Michael Rudd
New member
In the UK we have not had much exposure to Scientology, but a recent documentry by the BBC through their Panorama team brought up many questions, the first being just where did it come from and on what is it based,
I Googled it and came up with some strange figure called Xenu who some 75 million years ago brought a huge number of aliens down packed them round volcanoes and blew them up, and from there it just becomes more fancyfull, I got all my information from the online Wkipedia encyclopedia.and from what I read it seems that it is just a money making scheme and not to be taken seriously except for the danger it poses for the week minded. If my information is wrong please let me know?
I Googled it and came up with some strange figure called Xenu who some 75 million years ago brought a huge number of aliens down packed them round volcanoes and blew them up, and from there it just becomes more fancyfull, I got all my information from the online Wkipedia encyclopedia.and from what I read it seems that it is just a money making scheme and not to be taken seriously except for the danger it poses for the week minded. If my information is wrong please let me know?