation to what Phreak (or Cedric) said I will say this, I totally respect Rosa Parks for what she did my standing up to prejudice. But she was not the one to spawn the civil rights movement. It was in fact a lesser known at the time Martin Luther King Jr. and a few other people who had heard of her arrest and decided to boyvott for over 381 days against riding the bus. And believe it or not, there was a woman sometime BEFORE Rosa Parks that did the same thing she did and also got arrested but barely has recieved recognition for her actions.

The real true heroes were the ones who started the boycott and protested against the Jim Crow laws and segregation on buses.

Oh and Ruse, I'm not calling you out but I am wondering about what you said, what does she have to do with the stereotype ghetto thing you were referring to? Maybe I missed something...
Say, that reminds me. The ball got rolling in Alabama when the black folk decided to walk in protest of the shitty Jim Crow Laws. In Greensboro, NC, four UNC coolege students began a sit-in protest and started the movent. It garnered national attention.

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