The only aspect of satanism I agree with is the teaching of self indulgence. Experimenting with pleasure and indulging in the pleasurable offerings of life is the only viable way to go, if ya ask me. To do so to an excess isn't too smart, but as long as you aren't hurting others its the only way to live. To honor what most religions consider to be a sin, is to deny yourself of what is good in life.
Altogether Satanism is stupid as a box of hair. An advent of a reactionary eccentric ( Anton LeVay ) meant only to spit in the face of conventional religion. For one to say that they actually believe in the teachings of the Satanic bible, just falls in line with anti-conformist attitudes.
Alistair Crawly began much of the core teachings of Satanism, and his writings are very interesting. Fundamentally flawed beyond reason, but interesting nonetheless. If I remember correctly Crawly died alone like a pig, suffered from an acute mental disorder and ultimately succumbed to the rights of excess that he preached. Heroin I think it was.