Scout or JAW?


New member
Anyway, we don't really debate anymore...we just talk about how much we hate each other. In my opinion, this degredation is because the mods have let it get out of hand. Not that they started this, but the lack of action (to a certain extent) is one of the reasons this is happening. People are constantly derailing threads, and I haven't been able to figure out why they haven't been boxed or had something like that done to them.
Oh, now HERE is the **** that ****** me off.. Complaining that we let the board go.. then the first ******* time we start moderatng people... it's ******* WHA... WHA... I'm being ******* picked on !! The MODS are ******** !!! WHAAA !!!

What do YOU propose joker ?? If you think you ******* know how GF should be moderated, stand up and ******* tell us !!

****, I've probably BANNED more people just THIS WEEK then I have in the last ******* year.. and your STILL not ******* happy.. because THEN we are PICKING ON THEM ?? WTF ??

How about the ******* topic derailing ?? If we do anything about THAT people cry and ***** !!

How about we start idiot boxing EVERYBODY who does it ??





New member
I'm with TA on this one…but, I’m going to keep talking **** anyway.
I'm with TA also...but, I just have to get my **** in before we return to civility.
If you agree with me, then shut the f-ck up.

Oh, now HERE is the **** that ****** me off.. Complaining that we let the board go.. then the first ******* time we start moderatng people... it's ******* WHA... WHA... I'm being ******* picked on !! The MODS are ******** !!! WHAAA !!!
Exactly. When we try to do our job and keep this site in line, we hear, “I thought this was an un-moderated site. What happened to free speech? These Mods here have a *** complex.”

Make up your mind. What is it going to be? Moderate? Don’t Moderate? It seems like everyone wants us to moderate everyone else but them.



New member
You guys should know by now, that not only am I VERY unbiased, I play favoritism to NOBODY. Never have, never will.





New member
What? Are you throwing out random sentences again?
Ooops, I'll try to be more formal.

You guys should know by now, I don't hold any bias towards any member, and I won't be swayed in any direction. I have no favourites.



New member
To those who are sick of the BS that happens here from time to time, might I recommend this path which has proven fairly effective in removing the stresses caused when you take this community too personaly:

Stay away from any thread that goes down the *******. Its quite simple to just not post something. You can see insult trains coming from a mile away, its easy, so just hop off the tracks until the train passes. If that means the whole fourm, than that means the whole fourm. If it means NOT responding to pointless flamming (Or any flamming really), than you can do that as well. Just take a leap of absence and carry on with life.



New member
I set the poll to auto close 10 days after it was started. If we don't have the 5 votes before then, the issue is then squashed.





New member
I set the poll to auto close 10 days after it was started. If we don't have the 5 votes before then, the issue is then squashed..


Dweebo's got a crush on MM, so I'll close this one. :cool:



New member
Dweebo's got a crush on MM, so I'll close this one. :cool:
I'm not at all surprised, with photos like this popping up of her, it's no wonder:





New member
Well, the useless dweebo needs a reaming, so I'll open the poll again. ;)
Ya know that reaming you so think I deserve? Well, I don't get it...5 votes for neither, *****. Could be because people don't respect you or your **** starting against me...but hey, whadda I know?



New member
I'm not at all surprised, with photos like this popping up of her, it's no wonder:



Ooh it's a pretty butterfly with vines...looks HOT..But get that same picture in 20 years when it looks like a piece of barb wire. Kids:rolleyes:

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