Science and Religion

haha i agree with you totally silmaril, im an atheist and i go t a catholic school, which happens to also be a long story about how my dad is paranoid and it happens to be an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL, yea but ne wayz religion has no real expllanations, and we dont need science to abck up ne thing, the bible is just plain ****, we all came from 2 ppl, yea right we would all be defected, ****ed up, and how did different races become? o i forgot dirt? hah yea and god forbifd we only had one f each animal, animals would have to **** their mothers to make more, and they would all be mental too, bottom line, science is the future of our world!
Crazywumbat said:
Yeah the fact is that CURRENTLY there are followers of a known pedophile THAT DIED 1500 YEARS AGO!

....and just cuz one important relgious figure in a religion did it that means all followers of that religion did it?
Mohammed(may piss be upon him) is the central figure in islam, so yes by following this religion one follows the central figure, duhhhhh!

So by your reasoning all the current Christians are just as bad as the ones that committed atrocious acts in the Crusades or Inquisition?
Neither the crusaders not the inquisitors are/were central figures in Christianity. Duhhhhhh! Of coarse, you'd have to have an IQ above 50 to know that, so you're excused.

Yeah, anyone would have speculated the same thing, and atleast I'm guessing based on some actualy information,
You're a proven moron, and your guesses are as as stipid as you.

unlike you who seems quite fond of pulling complete BS outta his ass.
back at ya!

And I posted a link to an actual website...
So what. I posted a link to a non existant website. for 30 bucks, I could register the domain and post some html code (cut right from this forum) and prove your stupid! so, SHUT THE **** UP!

so saying the **** you made up is just as credible goes to show just how smart you really are...ass.
Every thing I say is credible. Any proof, moron?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

Mohammed(may piss be upon him) is the central figure in islam, so yes by following this religion one follows the central figure, duhhhhh!

Neither the crusaders not the inquisitors are/were central figures in Christianity. Duhhhhhh! Of coarse, you'd have to have an IQ above 50 to know that, so you're excused.

You're a proven moron, and your guesses are as as stipid as you.

back at ya!

So what. I posted a link to a non existant website. for 30 bucks, I could register the domain and post some html code (cut right from this forum) and prove your stupid! so, SHUT THE **** UP!

Every thing I say is credible. Any proof, moron?

God you're retarded.

Now while no one person during the Crusades was as important to Christianity as Mohammed is to Islam, when you take into consideration all the Kings, the Popes and Bishops that reigned over that time period then it comes pretty damn close.

And letme get this straight, I'm a moron because I use arguments backed up by facts, while you use ones backed up by opinions or utter fabrications...right..

And the website I posted was based on FACT. As in proven information, with research done to prove it. Also, I can remember plenty of times you have argued complete fabrications or refused to take into account the accepted behaviors of the time period in this thread as well as others (the whole Mohammed/pedophile thing, also the Homosexuals/pedophile thing too) yeah...I know all too well just how credible you are.
SoNyaThEBiTcH said:
haha i agree with you totally silmaril, im an atheist and i go t a catholic school, which happens to also be a long story about how my dad is paranoid and it happens to be an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL,!
I like catholic school girls........Don't usually give a **** what they think about anything, but I like em just fine. :cool:
Even though the Silmarils drove the Sons of Feanor crazy, I'm staying out of this discussion. Stupid Oath of Feanor.
Just as a little back-up, even though this central figure commited acts that we now deem sickening it dosn't change the fact that the current incarnation of islam dose not teach pedophilia.

"Now while no one person during the Crusades was as important to Christianity as Mohammed is to Islam, when you take into consideration all the Kings, the Popes and Bishops that reigned over that time period then it comes pretty damn close."

This isn't going to convince him of anything, but maybe if he were to think about the fact that all those mentioned were guided by there religious leaders, who guided their actions based on the Bibel's teachings (well to be fair, politics reared its ugly head in again), to carrey out these crimes, the same leaders who consented the slave trade and had a policy of non-intervention during the holocaust. (And they so enjoy interviening in the lives of others too.. :rolleyes: )

Oh, while the offical face of the crusades was again religious, many historiens will tell you that it was more politcally based. The European nations response to the Byzantine's crys for help when the Turks were staging their famously long siege of Istanbul. Hmm, atrocity based on politcal gain with a religious face slapped on it, this seems awfully familier.....something to do with Al-Quada....?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

Mohammed(may piss be upon him) is the central figure in islam, so yes by following this religion one follows the central figure, duhhhhh!

Neither the crusaders not the inquisitors are/were central figures in Christianity. Duhhhhhh!


MRIH says...

Mohammed = Central Figure in Islam
Mohammed = Bad Pedophile Dude
Followers of Mohammed = Bad Pedophile Dudes and Dudettes
Crusaders were not = Central Figures in Christianity


CES thinks...

Central Figures In Christianity....?

Tori Allen says

Pope = Leader of Christianity and Mother Church

Okay... So...

Popes = Central Figures In Christianity... Right? (According to MRIH reasoning)

Popes are good guys right so why would certain Christians be real scumbags?


When the College of Cardinals assembles to elect a new pope, many Catholics believe God's guiding hand will point them to the right man. Perhaps so. There certainly have been a number of inspired choices over the centuries. Yet in some of the most colorful elections of the past, the Holy Spirit seems to have taken a holiday.

This was particularly true during the Dark Ages, a low point in papal history, when worldly pontiffs ruled at the whim of powerful Roman aristocrats. Back then, before there was a College of Cardinals, family ties were a reliable way to secure the throne of St. Peter. (That is, for example, how John XI, reportedly the illegitimate son of Pope Sergius III and Marozia, a member of a powerful Roman family, became pope in 931.)

Holiness wasn't necessarily a prerequisite to becoming the Vicar of Christ in those days, nor was experience. Pope John XII was elected at the ripe age of 18, and proceeded to turn the Vatican into party central DUDE! . The German emperor Otto I wrote the teenage pontiff with concern: "Everyone, clergy as well as laity, accuses you, Holiness, of homicide, perjury, sacrilege, incest with your relatives, including your sisters." Little wonder John was dubbed the "Christian Caligula."

Election to the papacy during this seemingly pagan era was no guarantee of job security. A third of the popes enthroned between 872 and 1012 died violently, some at the hands of their successors. Others were deposed for their wickedness and fled Rome in fear of their lives. These were dark ages indeed.

Stephen VII, elected during perhaps the darkest of those days, in 896, was quite possibly the craziest pope who ever ruled. Not long after his ascension, Stephen convened what has become known as "the Cadaver Synod." He ordered the corpse of his predecessor, Pope Formosus, dug out of its grave and dressed in full papal vestments. The late pope was then propped up for trial on a number of charges. After he was convicted, his body was tossed into the Tiber River. Stephen himself was deposed, imprisoned and strangled several months later. WHOOPS

Papal elections became a bit more exclusive in 1059, when the College of Cardinals was formed and given sole dominion over the process. Not much changed, however, since the group consisted mostly of the same lines of aristocrats who had been choosing popes for centuries.

The cardinals proved themselves spectacularly inefficient after the death of Clement IV in 1268, when they took nearly three years to elect his successor. SAY WHAT? As their deliberations dragged on, officials in Viterbo, Italy, locked them in the local palace, removed the roof to expose them to the elements, and threatened them with starvation if they didn't make a quick decision. :p Blessed Gregory X was eventually elected, and subsequently established many of the rules of conclave that are followed today.

During this period, the papacy was reaching the zenith of its power and glory. The pope, once merely the bishop of Rome, was now more of an emperor who claimed both spiritual and temporal dominion over all of Christendom.

"Who can doubt that the priests of Christ [popes] are to be considered the fathers and masters of kings and princes and all the faithful?" Saint Gregory VII declared late in the 11th century.

It was these imperial pretensions that made the papacy a much bigger prize. Accordingly, the succession became even more obstreperous as greedy cardinals grasped for it.

In 1294, Boniface VIII came to occupy the most powerful throne in the world and enjoy all the wealth that came with it, by reportedly whispering into his simple-minded predecessor's ear as he slept: "Celestine, Celestine, lay down your office. It is too much for you."

Boniface, the last of the mighty medieval popes, got his comeuppance when he was crushed by King Philip IV of France. The papacy was then moved from its ancient seat in Rome to the fortified city of Avignon, France. It would be nearly a century before Rome reclaimed the papacy. In 1378, the cardinals elected Pope Urban VI. He was not a good choice.

"I can do anything, absolutely anything I like," Urban proclaimed. This self-ordained license apparently included the torture and murder of six cardinals who dared to defy him. :eek:

Realizing they had a complete maniac on their hands, the remaining cardinals elected a new pope who promptly moved to France. Urban had no intention of budging from his throne in Rome, however. Instead, he appointed his own cardinals and ruled from there.

Now there were two duly elected popes and two colleges of cardinals -- one in France, one in Italy. It was a mess doomed to get even messier. Each side kept picking its own pope whenever a vacancy opened until finally the two conclaves of cardinals united and elected Alexander V in 1409. Only hitch was, neither of the old popes was willing to step down.

Now, with three popes on the job, :eek: something almost democratic happened. A council was formed, including both lower clergy and even laity, to sort through the various claims. The situation was ultimately resolved at the Council of Constance, where everyone was deposed in favor of Martin V in 1417 -- just in time for the coming Renaissance.

As the rest of the Western world harked back to ancient Greece in an explosion of art and literature, the papacy seemed to turn to the Dark Ages for inspiration. It was an era of some of the most unholy popes ever.

Competition among cardinals continued to be savage when a vacancy opened on the papal throne. Pope Pius II later recalled the intrigue surrounding the conclave that preceded his own election in 1458: "The richer and more powerful members begged, promised, threatened, and some, shamelessly casting aside all decency, pleaded their own cause and claimed the papacy as their right. Their rivalry was extraordinary, their energy unbounded. They took no rest by day or sleep by night."

Nevertheless, that conclave was positively decorous compared with the one several years later when Rodrigo Borgia nearly bankrupted himself to become Pope Alexander VI. Borgia bribed his fellow cardinals with bags of bullion, money he had earned selling pardons for all manner of crimes, and could barely contain his glee when he won.

"I am pope, I am pope," he exclaimed as he donned his sumptuous new vestments.

Saint Peter would have been so proud. :eek:
That is some of the most entertaining Popery i've ever heard. A link of somekind would be nice though to give some more validity to this. I knew some of that but it could be shouted down as BS. Good work though.
Do any of you morons actually feel threatened by Christian, Jewish, Budhist, Hindu, or Taoist Fundamentalists? I mean really worry that a terrorist cell from one of these organizations might purpotrate a terrorist act?

Now, do any of you morons feel threatened by Muslim Fundamentalists?

If your answers weren't: 1) No, 2) Yes ... then you either live on the moon, are an islamic terrorist already, or are completely brainwashed by the "islam is peaceful" lie.
Ok ok,

Christien- Is primary religion in most stable countries (no offence) These states can control any numbskullery that starts to happen. Exception- When the state supports the actions of these people (Ref: KKK; the states that support them are going to stand aside as much as possible) Then these groups can pull some ****. SO, if a christien fundamentalist, like say GW, were to take control of the planet's most powerful christien state then anyone he feels should be 'Enlightened (wither it be with democracy or otherwise) may want to take their bullet proof umbrella when to go to market. Or if somebody else with power, like say Osama Bin etc.. were to take control of a large number of fundamentlists, then even though they are without a territory, they make up a politcal group that runs pretty much as a Theocracy.

Jewish- Goto Isreal wearing an Afgan flag then get the executor of your estate to get back to me on that one.

Budhist- Non-violent. You can't be a fundamantalist Budhist and start cracking skulls, Then you're in the chinese army.

Taoist- Pretty much the same as above, isn't really prominat enough to pose a treat were they to hop over the black side of the ying yang.

Hindu- When your sleeping on the street every night, your back hurts too much to slaughter infidels :)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Do any of you morons actually feel threatened by Christian, Jewish, Budhist, Hindu, or Taoist Fundamentalists? I mean really worry that a terrorist cell from one of these organizations might purpotrate a terrorist act?

Now, do any of you morons feel threatened by Muslim Fundamentalists?

If your answers weren't: 1) No, 2) Yes ... then you either live on the moon, are an islamic terrorist already, or are completely brainwashed by the "islam is peaceful" lie.

1. Yes 2. Yes, but I highly doubt another attack will occur anytime in the near future.

I live in a pretty Christian-hickish type area, I'm quite frequently harassed when I display my Atheisnt beliefs or viewpoints by Christians. Now while there isn't an overwhelming amount of muslims in my area, the ones that are here are most certainly more accepting of my beliefs than the Christians around here are, so as a result I deffinitely feel personaly threatened more by Christians than I do by Muslims. And I believe the Jews in the ME are just as responsible for the going ons over there as the Muslims are.
Pour ces de vous qui savez rien du la langue francais, Gentilhomme=Gentleman.
Prends tes conclusions du cet fait.

And to make MIRH happy i fixed up my last post a little.
Gentilhomme said:
Pour ces de vous qui savez rien du la langue francais, Gentilhomme=Gentleman.
Prends tes conclusions du cet fait.

And to make MIRH happy i fixed up my last post a little.

Vous parlez fran
nah that was just me ****ing things up. de la, j'aime excuse. now lets get back on track. And just to save SOME face, don't use 'vous' when talking down to somebody. 'Vous' is pluriel or polite, respectful.

C'est; tu parles francais comme une vache espagnole. :cool:
Well i guess i've been put on some block list or something as no posts have appeared to me for awhile. SO, i will say gooday gentlemen. It's been swell.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Do any of you morons actually feel threatened by Christian, Jewish, Budhist, Hindu, or Taoist Fundamentalists? I mean really worry that a terrorist cell from one of these organizations might purpotrate a terrorist act?

Now, do any of you morons feel threatened by Muslim Fundamentalists?

If your answers weren't: 1) No, 2) Yes ... then you either live on the moon, are an islamic terrorist already, or are completely brainwashed by the "islam is peaceful" lie.
Every religion has taken its turn on the wheel.
Between the Early Middle Ages up until 200 or so years ago, Christians persecuted Witches, so if I was female, I would've been scared shitless.
If someone was blamed of lying, they put out two boiling pots of water, with rings placed at the bottom, and the two "debators" would reach in, grab the ring, and remove it. Whoever was scolded the least was telling the truth because it was "Gods' Will." In Europe during the Middle Ages, is someone bathed more than once a month, they were hung for they were charged as a Muslim, (and Solomon didn't hang the Christians even after the 7 or so Crusades.)

During the change between BC and AD, the Jews were in the picture. They were quite anti-Christian, and it showed. I believe you'd know stories.

The Romans persecuted all of the Christians up until 300 AD, then Constantine in 324 Christianized the place. For those three hundred years, any one accused of being Christian was killed, and I'm sure it happened to the Jews beforehand.

The Persains used to supress the Greeks (Xeres,) and they killed their men without cause, and fought against civilian towns (in turn they got their asses kicked.)

The Nazi's persecuted Jews, and murdered over 3,000,000 of them.

Now, I guess, it's Islams turn to be skewed from their beliefs and take such actions.

Now, tell me, if you lived in any of these time periods, would you be afraid of being on the oppressed side? Yes, of course.
So of course, you're going to be afraid of a skewed and pissed Muslim. I'd be afraid of a KKK member or an Israeli militant.