If I am preaching to the choir, then why do you consistently and continuously bring up things that I already know the answer. If anything, you've been preaching to the choir since your inception into this community.
The same reason you post story after story talking about Omaba messes and such, we share similar beliefs.
This split discussion came around because we were talking about Ron Paul as a President and I was showing that while we agree on much of these things like pulling back 'some' of our operations around the world. that is not what Ron Paul believes, and yert your willing to support someone who wants to completely isolate America.
So, where we agree, Ron Paul does not.
There are conservative socialists and there are the more progressive type socialists (Common era liberals), I will not be a party to electing someone who I feel doesn't cut the mustard.
Too many politicians float around that "gray area' that I spoke of with no allegiance to the people who elected them, but the propensity to pander to them at election time. I don't vote for politicians who I deem are addicted to the frills, ride high on power, and pillage the public treasure.
I vote on principles all the way into the black, because, financially it is good to be in the black. That's where we need to be: balanced budget, Federal Reserve audited, promotion of the private sector, powers enumerated, and scaled back global spending on long and sustained warfare.
And yet your wasted vote for someone who cannot win is instead helping the socialist win and that means we get further away from a balanced budget, more abuse of the private sector, more big brother and even the radio stations taken over by affermative action policies for more brainwashing activities. I understand what you "think" is happening with your vote of principle that allows you to pretend a kind of "purity" in your mind, but I know your smarter than that, I know you understand that any conservative minded person already sits at a disadvantage and splintering the conservative vote only help the liberals who are willing to stick together when we are not willing to stick together.
You don't think your McCains of the country have their own brand of socialism to bring forth? When you vote for a 25% socialist and a 100% socialist wins the election, they'll tend to meet in middle and compromise to pass legislation.
And yet McCain is not meeting Obama in the middle, and Obama is not willing to meet in the middle either, that is the problem, you can't possibly be saying that if McCain had gotten elected we would be facing the takeover of health insurance by the Government.
If you are trying to say that your not being fair or reasonable. Sure, each person may have some ideas that you might think are socialist, but my point has always been that humans are complex and refusing to support someone who is not 100% perfect in your mind means you will never support a conservative minded person who can win the election and as such, your really part of the liberal machine, helping them to splinter conservatives and give them an easier time at the election booth.
Yeah... not sure how the football and baseball analogy seems so prevalent to you. It sort of reminds me of Obama comparing the purchase of auto insurance with the purchase of healthcare: stupid at best, pitifully desperate at the least.
No point in being insulting, we were having a prewtty good discussion and I see no reason you have to try and put me down, if your unable to understand the example I will gladly explain it.
The game is football, the teams are on the field one team against another team, consider the superbowl as an example. Everyone knows the rules and the teams are set to play the game, but several players on one tteam suddenly want to play baseball instead of football. Everyone else is looking at these guys like they have lost their minds and send them out of the field to work out their issues on their own.........but.......those few people were key members of the team, they were needed so that team could win but the guys were so stuck on their own internal desire to play baseball that they lost sight of what their team needed so they could win the game at hand.
What happened was the other team planted the idea of baseball into the minds of the first team so they could take away some key players. The second team knew that as long as the first team stuck together they could never win so they used other tactics to break apart that first team, to hurt them from division. And the best part, the lost members of the first team who stopped playing football cling to the idea that their team losing is not their fault. That they ran out on them for good reasons and have no problem with helping the second team win instead of the first team they should have been helping.
I have no desire of voting for a "conservative" or a "liberal". I have no intention of voting "Democrat" or "Republican". I do have a strong inclination towards those candidates who represent the aspect of our Founding Fathers, who bide by the Constitution as the restrictions on the State, those who cherish civil rights and liberties over security, and those who believe that the federal government does more harm than good. I hate socialism in all of its forms and will always vote against it. I feel sorry for you if you can't see past the petty R and D next to their names.
Certainly the titles change, old liberals would today be considered a Republican.
I agree that titles are not the answer, but the results, now that is the key.
The result of wasting votes on people who cannot win is we get an Obama President that will do things like this healthcare mess. As much as you like to say they are similar, it is not realistic to believe that someone like McCain would do something like that so in reality, when you help Obama get elected your really supporting the exact opposite from what you say you desire for America.
Sure, I agree someone like McCain is not going to do as much as what someone else might do for your desired cause, but nobody who believes exactly like you had a chance to get into office, you are a smart guy, you know that to be true.
Let me try a new example:
You like fighting and you believe only a full offense, constantly pushing foward and throwing hands is the right way to fight.
In the fight you see a punch comming for your jaw, you know there is no possible way to dodge the punch but you do have a chance to get your hand up and take the punch on your gloves.
You have a choice to make, try to follow your beliefs and keep throwing hands no matter what happens or accept that this punch comming will knock you out and alter your methods long enough to block the knockout punch.
Obama is throwing the knockout punch, all because a lot of people refused to toss up a block. If we avoid the knockout punch it will not becausae of what we conservative minded people did but instead because Obama is just too screwed up to finish the blow.