

New member
you runaway, and then? You have to come back home again...I'd look for another release...I prefer to disconnect from life..close my bedroom door, turn all lights off, and start thinkin about what's wrong with me..


New member
I've felt like I wanted to, but I had no risen. Why run when my mom's the one who cares about me, and my dad who I would run from doesn't come around. When I feel that way, I go for a walk to the "Duck Pond" and sit there and think.


New member
In my opinion, running away is not a solution.. It's only a temporary escape from your problems..

Everytime you feel like running away or "punishing yourself", think about your family and the people you love that will suffer because of your foolish behaviour..

You always have to think before you act! That's why *** gave us a brain in first place, so we could figure out solutions to our problems..

And remember, your "OMG I can't take it anymore" problems could be puny compared to the real problems you will have to face in your life..So, get it togheter..

My only advice...

btw, that's what I said to my friend..(if you do not know what I'm talknig about, check out my thread..)

Anyway, it made him feel better..I hope it works for you guys too..



New member
In my opinion, running away is not a solution.. It's only a temporary escape from your problems..
Everytime you feel like running away or "punishing yourself", think about your family and the people you love that will suffer because of your foolish behaviour..

You always have to think before you act! That's why *** gave us a brain in first place, so we could figure out solutions to our problems..

And remember, your "OMG I can't take it anymore" problems could be puny compared to the real problems you will have to face in your life..So, get it togheter..

My only advice...

btw, that's what I said to my friend..(if you do not know what I'm talknig about, check out my thread..)

Anyway, it made him feel better..I hope it works for you guys too..
What if the ones that "Say" they care for you are the ones causing your pain?



New member
I know things can get hard. Try to think of a different release instead of harming yourself or running. Things will get hard, but if you survive, things in the future will be easier to handle.

A good release for me is listenin to LP, going on this forum and chatting to people I enjoy chatting to and just chilling out. Also, a good thing is meditation. Believe me it works more than you think. I quote from one of my best friends

"Dont knock meditation until youve tried it."

Rock on, I hope everything goes well for everyone. :thumbsup:

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