Science and Religion

(Burnung redheads, hanging black people, slaughtering Jews, crashing planes into towers etc...)
This is my point exactly, all 4 of these examples were done in the name of some ideology, but not in the name ***! (notice crashing planes into towers by islamic al-queda) This is why I say that islam is NOT a religion, it is a socio-political ideology. Much like communism of the former soviet union that had elements of atheism in it, Islam has elements of monotheism in it.

Oh and one last thing, ENOUGH WITH THE PEDOPHILIA BS! You can say what is wrong is wrong, but the simple fact is, what is consider WRONG is completely reletive to the time,
Then was it not wrong for the nazis to kill 6 million jews in germany and poland form 1939 to 1945 because for them it was socially accepted? Was it not wrong for lynch mobs to hang african americans (less than 100 years ago, thanks Omega)? Was it not wrong for mohammed(may **** be upon him) to **** a 9 year old little girl? I really want to see your answer to these three questions.


New member
Easy, the world over this was the norm. i think somebody mentioned that earlier. Your **** example is simply horrible (stop using it, you look like an idiot), that was NEVER socially accepted, that was a bunch a hypotized germans with guns and money saying '**** off and let use burn' to anyone who objected (oh, and there was alot of people who wanted. 2, lynching africans..hmm, was;nt there a war to stop that? yah i think so, my american (the FREE-EST of the free, the EQUAL-EST or the equal =/ ) history isn't amazing but i think i know that much, OH and the British empire (that really big one way back then) had already made slavery illegal and it was alreadly gone in any coutry not under insane-tyranical rule. As for the whole 9 year old, i'll admit i don't know that whole deal well, but MJ mentioned that nothing happened till she was atleast 12, and as he rightfully stated earlier, life spane was short and this is how it was. It certainly happened amoung christiens, maybe not christ himself but that fact that Mohammed was subject to those conditions only shows, unlike christ, that he was a human being. (not that i'm implying that christ was a allegator or an alien or the son of *** or somethign as equally foolish) You also need to think about how much a figure head or religion plays in its values, i somehow doubt that MJ will be ingaging in sexual intercorse with a nine year old, or 12 or whatever. You're really getting lost in the point and your other 'examples' (which don't fit at all) are really short sighted.

Sorry i'm getting personal,but man, you're really being an american sterotype. (the bad one) you gotta step outside your own narrow life (not an insult, but we northamericans are pretty sheltered and conditionned, especially you folks in the middle) Anyhow, i'm tied and lost my train of thought so.. OPh yah, the first thingy about islam being a cult, again you're sheltered, trust me when i say there are MANY more in islam who hate the idiots as much as you. and ugh, my brain...yah, incase you didn't read my first entry, i mentioned something about the whole abuse of religion thing. Don't blame islam becaise a bunch of nut cases used it to duke wieners into strapping c4 to their chests and going for some coffee, in the same way it isn't that 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' (sorry if that patronizing you...) 'islam dosn't kill people, psycos with rocket propelled grenades kill people' And i use various examples (redheads, black, towers) to showcase more then JUST christien faults and bring into light that **** happens all around and pointing fingers at a doctirne of religon isn't going to make thigns better, just mekt the nuts wanna kill you more (bring them on is not an approit respose) If theres anything i hav'nt adressed, forgive me. it's 1am, i jst lost some friends and i need a foods real bad. nite nite

Easy, the world over this was the norm. i think somebody mentioned that earlier.
Pedophilia was normal the world over in 700AD????.. I don't think so.
Your **** example is simply horrible (stop using it, you look like an idiot),
Well answer the question then !!!!! The example is very valid until one of you DAFT INDIVIDUALS answers the question!!!!
that was NEVER socially accepted,
If it wasn't socially accepted then, uhhhhh, WHY IN TH EFUCK WAS IT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE??? YOU are the one who looks stupid here! Answer the ******* question. Was it right or wrong? What's so difficult about the question... Answer it already. Was it right or wrong? Maybe we need a pol for you islamic appoligists.
that was a bunch a hypotized germans with guns and money saying '**** off and let use burn' to anyone who objected (oh, and there was alot of people who wanted.
What is the difference between of "bunch of people" accepting something and "society" accepting something? You are either stupid or insane.
2, lynching africans..hmm, was;nt there a war to stop that?
No there wasn't. Since the lynchings took place well into the 20th century, which war stopped it? WWI, WWII... You look way stupider than I, you daft moron!
yah i think so, my american (the FREE-EST of the free, the EQUAL-EST or the equal =/ ) history isn't amazing but i think i know that much,
Well, you obviously don't know ****! and your a complete imbecile, If was only twice as intelligent as you, I'd commit suicide out of embarassment (If I could figure out how to do it, because I'd still be stupid)
As for the whole 9 year old, i'll admit i don't know that whole deal well, but MJ mentioned that nothing happened till she was atleast 12,
Even MJ said he only thought she was 12 and couldn't prove it, however history has recorded that mohammed(may **** be upon him) consummated his marriage to aisha when she was 9. You have already proven how stupid you are, so you needn't keep on!
You're really getting lost in the point and your other 'examples' (which don't fit at all) are really short sighted.
Werll, I realize now that you need an IQ over 65 to understand the point so I'll explain it for you... Mohammed(may **** be upon him) is a supposed to a representative of ***. As a representative of *** he should act accordingly. Any of his actions should also transcend time and space to accurately express what should or should not be an acceptable practice for all cultures, anywhere at anytime. To do anything else would be hypocrisy on ***'s representative's part. Now the point I was trying to make is this "If it is wrong, then it is wrong. It doesn't matter what other fluff you put around it, it is just wrong." Here's another example for you. 500 years ago, slavery was accepted all over the world. It was socially acceptable EVERYWHERE. Does that make it right?

Sorry i'm getting personal,but man,
No your not! Your a pompous self-righteous *******.

you're really being an american sterotype. (the bad one)
Hey stupid ****, I'm in the minority here! knock, knock, anybody home?

you gotta step outside your own narrow life (not an insult, but we northamericans are pretty sheltered and conditionned, especially you folks in the middle)
You are the one(s) who are asleep, and brainwashed into believing that islam is a religion of peace with nice followers who really love us.

Anyhow, i'm tied and lost my train of thought so..
That's what happens to those of you with IQ's less than 65.

OPh yah, the first thingy about islam being a cult, again you're sheltered, trust me when i say there are MANY more in islam who hate the idiots as much as you.
Where are they? I haven't heard many of them. Even MJ or Lovely wouldn't denounce what they (the islamic terrorists) are doing. LovelyLady gave a half-hearted denunciation a while back after being coerced.

and ugh, my brain...
lament all you want, it'll probably always be crippled.

yah, incase you didn't read my first entry, i mentioned something about the whole abuse of religion thing.
Yeah I read it, it was stupid!

Don't blame islam

becaise a bunch of nut cases used it to duke wieners into strapping c4 to their chests and going for some coffee,
I don't have anything against c4, just detonating it around innocent people.

in the same way it isn't that 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' (sorry if that patronizing you...) 'islam dosn't kill people, psycos with rocket propelled grenades kill people'
Your right! NOT! A better analogy is Nazis don't kill Jews, SS guards with canasters of Xylon-B gas kill Jews!

And i use various examples (redheads, black, towers) to showcase more then JUST christien faults and bring into light that **** happens all around and pointing fingers at a doctirne of religon isn't going to make thigns better, just mekt the nuts wanna kill you more (bring them on is not an approit respose)
I need another moron to english translation, wait I think I made this one out... You use examples to prove your point... Ok , what examples? Pointing fingers at killers will make them kill, therefore we shouldn't point fingers at them... This is the stupdiest thing you've said so far. If I (we) cowar to there inceasant demands, then they will see that they can get me to cowar to anything and they will ! Go suck an imams ****, you coward!

If theres anything i hav'nt adressed, forgive me. it's 1am, i jst lost some friends and i need a foods real bad. nite nite
Moron to English translation, please.


New member
You've really little. If you're missing the point then thats your problem,

Firstly, again with the nazis....not every **** was for the whole nutcase trip, the **** heads really were the minority, but they had power. ( If you didn't know this, try reading The Wave, its kinda dumb but it might give you a idea of that whole situation)

you did bring up a decent point about slavery being common place (keep it up and people might start respecting your opinions, just loose the unessessary insults) But as far as that is concerned, you must keep in mind the political structure of the time (there was pretty much only one basic systeme) there was many power hungry fools, with power, who ran the show only for their betterment. It was widely accepted because of how the populations of the planet were developped. (learn a little socioology then get back to me on that) It is this same developpment the gives you the values that are held today, over time these will constantly change so to say that there is an absolute right or wrong simply can't work. (I'm not saying i support lynching or slavery, i would fight to stop it, but most wouldn't many years ago in their respective regions)

Anyhow, the rest of your rambling was just your failure to understand my points and i feel no need to furthur prove what i'm saying. (oh and for the record, my IQ is about twice your estimate, insulting people isn't gonna get you anywhere)

P.S: would somebody respectable comment on my entries, i enjoy good arguement, this ranter is boring me.



New member
Pedophilia was normal the world over in 700AD????.. I don't think so.
Well you thought wrong buddy...

"According to Hostensius, once a girl was physically ready to consummate a sexual relationship, she was ready for marriage, and the same was true for boys. However, since puberty came earlier for females than males, they could marry at a younger age (usually, he said, girls were ready at age twelve and boys at age fourteen) (Brundage, 434)."

So what about all your pedo Christian ancestors? I guess its perfectly acceptable for them to commit atrocious acts, since its in the name of *** almighty an whatnot, but when a Muslim does it hes labeled a horrible person?

And unlike half the garbage you spew, I can actually post a source for this.***/***-spouses.shtml

You are the one(s) who are asleep, and brainwashed into believing that islam is a religion of peace with nice followers who really love us.
The same thing could be said about Christianity.

What you seem to do in all your Anti-Islamic posts is talk about how horrible and brutish Islam is, but refuse to see that your religion has done the same horrible things, many times on a much wider scale. Until you can realize that then your arguments hold no validity.



New member
Firstly, *** i'm glad to see there is somebody with half a brain.

Secondly, the only thign i;ld like to say is; saying Christrens suck too won't go anywhere good, any religon isn't good or bad. One, whats good or bad will varie, its followers will differ from the morals of other religions (but any major religion, the message is pretty much the same; **** off and be kind!)

and two, that good and bad **** is also interpreted differently amoung the followers of the same religion, please note the factioning of religions as an example of interpretation. That alone i think is proof that no religion is 'Bad' in a sense, they are far too varied (though personally, i think we'd be better off not having created religion of anykind, but that is just opinion.)

Oh and saying christiens have been ******* things up on a wider scale is true, but not because of the religion, but remeber, were coming off the time of the british empire (christiens) so its not fair to blame the religion in that situation.

Anywho, good stuff.



New member
I have a unique opinion.... As a satanist, I think all religions based on the blind faith in '***' are the churches of fools.... But, I understand why people are Xtians, Jews, or Muslims.... I think it's basically because children are 'indoctrinated' at an early age when they are very impressionable, and are made to believe some very strange things... (again, just my opinion)... But, as Ive said before, I think that bitternes between religions who all worship '***' in one form or another is largely a culture problem.... And that is backed up by one very true fact!

We don't hate the Muslims because they are Muslims... If that were true I would hate Xtians and Jews too! We hate them because they are ******* sociopaths and constitute a major threat now... The fact that I, an American Satanist, hates them and not Xtians or Jews is just proof that it is not thier religion that we hate.... it's THEM! We simply lump them together into the group 'Muslim' because it is a) common to all of them and b) it convienient!

Imagine saying this every time you were ****** at Islam!

"*********, those ******* radical persons of colour whom may or may not be a muslim and doesn't know the true faith of Islam ****** are ******* me off!"

or we can just say

"**** those sand-******s!" or "I **** on Muslims!" ;)

It's a convenience thing! And it makes for better banter! :)



New member
Fair enough point, but slapping the same label on minority of ****-heads as is the title of an otherwise decent group only leads to the persecution and suffering of those decent people due to 1) the acts of those ****-heads who carrey a simular banner 2) the ignorent masses that are persecuting the decent ones along wiht the shitheads and drowning out the voice of reason under a blind cloud of jackassery.

you could easily turn "*********, those ******* radical persons of colour whom may or may not be a muslim and doesn't know the true faith of Islam ****** are ******* me off!" in "*********, those ******* shitheads (or hmm, maybe terrorists would fit here as well...yah..) are ******* me off."



New member
I wish we could, but I don't think that we are going to change the rules of slander.... they were ratified about 6500 BC.... HAHAHAHhahaha :)


New member
It is kinda interesting to think of all the atrocities that have been committed in the name of (enter your favorite diety here). Chances are of course that the said actions were more politicaly based than spiritualy. Just a guess... :rolleyes:


New member
There is a big difference..

If a single worshipper of a religion (any religion) commits a horrible act, its not cause of the religion, its caused by him/her alone.

If the prophet/inventer/leader of a religion commits this act, it shows every single follower/worshipper of said religion, that it is acceptable.

Muhammed set the bar for each and every muslim 1400 years ago, and ever since then Islam has comitted horrific acts in the name of allah/muhammed.

Jesus never harmed anyone, while muhammed was a murdering, hypocritic, lying, deceiving, childmolesting maniac.

Nuff said.

You've really little.
Where's my moron to English translator?

If you're missing the point then thats your problem,
You have no point to miss.

Firstly, again with the nazis....not every **** was for the whole nutcase trip, the **** heads really were the minority, but they had power.
Oh great, now it's ok to be a **** ???? just not a terrorist ****.

( If you didn't know this, try reading The Wave, its kinda dumb but it might give you a idea of that whole situation)
Now, why would I read a dumb book recommended by a dumb individual? That would be dumb

you did bring up a decent point about slavery being common place
There are thousands of worldly ills that are socially acceptable, but wrong nonetheless.

(keep it up and people might start respecting your opinions,
I don't give a **** what anyone else thinks, and expecially not an imbecile like you!

just loose the unessessary insults)
The insults are necessary to wake up dumb-*****!

But as far as that is concerned, you must keep in mind the political structure of the time (there was pretty much only one basic systeme) there was many power hungry fools, with power, who ran the show only for their betterment. It was widely accepted because of how the populations of the planet were developped.
Slavery is still wrong, dip-****! Excuse it all you want, but it is wrong!

(learn a little socioology then get back to me on that)
I have more knowledge in my little pinky than you have in your entire body, don't condescend to me, you moron! (Go learn how to debate and then get back to me ;) )

It is this same developpment the gives you the values that are held today, over time these will constantly change so to say that there is an absolute right or wrong simply can't work. (I'm not saying i support lynching or slavery, i would fight to stop it, but most wouldn't many years ago in their respective regions)
It's still wrong, dip-****!

Anyhow, the rest of your rambling was just your failure to understand my points and i feel no need to furthur prove what i'm saying.
Your points? like the point on your head?

(oh and for the record, my IQ is about twice your estimate, insulting people isn't gonna get you anywhere)
I estimate your IQ to be about 35... do the math, einstein!

P.S: would somebody respectable comment on my entries, i enjoy good arguement, this ranter is boring me.
No need.
Well you thought wrong buddy...
"According to Hostensius, once a girl was physically ready to consummate a sexual relationship, she was ready for marriage, and the same was true for boys. However, since puberty came earlier for females than males, they could marry at a younger age (usually, he said, girls were ready at age twelve and boys at age fourteen) (Brundage, 434)."
So how many 9 year olds are ready?

So what about all your pedo Christian ancestors? I guess its perfectly acceptable for them to commit atrocious acts, since its in the name of *** almighty an whatnot, but when a Muslim does it hes labeled a horrible person?
I'm really tired of you morons who can't distinguish abcient history from current events... You belong in the idiot box for sure!

And unlike half the garbage you spew, I can actually post a source for this.***/***-spouses.shtml
Here's one for you...

The same thing could be said about Christianity.
And I'm sure you'll say it!

What you seem to do in all your Anti-Islamic posts is talk about how horrible and brutish Islam is, but refuse to see that your religion has done the same horrible things, many times on a much wider scale. Until you can realize that then your arguments hold no validity.
Firstly, *** i'm glad to see there is somebody with half a brain.
Now together you have a whole brain!

Secondly, the only thign i;ld like to say is;
moron to English translation?

saying Christrens suck too won't go anywhere good, any religon isn't good or bad. One, whats good or bad will varie, its followers will differ from the morals of other religions (but any major religion, the message is pretty much the same; **** off and be kind!) and two, that good and bad **** is also interpreted differently amoung the followers of the same religion, please note the factioning of religions as an example of interpretation. That alone i think is proof that no religion is 'Bad' in a sense, they are far too varied (though personally, i think we'd be better off not having created religion of anykind, but that is just opinion.)

Oh and saying christiens have been ******* things up on a wider scale is true, but not because of the religion, but remeber, were coming off the time of the british empire (christiens) so its not fair to blame the religion in that situation.

Anywho, good stuff.
I am through debating retards. I will wait for MJ (He is horribly deceived, but he is at least highly intelligent).


New member
So how many 9 year olds are ready?
I'm really tired of you morons who can't distinguish abcient history from current events... You belong in the idiot box for sure!

Here's one for you...

And I'm sure you'll say it!


Yeah because calling Mohammed a pedophile is certainly current history....***.

Also the source i quoted said that it was generally acceptable for women to be married at 12, but I'd be willing to bet that more than a few people got married, or were forced to marry, well before age 12.

And that link you posted....oh so clever....thanks for reminding me what 2nd grade was like, I almost forgot.

Yeah because calling Mohammed a pedophile is certainly current history....***.
Yes, ***... The followers are current, and currently performing acts of terrorism... Of course if you weren't soooooo stupid you'd have known that! The fact is that CURRENTLY there are followers of a known pedophile, ***.

Also the source i quoted said that it was generally acceptable for women to be married at 12, but I'd be willing to bet that more than a few people got married, or were forced to marry, well before age 12.
You guess? You speculate? but you're so stupid... what gives your guesses credibility?

And that link you posted....oh so clever....thanks for reminding me what 2nd grade was like, I almost forgot.
It's just as credible as the one you posted!


New member
Yes, ***... The followers are current, and currently performing acts of terrorism... Of course if you weren't soooooo stupid you'd have known that! The fact is that CURRENTLY there are followers of a known pedophile, ***.
You guess? You speculate? but you're so stupid... what gives your guesses credibility?

It's just as credible as the one you posted!
Yeah the fact is that CURRENTLY there are followers of a known pedophile THAT DIED 1500 YEARS AGO! ....and just cuz one important relgious figure in a religion did it that means all followers of that religion did it? So by your reasoning all the current Christians are just as bad as the ones that committed atrocious acts in the Crusades or Inquisition?

Yeah, anyone would have speculated the same thing, and atleast I'm guessing based on some actualy information, unlike you who seems quite fond of pulling complete BS outta his ***.

And I posted a link to an actual saying the **** you made up is just as credible goes to show just how smart you really are...***.



New member
I've tried, and wish to no longer hear the jingoistic rants. If you are as intelligent as you clame then start making some good points. 90% of what your saying is insults, if you can't fill at least a paragrapth of reasonable thought then there is really no point in my reading of your posts. Those commiting acts of terrorism do fly Mohammeds banner yes, but that dosn't make islam evil.

Just as with the nazis, which you so love, these shitheads make up a small portion of the greater body that is islam (not saying islam is 'the nazis' but in this comparision they'ld be represented by Germnay as a whole). Their fight is more politically based then religious (despite the face put on it by its leaders) so enough already. (and as for your commetn about it being ok to be a ****, if somebody said "you ****...or die!" you'ld probably go along, and if you didn't, you were tossed into a funny smelling chamber. thereby leaving the lions share of germany nazis. forced or otherwise. mostly forced) And if you're so narrow minded as to not understand the conditions in which people like Mohammed lived in centuries ago then there no point.

"You guess? You speculate? but you're so stupid... what gives your guesses credibility?"

There is such thing as an educated guess, its when somebody (preferably of intelect, and that dosn't count him out so don't bother syaing it...) creates a hypothese based on reason and knowledge of the subject. Being so intelligent i'm sure you already knew that....

finally, if you know more about Sociolgy then me then please enlighten me with the REAL sociological explination of how people developped... :rolleyes: (oh and one more thing, you guessed my IQ at 65, not 35... have you no memory, or atleast the ability to return and read you latest posts. but in the end its quite irrelavent since IQ is a representation of combine mental capability and has nothing to do with knowledge)



New member
People don't model their lives after after every aspect of their religious figures, they get a message, one that means something to them, then they go form there (the ones that do go letter for letter we call nutcases, psycopaths and various other names that befit their grim interptation of religious docterines. Of course not ALL hardcore religoious folk are bad in a "i'ma hang yous because the DAVIL made yas, if *** did you'ld be the same colour as me's!!" kinda way, but too often do they attempt to force there beliefs on others in ways ranging form irritating to massicre-istic.

Oh,. and if mohammed was a hypocrit, and bad, that would make is teachings good would it not? (it may be simplifying a little but still, think about it...) Not to mention the fact that Christ is a very poorly documented fellow, there is little in the way of real records (aside form the new testamet which holds litle value in the way of in-arguable fact, was writen long afetr his journeys and is DEFINATLY a holy book. Mohammed on the other hand we know more about outside of the religious teachings. He can't hide behind the same cloud as christ (i'm not putting christ down, but there really is little in the way of a play-per-play christ christ book, he's too old =P)

and one quik'un; with all this pedophile talk, has anybody said anything of the billions of dollers spent by the cathloic church on settlement due to father bad touch. (and all his friends!) Just to toss out something else to **** about .

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