******s attack soldiers.

I agree. It's disrespectful as hell to attack the people who fight to defend your freedoms.

All of the useless pond scum that attacked these soliders needs to be punished severly... with a good ass whoopin!

Dude, I definitely got your back on that one. If there is one thing I cannot stand is a piss-faced, potty mouthed, drunk n' high, **** spweing, fake ass "soldja". Some stupid ass thug think they are a soldier because he stood on a ****ing street corner, shot at someone for stealing his weed and kills other "soldjas" because they walked by his run-down piece of **** house. These ****s need to be DRAFTED and sent to Iraq, given a ****ing M-16 and sent to the most highly populated terrorist area and see how much of a ****ing SOLDIER they are. Oh, and see if they can fire that bad boy sideways as if that was practical in the first damn place.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Not before I kicked their lousy balls up and out through their throats! Then we blast their brains out. :mad:

Even notice those types can NEVER fight just ONE on ONE? They are dogs who hit and run in packs. Cowards!

Of course not! Yet when you see them alone ESPECIALLY when you got your friends, they are either scared or try to be all buddy buddy with you. If you want to go on a ****** killing spree, Philly could use some serious cleaning up.
Hey Phreak, unfortunately yes I DO know who her daddy is (I only whore around with one at a time) and he is a complete *****, who I had the unfortunate unluck of meeting IN a cheezy noghtclub I had not been in since I was underage (still smelled like piss and puke) . Mjorally bad judgement on my part but I got my kid out of it so no regrets. (never had teh displeasure of not knowing who the daddy is, THANK GOD) I will touch and play and kiss anything with nice enough lips but I do have the ability to draw the line long before it comes to the point of tease. I am a flirt master but always make it clear that is ALL it is. It's fun!!!

You all DO realize you are calling someone who hasn't so much as been properly kissed in four years a whore right? At this point... I WISH!!!!!
tizz said:
You all DO realize you are calling someone who hasn't so much as been properly kissed in four years a whore right? At this point... I WISH!!!!!

Just in case you just got here...

1. We love Tizz...some a little more than others and apparently one guy in a nasty smelly nightclub, a lot more than the rest of us! :p

2. Tizz is our Resident Attention Whore and proud of it. We're proud of her too.

3. Tizz is from Jersey, and can talk smack with the best of them. Her attraction to me is in her brutal honesty coupled with her sense of practicality...not to mention, she's just plain fun to trade barbs with. :D
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Just in case you just got here...

1. We love Tizz...some a little more than others and apparently one guy in a nasty smelly nightclub, a lot more than the rest of us! :p

2. Tizz is our Resident Attention Whore and proud of it. We're proud of her too.

3. Tizz is from Jersey, and can talk smack with the best of them. Her attraction to me is in her brutal honesty coupled with her sense of practicality...not to mention, she's just plain fun to trade barbs with. :D

HEHE Ya, some people will just never understand that when you're born in jersey and grow up here, you just CANNOT be insulted. Our skin is our armor. It's jersey for crying out loud, you think you folks can come up with anything worse than I have allready heard? Sarcasm and insults are all we got LOL