schivo is a f***in killer

umm.. ok?
how is he a killer?
if she TOLD him that if she ever got in that state, to not let her live, then why would he want her to live anymore? it's against her will.. and besides, if you weren't brain dead, and you knew what was going on around you, but you couldn't react to those things.. you could just like... sit there.. would you want to live anymore?
oh. i think he's talking about.. well, i dunno. i kind of had to put it together, even if it wasn't what he said. i dunno. but it might be something like, "i hope he gets in that postion (becoming a vegetable, but not being brain dead, and he'll have to have a feeding tube just to survive.. and i hope someone takes it out and makes him starve to death against his wish.. and then i'll laugh in his face.."?
i don't know. thats what i got out of it. i could be wrong.
I think that keeping her supported (dont hurt me) is kind of a waste of money, i mean I can understand the feelings around this but at the end of the day she cant do anything and barley responds and proabably dosent know whats going on around her.
^ ok, yeah i definitely agree: life is much more important than money. but put yourself in her position. you're not totally brain dead; you know what's going on around you; you have emotion; but despite all this, you can't LIVE life.. you sit there. day to day. knowing that those you love are paying for you to be fed and live. but why live if all you do is lay on a hospital bed? you can't enjoy playing outside with your children.. you can't have the pleasure of knowing you accomplished anything... you can't even lift your freakin arm to do ANYTHING... so why live? tell me what the point to life is at that state.
Link is saying...
"Michael Schiavo is a murderer! I bet that if he ever ends up like that, they will pull his feeding tube. And then he will be saying on the inside, I wasn't brain dead! Now that is poetic justice!"
I don't see how his post, aside from its chopiness, makes no sense. I read it and understood it just fine.

Well, either way the whole thing sounds like it is pretty much over. So why does it matter anymore? Personally, I find this topic horribly depressing and I don't see why we had to make a second thread about it on here.
Clogz said:
I don't see how his post, aside from its chopiness, makes no sense. I read it and understood it just fine.

I agree with Clogz that although Link's post was rather choppy, it was completely comprehendable. As for my opinion on whether Terry Schiavo should be kept alive or die, I think she should be kept alive. It does not matter that she is in a vegetative state or not. She is a human being and has every right in the world to have a chance to live. I think that by becoming intimately involved with another woman while his legal wife was incapacitated denies Michael Schiavo any right to determine what is best for Terry. I believe that the decision of life support or no life support should be made by Terry's parents. I also think that the United States Government completely and inappropriatley overstepped their bounds in this case. There is no reason why one soul's life/death situation should be publicized and exploited in the court system as much as this case has. The government should have issued a court order to Terry Schiavo's parents and Michael Schiavo stating that the two parties come to an agreement the first time this was brought to a government official's attention. However, it has been publicized into a civil rights case. And as a result of all this publicity, when the next presidential election comes around, there will almost certainly be a Pro-Life campaign feeding off of this. It makes me sick to even think that someone might stoop that low just to win an election, regardless of whether it be presidential or the elction for your city mayor. It's completely barbaric.
KillMeImIrish said:
umm.. ok?
how is he a killer?
if she TOLD him that if she ever got in that state, to not let her live, then why would he want her to live anymore? it's against her will.. and besides, if you weren't brain dead, and you knew what was going on around you, but you couldn't react to those things.. you could just like... sit there.. would you want to live anymore?
theres no evedenc of that
collision_course_777 said:
I agree with Clogz that although Link's post was rather choppy, it was completely comprehendable. As for my opinion on whether Terry Schiavo should be kept alive or die, I think she should be kept alive. It does not matter that she is in a vegetative state or not. She is a human being and has every right in the world to have a chance to live. I think that by becoming intimately involved with another woman while his legal wife was incapacitated denies Michael Schiavo any right to determine what is best for Terry. I believe that the decision of life support or no life support should be made by Terry's parents. I also think that the United States Government completely and inappropriatley overstepped their bounds in this case. There is no reason why one soul's life/death situation should be publicized and exploited in the court system as much as this case has. The government should have issued a court order to Terry Schiavo's parents and Michael Schiavo stating that the two parties come to an agreement the first time this was brought to a government official's attention. However, it has been publicized into a civil rights case. And as a result of all this publicity, when the next presidential election comes around, there will almost certainly be a Pro-Life campaign feeding off of this. It makes me sick to even think that someone might stoop that low just to win an election, regardless of whether it be presidential or the elction for your city mayor. It's completely barbaric.