Saw II...Who "Saw" it? *Pardon The Pun*

I've never seen Saw 1. Everytime I see it in the stores I want to buy it soo bad but I never have the money. I'll see it eventually, and then I'll see Saw 2 after that.
The first one was a very good flick. And from what I've heard about the second one, I think it might be worth the thirty minute drive to see. :p
I haven't seen Saw 1 but I just downloaded Saw 2...holy **** the beginning with the key and his eye OMG

Ive watched like 3 mins of it and ahhhhhh
Im downloading it. I know 2 little spoilers, but not to much to spoil the whole movie. I loved Saw 1, and cant wait for 2 and 3 which will come in 2007.
Hahninator said:
download it suicide. I havent seen one >_< I wanna download it...

two hhhhholy crap O_____O
dude, what were you thinking seeing 2 before seeing the first one, it would have made 2 even better.
who said us Aussies cant make good movies?? WHO?? :p

anyways Saw 2 comes out in Australia this week and i cant wait
it looks great from what u guys have said so far
LP186 said:
who said us Aussies cant make good movies?? WHO?? :p

anyways Saw 2 comes out in Australia this week and i cant wait
it looks great from what u guys have said so far
lol, on the saw dvd they have a behind the scenes thing about it, and they have the original little short film that james wan and leigh whannel made.. i was very surprised at how young james wan looks, he did an awesome job directing saw, with such a small budget too. very impressive.
Oh my ****ing gawd. I just watched it, and had to post here. lol (even if it's almost 1am here). I luved every single little thing about it (cept' where detective mathew guy beat up john, that made me want to cry...) but eh, I didn't really get a good visual for the light and stuff hamid, the one I watched was recorded in the theater and brought back for me to watch *by my uncle who was nothing better to do than just that*, so the graphics weren't that great. I absolutly LOVE that movie. That's my new fav. move....
3)Kill Bill2
4)Kill Bill

W00t. Go action and gore movies!
emrawkgrrl said:
Amanda rocks btw :p
**** yes, she does!