schivo is a f***in killer


New member
I agree with Clogz that although Link's post was rather choppy' date=' it was completely comprehendable. As for my opinion on whether Terry Schiavo should be kept alive or die, I think she should be kept alive. It does not matter that she is in a vegetative state or not. She is a human being and has every right in the world to have a chance to live. I think that by becoming intimately involved with another woman while his legal wife was incapacitated denies Michael Schiavo any right to determine what is best for Terry. I believe that the decision of life support or no life support should be made by Terry's parents. I also think that the United States Government completely and inappropriatley overstepped their bounds in this case. There is no reason why one soul's life/death situation should be publicized and exploited in the court system as much as this case has. The government should have issued a court order to Terry Schiavo's parents and Michael Schiavo stating that the two parties come to an agreement the first time this was brought to a government official's attention. However, it has been publicized into a civil rights case. And as a result of all this publicity, when the next presidential election comes around, there will almost certainly be a Pro-Life campaign feeding off of this. It makes me sick to even think that someone might stoop that low just to win an election, regardless of whether it be presidential or the elction for your city mayor. It's completely barbaric.[/quote']C C 777 MICHEL IS TERRY'S LEGUL GARDIEN


New member
Link is saying... "Michael Schiavo is a murderer! I bet that if he ever ends up like that, they will pull his feeding tube. And then he will be saying on the inside, I wasn't brain dead! Now that is poetic justice!"


I don't see how his post, aside from its chopiness, makes no sense. I read it and understood it just fine.

Well, either way the whole thing sounds like it is pretty much over. So why does it matter anymore? Personally, I find this topic horribly depressing and I don't see why we had to make a second thread about it on here.
how is it depressing? i mean, maybe i just have no heart, but if it's not one of my "loved" ones who's dying, i dont really have any emotion for them. i mean, yeah, i feel bad and all.. but im not gonna sit here and become sad over something like this. i dont even know the person! and i know human life is valuable or whatever, but we all have to die sometime.. whether its throught starvation, drowing, or dying in rest... either way, we're not gonna live forever.. good ***.



New member
how is it depressing? i mean' date=' maybe i just have no heart, but if it's not one of my "loved" ones who's dying, i dont really have any emotion for them. i mean, yeah, i feel bad and all.. but im not gonna sit here and become sad over something like this. i dont even know the person! and i know human life is valuable or whatever, but we all have to die sometime.. whether its throught starvation, drowing, or dying in rest... either way, we're not gonna live forever.. good ***.[/quote']im not sad im saying its in justes thay saey its a peacfull way to die but shes starving to death its bull **** thats not peacfull


New member
you nead to go by lpf rools and resprct other members ok next time ill report you to the mods of lpf
Sorry, But arent you the one who is wishing people into vegetated states?

Anyways I'll put it to you like this.If you were brain dead for fifteen years wouldnt you want to die?

**** I know I would I dont care how you did it just put me out of my misery



New member
Sorry, But arent you the one who is wishing people into vegetated states?
Anyways I'll put it to you like this.If you were brain dead for fifteen years wouldnt you want to die?

**** I know I would I dont care how you did it just put me out of my misery
ok so what your saying is if that hapind to you,you wold like to have them take your feading toob and let you suffer whan your not a vegtabul ps. i sayed "i bet" not "i want"


New member
Ok so what your saying is if that happend to you' date='you would like to have them remove your feeding tube and let you suffer when your not a vegeteble[/quote']
Cuz i'm a nice I fixed your ****** up attempt at grammer.



New member
Cuz i'm a nice I fixed your ****** up attempt at grammer.
nurces and DRs'. saye she shows emotions and words like momy not perfectly it shows shes not brain dead she interacts to things


New member this is my source for this post.


Neurologists say this is unlikely to cause pain, given Schiavo's physical state.

So basically she will hardly know the difference.


On the morning of February 25, 1990, around 5:30 a.m. EST, Schiavo collapsed in her home in St. Petersburg. According to her discharge summary from Humana Hospital, Schiavo suffered cardiac arrest and anoxic brain damage, accompanied by hypokalemia (abnormally low levels of potassium in the blood), as well as seizures, respiratory failure, and an injured knee from the fall.

Yeah srry it wasn't all based On a Fall But it says she fell!

I was wrong about the twenty was about 14 but my estimates were close.(That what I get for listening to the news)


Mrs. Schiavo's family and Dr. William Hammesfahr, a neurologist they hired to examine her in 2002, claim that she had been battered by her husband. Hammesfahr was later to be disciplined by the Florida Board of Medicine in 2003 over a dubious stroke treatment (PDF file) ( (the same treatment, in fact, that he proposed to use in order to treat Terri in 2002), and has been accused of falsely claiming to be a Nobel Prize nominee

Some One Lied



Since 1991 the Schiavos' personal physicians and six different court-appointed physicians have concluded that Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS).

Patients in a persistent vegetative state have severe brain damage and are in a state of "wakefulness without awareness." In many cases, including that of Schiavo's, the persistent vegetative state occurs after coma. Patients in a persistent vegetative state are usually considered to be unconscious and unaware. They may experience sleep-wake cycles or be in a state of chronic wakefulness. They may exhibit some behaviors that can be construed as arising from partial consciousness—reflex or random behaviors such as grinding of teeth, swallowing, smiling, shedding tears, grunting, moaning or screaming without any apparent external stimulus. They are unresponsive to external stimuli, except, possibly, painful stimuli.

Like I said She is basically a(sad to say) Vegitable


Mrs. Schiavo's parents claim that their daughter does not meet the definition of a persistent vegetative state. Her parents claim that she smiles, laughs, cries, moves and makes childlike attempts at speech and that she attempts to say "Mom" or "Dad" or "yeah" when they ask her a question.

Go back and read the stuff in green.


Mrs. Schiavo's parents claim that on the day her feeding tube was removed, she said "I want to live." An emergency motion to restore the feeding tube claims that "she managed to articulate the first two vowel sounds, first articulating AHHHHHHH and then virtually screaming WAAAAAAAA." The incident occured only in the presence of family members and has not been independently confirmed; the Schindlers claimed that this incident occurred several days after the feeding tube was removed

Only around her parent sapossedly.


Schiavo has not been able to speak since her heart attack in 1990. Judge Greer said that Schiavo's utterances came only after being touched, which was consistent with evidence presented in 2002. "All of the credible medical evidence this court has received over the last five years is that this is not a cognitive response, but rather something akin to a person jerking his/her hand off a hot stove long before he/she has thought about it," Greer wrote.

Explains the last quotes


Five doctors were selected to provide their expert opinions to the trial: two by Schiavo's parents, two by Michael Schiavo, and one by the court. These five doctors examined Terri Schiavo's medical records, brain scans, the videos, and Mrs. Schiavo herself. The physicians were divided in their conclusions. The two doctors selected by Schiavo's parents (one of whom was a radiologist, not a neurologist; the other of whom made several claims about therapies supposedly developed by him which the court found spurious) supported their conclusion; the two doctors selected by Schiavo's husband and the doctor appointed by the court supported Mr. Schiavo's position. Greer ruled with the latter that Mrs. Schiavo was in a PVS and was beyond hope of significant improvement.

Ok we know that the dr.'s they hire will be biased but the court one sed she was beyond hope So why let her live? She wont get better.


Florida's Second District Court of Appeal reviewed all the evidence and upheld the trial court's decision, saying had they heard the case themselves they would have ruled the same as Greer. Judge Greer reviewed a six-hour tape of Schiavo and concluded that her vegetative condition was factual and not subject to legal dispute.

Hmm....Are you getting my point?


Most neurologists believe that Schiavo will not experience pain, hunger or thirst due to the removal of the feeding tube. Perry G. Fine, the vice president of medical affairs at the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times as saying that "What my patients have told me over the last 25 years is that when they stop eating and drinking, there's nothing unpleasant about it. In fact, it can be quite blissful and euphoric...the word 'starve' is so emotionally loaded. People equate that with the hunger pains they feel or the thirst they feel after a long, hot day of hiking. To jump from that to a person who has an end-stage illness is a gigantic leap."

Only terri's mom and dad will be hurt. Not terri.


According to an ABC News poll, 70 percent of Americans believe that Terri Schiavo's death should not be a federal matter, and are opposed to the legislation transferring the case to federal court. In the same poll, a 63 percent majority said that they support the removal of Schiavo's feeding tube. A 67 majority agreed with the statement that "elected officials trying to keep Schiavo alive are doing so more for political advantage than out of concern for her or for the principles involved." [22] ( A poll by CBS News showed that 82 percent believe the Congress and President should stay out of the matter, while 74 percent thought it was "all about politics." Only 13 percent think Congress acted because of concern for Terri Schiavo. Furthermore, Congressional approval rating sank to 34 percent, the lowest number since 1997.

I skimmed through this but apparently more Americans Want her to die Eh?Oh this is one place i do disagree with bush.

Eh so there u have it....i read alot of this ****.my point made.



New member
ok so what your saying is if that hapind to you' date='you wold like to have them take your feading toob and let you suffer whan your not a vegtabul ps. i sayed "i bet" not "i want"[/quote']
ok, here's some grammatical corrections:

1. your - you're

2. hapind - happened

3. wold - would

4. feading - feeding

5. toob (ahahha) - tube

6. whan - when

7. your - you're

8. vegtabul - vegetable

9. sayed (lmao..) - said

wow! just under 10! that's negative cool points for you!
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