

New member
OK while I was on the airplane I got alot of good topic ideas for LPF and this was one of them. Has anyone on here ranaway from home? I have a couple times but only ran down the street in the rain and stood there before coming back inside and going to get my jacket and run somewhere but I was stopped by my step-dad lol. I feel like running away all the time. What about you?


New member
Yeah, lots. I normally come back on own for food. The times i've been caught, I was out where I could be found. So Yeah, never been caught if I didn't wanna be.


New member
Did they? Sorry to hear that.

I always do, but whenever I feel that, I cut myself. My parents have done too much for me. I have no right to leave untill I pay them pack. I wouldnt run away. Running away is a sign of weakness, for little babies. I always stand staight and fight till death.



New member
Dude cutting can lead to Suicide! I only cut myself with broken CD cases. So i hope you break the habit. Before something bad happens :(

My cousin quote said "just kill yourself already no one wants to listen to your depressing rants!" "your wasting valuable human recources such as a air, water and perfectly good blades" *****............... I hope you hate my cousin for ever lmao He was just messing around. He is that way lol He is the dude who came up with all those weird phrases. So dont take anything he says seriously... lol



New member
Good! I can respect you!
Thanks, that means alot to me, respect is a good thing, i also respect you, and everyone else on this forum, you all have let me with open arms, and i thank you :D



New member
i use to cut but stopped, its hard to do n now my 2 best friends do it and i'm tryin to get them to stop... 1 of them got caught n they had to go to the school counceller. they said if they found 1 more cut they would tell her parents!


New member
yes, i've tried cutting, but I haven't done it lately.... Its very bad, and I feel ashamed... i hope your friends can quit, and good job for quitting!!!!!!


New member
i dont cut.. but i kno a girl courtney who does and she does it cuz she says it a lot less pain then wat she feels inside... cuz her dad uses to rape her. :( im never goin to cut... owww.. cuz i think it would hurt way to much.. im a wimp when it comes to pain..


New member
I dont cut, I only do it to remind myself of reality, instead of thinking about those evil things like running away. Ive only done it once and the that was a couple years ago. I dont do that for the reasons most ppl do. Its a personal honor thing.
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