Saw II...Who "Saw" it? *Pardon The Pun*


Aug 8, 2004
Murdaland, USA
Ok this movie is possibly my favorite Horror/Gore flick ever. Saw the first one was my previous favorite. Saw 1 was more "scary" even though i wasnt scared. Saw 2 was way more gorey. I actually like the way the lighting and visuals are. You get this dirty sweating gross feeling. Everything is rusty and trashy. Make the film seem sexeh.

So what did u guys think?
OMFG IS IT OUT ALREADY?!! you're kidding me!! O_O O_O O_O LUCKY BASTARDS!! This is my favorite movie ever (the 1st one atleast), but I doubt that we're gonna get it here >_<. EVERYONE should go see this movie if you can. It's worth it.
Haven't seen it yet... I haven't even seen the first one! I have bad comprehension with movies so I probably wouldn't get what's going on XD

wasn't the website for the original saw called something like "" lmao. hehe... seesaw.

I saw it the day it came out. It was "killer" LOL. I like both of them the same amount. The second one was not as groundbreaking as the first. Over all, I give both of them a A-
I haven't seen it yet, but hopefully I will see it sometime this weekend.

Sounds like a awesome movie! Saw 1 was probably one of the best horror films I have seen in a long time. The Plot of the movie was great.
Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
erm... shall I go try to watch Saw 1 somehow? XD

Can someone give me an idea of what both movies are about without spoiling it? :D

theres this guy and he finds people who dont appreciate their lives such as a person having a affair, drug addict, person who cuts himself ect... and he puts them through these tests and if they don't finish them in time they die. like for the guy who cuts himself he had to go through the barb wire fences and get to the end and if he didnt get there in time he would basically have to stay there and die. yeah its not very good explaning but its the best i could do lol
i wanna see it, but my friends movie theatre didn't get it, and i'm not seventeen, and all the movie theatres are asses about age. but blah, i'll figure somethin out
omg that movie is so freakin amazing, i saw it 3 nights in a row starting with the night it came out. if you are wanting to see it, DONT SEE IT WITHOUT SEEING THE FIRST ONE FIRST, thats my only advice about that.

ps, if there is anything anybody doesnt understand about either of them, i can answer your questions.
I've seen it but i enjoyed the first Saw better. The second one was more gory than necessary. If you're a person who looooves their horror movies, Saw 2 is a must see. If you havent seen the first Saw and you're not willing to watch the first one, I would stray away from Saw 2.
NoEnd said:
theres this guy and he finds people who dont appreciate their lives such as a person having a affair, drug addict, person who cuts himself ect... and he puts them through these tests and if they don't finish them in time they die. like for the guy who cuts himself he had to go through the barb wire fences and get to the end and if he didnt get there in time he would basically have to stay there and die. yeah its not very good explaning but its the best i could do lol

Cool, thanks! :thumbsup:
i haven't seen the second one YET.... i got saw special edition yesterday tho, it wasn't that special (not the movie, the second disk)
I want to see it sooo bad. The first one was awesome. I wanna gonna go with a guy that lives in my nieghborhood, but I had to go somewhere. Now I probably won't see it for a while. :[