Screw Arnold Schwarzenegger


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
In California a bill passed in assembly and state for equal marriage. California coulda been a free marriage state against discriminitory marriage........

Oh but our good terminator friend Veto'd it.............

What the hell is this man doing in politics anyhow?? He cant act, so that outright puts him outside the realm of politics.....

Hes the terminator for christ sakes?!?!?! not a real govenor.

It just goes to show you that if you have a name people like they will vote for you.........

look at Ventura here in MN.,,,,,,

however........he at least had some good ideas.........

****, i hate this country sometimes!
Kryptonite Man said:
Good!!! :D :D [COLOR=[COLOR=Yellow]I'm tired of liberal lies and liars pushing this ignominious and odious attack on this society!

Aaah, greengrocer. You are sooooooooo, well...............

You're so yesterday.
You know though, a more sad fact, is that if it were possible for him to run for president we would see the Prezinator take office. There is a scary thought. Or maybe more scary is the fact that somebody like Carson Daly could run for president, if he had the balls, and Most likey win or come damn close.
dshogan1 said:
You know though, a more sad fact, is that if it were possible for him to run for president we would see the Prezinator take office. There is a scary thought. Or maybe more scary is the fact that somebody like Carson Daly could run for president, if he had the balls, and Most likey win or come damn close.

Fortunately i dont think he can. The presendency has to come from a born american...since he was not originally an american citizen he is ineligible
Vortex said:
Fortunately i dont think he can. The presendency has to come from a born american...since he was not originally an american citizen he is ineligible

You know that the terminator wants to have that changed. He wants to amend the constitution just for that purpose.

I would hate to see that amended.
Vortex said:
In California a bill passed in assembly and state for equal marriage.

Why are the assembly and legislature getting involved? That is just politicking at it's finest. Want it to become legit? Put it on a ballot and see what the people- ALL THE PEOPLE -of California want. That way it's want the people want, not who has bought off what politician.

Just cause there are loud obnoxious homosexuals that want to push their views on everyone doesn't mean that the whole state feels that way. Let the people speak.

Kinda like here in AZ. We had a Legalize Marajuana proposistion on our ballots for three years. By listening to people you would have been nuts to think it wouldn't pass. But it didn't. 3 times it didn't. The people of the entire state spoke up and made the decision.
Vortex said:
In California a bill passed in assembly and state for equal marriage. California coulda been a free marriage state against discriminitory marriage........

Oh but our good terminator friend Veto'd it.............

What the hell is this man doing in politics anyhow?? He cant act, so that outright puts him outside the realm of politics.....
he at least had some good ideas.........

You just don't like Arnold because he's a conservative and he's not for the gays.
Vorty is just pissed off because it's a Republican. Before Arnold became Govenator you thought he was great, admit it. All except for the "log cabin" Republicans, my party is pretty much not pro-gay (just in case you didn
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Vorty is just pissed off because it's a Republican. Before Arnold became Govenator you thought he was great, admit it.
No not really. He just happened to have been the Meat-Head that happened to be in a few movies i could have put any other heavily accented second rate actor with a body builders physique and it would have been the same

RegisteredAndEducated said:
2 men should not be able to "marry" each other, and neither should 2 women, you people can live with your abominatory "civil unions."
Does this make the name RAE an oxymoron?
Vortex said:
No not really. He just happened to have been the Meat-Head that happened to be in a few movies i could have put any other heavily accented second rate actor with a body builders physique and it would have been the same

Does this make the name RAE an oxymoron?
Why yes. Yes it does.