Oh on wikipedia no doubt, let me withdraw my claims...its ever so obvious that its all covered there
There are plenty of modern religious (?) or maybe more philosophical practices which could fall under the umbrella of Satanism. The Church of Satan is obviously the largest and most well known...but theres also the Temple of Set, the First church of Satan..yada yada..and that says nothing of the many people who invent their own practices and label themselves Satanists, or people who obsess "over ancient cult practices."WTF are you guys talking about? The OP addressed what our opinion of Satanism was. The only religion or practice that I've ever heard of that goes by the descriptive of Satanism is the church of Satan. Founded by Anton Levay.
I'm sure there are other forms of Satan worship. But I'm normal, unlike FullAuto, and I don't obsess over ancient cult practices. So I'm unfamiliar with ancient manifestations of Satanism.
Both FullAuto and CW have made only one line cracks in this thread without saying anything of substance toward what they are trying to convey. Spit it out boys. Message not received.
Passing judgment? Where did I do that? FullAuto asked for opinions on peoples view of Satanism and I gave mine. Than was given this as a response to my opinion.....And heres an article that has a buncha links to various sites which label themselves satanic, if you feel so inclined to doing a little bit of research before passing judgement.
I was discussing the church of Satan and Alistair Crawly. Didn't mean to offend his warped view of the world of Satan worship.I'm going to igore J5... he seems to be a bit mixed up...
Passing judgment? Where did I do that? FullAuto asked for opinions on peoples view of Satanism and I gave mine. Than was given this as a response to my opinion.....I was discussing the church of Satan and Alistair Crawly. Didn't mean to offend his warped view of the world of Satan worship.
From your own link is this link which mentions Both LeVay and Crawly as the two main examples of organized modern satanism.
My previous statements are reinforced by your own link. Good job jackass.
I never said he "created" Satanism. I said his writings were part of a chain of other factors that attributed to the creation of modern centralized Satanism. He and LeVay were responsible for the creation of Satanic doctrine, which until than was wholly absent in the belief and practice of satanist. It was they whom defined Satanism as a practice of indulgence of the seven sins, rather than the actual worship of Satan.Actually, it mentions that Crawly is mistakenly attributed to creating Satanism.
Unless I'm mistaken, I attributed that link as YOURS, not FA's.Furthermore, that link is taken from my link.
Ohhh, I'm sure he'll run off at the mouth about ancient cultist and pagan beliefs....blah blah blah. My references were strictly directed at modern centralized Satanism that follows the doctrine of LeVay and Crawly.and seeing as how I would never subscribe even to a pseudo-religious organization, my interpretation is most likely vastly different than FA's.
that's one of the pitfalls of true satanism...I can relate to Satanism way more than I can relate to Christianity. I want my drugs, *** and violence. Plenty of it.
that's the point... Xtianity is a system of governance...not a religion. that's about it... think of it as the mental equivalent to the fence around the stockyards in the midwest... got to keep us in check till the slaughter season...Thats what I find curious about Christianity. Do what you want, repent, forgiveness is yours.