Sd's **** List!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005

(The last **** list was too long--if I'm going to post something, I'd like to be attacked for it. (This ain't gonna be pretty.))

**** boybands--ESPECIALLY Hanson--**** all those teen pop sluts, **** Bush, **** his country, **** rednecks, **** every owner of an SUV and every asshole who regularly takes showers longer than 20 mins, ****, every ***** who litters and doesn't recycle and conserve energy, **** the US Senate and Supreme Court, **** any and every God, **** Jesus, **** religion, **** every religious whackjob--ESPECIALLY Christian whackjobs, and **** alcohol, its makers, and its abusers. If I left anyone out, then **** them too.

Okay, show of hands for '**** YOU, SD'!
Silver_dragon87 said:

(The last **** list was too long--if I'm going to post something, I'd like to be attacked for it. (This ain't gonna be pretty.))

**** boybands--ESPECIALLY Hanson--**** all those teen pop sluts, **** Bush, **** his country, **** rednecks, **** every owner of an SUV and every asshole who regularly takes showers longer than 20 mins, ****, every ***** who litters and doesn't recycle and conserve energy, **** the US Senate and Supreme Court, **** any and every God, **** Jesus, **** religion, **** every religious whackjob--ESPECIALLY Christian whackjobs, and **** alcohol, its makers, and its abusers. If I left anyone out, then **** them too.

Okay, show of hands for '**** YOU, SD'!
not to belittle my kinship and all..but all of this was coverd in the **** thread....cept maybe boybands...but it may have...i dont remember!
Silver_dragon87 said:

(The last **** list was too long--if I'm going to post something, I'd like to be attacked for it. (This ain't gonna be pretty.))

**** boybands--ESPECIALLY Hanson--**** all those teen pop sluts, **** Bush, **** his country, **** rednecks, **** every owner of an SUV and every asshole who regularly takes showers longer than 20 mins, ****, every ***** who litters and doesn't recycle and conserve energy, **** the US Senate and Supreme Court, **** any and every God, **** Jesus, **** religion, **** every religious whackjob--ESPECIALLY Christian whackjobs, and **** alcohol, its makers, and its abusers. If I left anyone out, then **** them too.

Okay, show of hands for '**** YOU, SD'!

What I Agree On: boybands suck, teen sluts suck, Bush sucks, rednecks (hardcore ones) suck, litterbugs suck (did enough cleaning up people's bullshit in the army), religion sucks, whackjobs and super bible thumper commies definitely suck, alcohol sucks (sorry guys but I got a vendetta against it, caused me more trouble than I needed to be in), its makers and abusers suck too, and trust me don't wanna see MY **** list.

What I DON'T Agree On: I know our country has alot of faults but are we REALLY that bad? Some of us just so happen to like Canada. :) Most Americans tend to **** themselves over as opposed to screwing with other countries. What's wrong with SUVs and their drivers? Could ya elaborate? And people who take long showers, as long as they have nowhere to go, what's the shame in that? If they are being waited on then yea I agree, ****! And I have no opinion on the rest of our gov't. Could really care less, politics suck balls.
Silver_dragon87 said:

(The last **** list was too long--if I'm going to post something, I'd like to be attacked for it. (This ain't gonna be pretty.))

**** boybands--ESPECIALLY Hanson--**** all those teen pop sluts, **** Bush, **** his country, **** rednecks, **** every owner of an SUV and every asshole who regularly takes showers longer than 20 mins, ****, every ***** who litters and doesn't recycle and conserve energy, **** the US Senate and Supreme Court, **** any and every God, **** Jesus, **** religion, **** every religious whackjob--ESPECIALLY Christian whackjobs, and **** alcohol, its makers, and its abusers. If I left anyone out, then **** them too.

Okay, show of hands for '**** YOU, SD'!

Ok now are you just a complete idiot or what? I mean personally you sound like a tree hugger democrat. **** SUV owners huh? **** his country.....This is our country and guess what the people voted for him...TWICE dumbass. So apparently some one out there likes him. If you have a problem with this country u either are from Canada or need to move there or IRAQ. I mean you sound like some pansy asshole who probably was picked on growing up and this is the only way anyone will PAY ATTENTION on what you want to say. Dont be pathetic, you are living in a country who lets you post **** like this and NOT ****IN kill your ass for it. So GET OVER IT....
Well silverdragon those are some pretty strong statements about a country that protects yours. Im tired of Canadians always badmouth the United States. If Canada were anywhere else they wouldn't be Canadians, they would be the bitches of the country they were next to. I dont blame you for wanting to have something to say being that your only 17 and no one listens to your juvenile ass. As far as you saying **** my country, **** you and yours GIRL. Dont bad mouth a country you dont live in, you dont have that right. Why **** rednecks? Whats wrong with a redneck? They live in the south, mind thier own business, and couldn't give a **** less about what Canada thinks. Take your little canadian ass back to your bedrooom and do your homework. No one cares about your opinion. Atleast not me.
8_BALL said:
Well silverdragon those are some pretty strong statements about a country that protects yours. Im tired of Canadians always badmouth the United States. If Canada were anywhere else they wouldn't be Canadians, they would be the bitches of the country they were next to. I dont blame you for wanting to have something to say being that your only 17 and no one listens to your juvenile ass. As far as you saying **** my country, **** you and yours guy. Dont bad mouth a country you dont live in, you dont have that right. Why **** rednecks? Whats wrong with a redneck? They live in the south, mind thier own business, and couldn't give a **** less about what Canada thinks. Take your little canadian ass back to your bedrooom and do your homework. No one cares about your opinion. Atleast not me.
UH, SD is a girl not a guy.
I'm going to have to invoke my right to ignore morons, as I often do. However I WILL say that we do NOT need your protection. No one has a grudge against Canadians because we actually HELP people. We're not arrogant retards with guns in our belts and no health care. We're, you know, actually intelligent. If we didn't do business with you idiots--which we only do because you're our neighbours--we'd tell you to go to hell. As you were walking away of course; that's what we do. See, that's what being Canadian is. Most of us would love to see your country go up in absolute ****ing flames and watch you burn in your self-created hellhole, but we're too polite to say so, so we just smile and nod and maybe pat you on the head, feeling sorry for you. We don't nuke you. We don't WAGE war--we stand in its way. If you think there's something wrong with that, you should take YOUR sorry, violent ass back to ancient Rome.

And by the way, isn't it ironic that the most hateful people in your shitty country are Christian? Hypocritical assholes preach about tolerance and peace and how Jesus loves everyone, then get all hot for their so-called 'war on terror.'

Now, on to intelligent replies.

Vortex, I didn't bother reading the two hundred, some odd replies because I'm lazy like that. I like short threads with intimate debates/insultmongering, and to put it simply, I wanted to make sure I was heard. :D I'm seriously pissed off lately, so I wanted to start something myself.

Outlaw, yes, your country really is that bad. If you don't believe it, look around at your pollution, your criminal justice system, your 'government' absolutely bursting at the seams with rich, white Christian men, your supreme court which is comprised of one solid block of like-minded assholes, your crooked businessmen stealing three billion dollars from fake-ass companies, the ****ing WAR your retarded president started over OIL, and the latest development. Your INGENIOUS idea to fix your energy consumption problems is not to put more recycling programs into place, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, limit the number of cars that can be manufactured, create and enforce environmental laws, but to do something ABSOLUTELY ****ING RIDICULOUS and drag the rest of the world--including MY poor country--into the shitter with you just because the government YOUR PEOPLE elected won't do **** to help the planet they're raping. Great country. Oh, and again with the health care. Every citizen for themselves, that's a GREAT way for a nation to operate. Your schools STINK, you have ghettos and people living on the ****ing streets, and gang wars in the downtown areas of your MONSTROUS cities which lack public transit. FABULOUS place to live.

People who drive SUVs are trying to show off their money or compensate for their minute dicks. They also couldn't give **** on their **** about the environment, so I hate them with all my heart.

People who take long showers all the damn time are the same, but here in water consumption, not oil. Taking long showers damages the envrionment, and it's a very small thing to TURN THE DAMN WATER OFF and do your ****ing part, but that's just too much trouble--they want to 'relax' and 'pamper themselves.' **** them.

Oh, and to the newest retard by the name of GrayGal, who uses the spelling of Grey which I despise, the 'people' did not vote for George ****face Bush. Ethnic people were NOT ALLOWED to vote. They were told stations were closed, and they were THREATENED to stay away. That is NOT democracy, that it NOT a fair election, that is NOT SOMETHING TO BE ****ING PROUD OF, YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE.

**** am I pissed off this week.
Dragon, do the world a favor and shut the **** up. I have read a lot of what you said today and you pretty much just bash everything about America and its way of life. What the **** do you know? YOUR 17 YEARS OLD. Worry about your expendable country and we'll worry about ours.
The day Canada is threat to the US with "NUKES" (LMAO JUST THINKING ABOUT CANADA WITH A NUKE OR MILITARY FOR THAT MATTER) is the day youll have a ligitimate reason not to like us. Youll find out just how violent the US can be.
Doesnt matter either way because Canada knows its role in the world. To neighbor the United States and shut thier ****ing mouths.
I have nothing against Canada, just the retarded people in it badmouthing our country.
Silver_dragon87 said:

Outlaw, yes, your country really is that bad. If you don't believe it, look around at your pollution, your criminal justice system, your 'government' absolutely bursting at the seams with rich, white Christian men, your supreme court which is comprised of one solid block of like-minded assholes, your crooked businessmen stealing three billion dollars from fake-ass companies, the ****ing WAR your retarded president started over OIL, and the latest development. Your INGENIOUS idea to fix your energy consumption problems is not to put more recycling programs into place, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, limit the number of cars that can be manufactured, create and enforce environmental laws, but to do something ABSOLUTELY ****ING RIDICULOUS and drag the rest of the world--including MY poor country--into the shitter with you just because the government YOUR PEOPLE elected won't do **** to help the planet they're raping. Great country. Oh, and again with the health care. Every citizen for themselves, that's a GREAT way for a nation to operate. Your schools STINK, you have ghettos and people living on the ****ing streets, and gang wars in the downtown areas of your MONSTROUS cities which lack public transit. FABULOUS place to live.

People who drive SUVs are trying to show off their money or compensate for their minute dicks. They also couldn't give **** on their **** about the environment, so I hate them with all my heart.

People who take long showers all the damn time are the same, but here in water consumption, not oil. Taking long showers damages the envrionment, and it's a very small thing to TURN THE DAMN WATER OFF and do your ****ing part, but that's just too much trouble--they want to 'relax' and 'pamper themselves.' **** them.

Oh, and to the newest retard by the name of GrayGal, who uses the spelling of Grey which I despise, the 'people' did not vote for George ****face Bush. Ethnic people were NOT ALLOWED to vote. They were told stations were closed, and they were THREATENED to stay away. That is NOT democracy, that it NOT a fair election, that is NOT SOMETHING TO BE ****ING PROUD OF, YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE.

**** am I pissed off this week.

Well I plan on getting a SUV because my aunt is going to hook me up and I have no interest in impressing people. I could gives a damn what people think of the type of car I get. As for Bush, that's his idea...I think the war is stupid. Poolution is everywhere, not just in the US. Even Canada has its share, and I believe y'all have plenty of endangered species up there as well. I know where you are coming from with showers but think about it...that is why they have water bills, to control that. We are not the only country that does this. I am pretty sure there are a ton of Canadians that stand there and bask in the radiant warmth of their shower. And where I am from (Philadelphia) we have one of the most elaborate public transportation systems in the country. We have trains, trolleys, trolley buses, buses, light rails, regional rails, subways, and elevated trains.

The one thing I will agree with you on is the quality of our people. But I hate people as a whole anyways so eh...could care less. As long as they let me do what I gotta do. But seriously, you are entitled to your opinion but please relax. There are WORSE countries out there than us.
Ok you dumb ****, for one hate the way i spell Gray, Maybe thats my last name you ****in numbskull. Oh and you people in Canada dont use guns, no you just harbor criminals when they run from the US. They commit crimes here and run to the land of the tree huggers and pathetics. Remember you guys are like 1/2 french...u always DROP your weapons as soon as something comes up. Anyway....SHUT THE **** UP KID
Yet another ****ing US vs Canada bitchfest

Someone tell me when theres some WORTHWHILE debate going on somewhere. I'm going to do something less painful than read this drivel, like slam my head in a car door
For the love of god (sorry.. for the love of ****) get out and freaking travel or something. Good **** do you need some life experience outside of this little world you have created. If you don't like where you are, o your family, go do something else. there is a great big old world out there, hell start with your country just do something for cryin out loud. this is beginning to get silly now.
Weary sigh Again, Tizz, keep your fat mouth shut until you know what you're talking about. Just because I'm pissed about the state of the world doesn't mean I don't have a life. And while travel would be interesting, I have much to do at home. Besides, people who are pleased with their country have no need to travel. Pleased in an intelligent way, not a fearfully patriotic way, that is. Anyway, I would be interested to hear where you have journeyed, oh enlightened one.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Weary sigh Again, Tizz, keep your fat mouth shut until you know what you're talking about. Just because I'm pissed about the state of the world doesn't mean I don't have a life. And while travel would be interesting, I have much to do at home. Besides, people who are pleased with their country have no need to travel. Pleased in an intelligent way, not a fearfully patriotic way, that is. Anyway, I would be interested to hear where you have journeyed, oh enlightened one.

First off when did I suggest you leave your country? You are where canada? Absolutely beautiful country with very interesting people and cultures. And if you hate your parents so much and how they choose to raise you, why stay? Wait, don't tell me you don't have the money or the balls to go it on your own, or you need them to pay for your education right? I am damn pissed at my own country at the moment, but I have never left it for more than a weekend, but I have been to damn near every state in it. I used to have a very closed mind concerning my own nation. I thought I had all the people pegged (tup you guesed it I was about 17 at the time) at nineteen I took a few months to go out and see the damn thing just knowing I would prove myself right. HELLO!!! I found out that not onyl is the US full of AMAZING natural wonders and geography, but the people are out of this world amazing. The cultuures I found when I finally gathered the balls to get out of my own back yard, was life altering. That was when I found out that no matter how I had protested to the contrary in the past, I didn't actually know ****. So basically I sounded exactly like you LMFAO
tizz said:
First off when did I suggest you leave your country? You are where canada? Absolutely beautiful country with very interesting people and cultures. And if you hate your parents so much and how they choose to raise you, why stay? Wait, don't tell me you don't have the money or the balls to go it on your own, or you need them to pay for your education right? I am damn pissed at my own country at the moment, but I have never left it for more than a weekend, but I have been to damn near every state in it. I used to have a very closed mind concerning my own nation. I thought I had all the people pegged (tup you guesed it I was about 17 at the time) at nineteen I took a few months to go out and see the damn thing just knowing I would prove myself right. HELLO!!! I found out that not onyl is the US full of AMAZING natural wonders and geography, but the people are out of this world amazing. The cultuures I found when I finally gathered the balls to get out of my own back yard, was life altering. That was when I found out that no matter how I had protested to the contrary in the past, I didn't actually know ****. So basically I sounded exactly like you LMFAO

Maybe this will shut her up!
Good ****
Well if memory serves, nothing ever shut me up (until of course I found out I was a complete ignoramous LOL) no my guess is no. I could probably pull her exact response out of some old journall of me busting on an old teacher for trying to tell me like it is LOL Of course he was right HEHE

Yeah you are right, she is one of those type of people who continuiously has to come back with something to say. You cant blame to stupid for being stupid.
Well hey it cannot be is HER **** list. I'd like to visit Canada myself but not because America is "****ed up". As I said before, America is not the worst out there.
Gray~Gal said:
Ok you dumb ****, for one hate the way i spell Gray, Maybe thats my last name you ****in numbskull. Oh and you people in Canada dont use guns, no you just harbor criminals when they run from the US. They commit crimes here and run to the land of the tree huggers and pathetics. Remember you guys are like 1/2 french...u always DROP your weapons as soon as something comes up. Anyway....SHUT THE **** UP KID

Well put, **** Canada, **** the French, and **** democrats, anything i missed? oh yes, and **** the United Nations!
Tizz, just because you were a complete moron and didn't know **** about your own country doesn't make me the same as you, okay? You were spunky at 17, I'm pissed off at 17. That doesn't make us the same damn person. Stop telling me who I am and what to do. Also, I have no problem with the natural part of your country, except for the HUMAN-made pollution. A country does not get points in my books for being naturall beautiful; that's Earth, not you. I never said there was NOTHING good about the US, I only believe that it's MOSTLY a shithole. Some of my best friends are from said shithole, so SOME **** must be...good ****. And I suppose you never thought about how many of those cultures are NOT persecuted and hated, and are NOT kept from voting in your 'democratic elections.' How many of those cultures are segregated into places like 'Chinatown' and 'little Italy,' and how many people from countries with an ACTUAL culture are allowed to keep it intact when they move to yours? There's a reason why the US is called a melting pot. Again, not something to be proud of. You are only correct about one thing; I have much growing up to do, and I can't speed that process up. That does not, however, make me an idiot.

Also, I said that my parents sometimes piss me off by telling me who to be, but I never said I hated them as people--or didn't mean to say, anyway. I don't think they have great parenting SKILLS and could use some lessons, and mostly it is not their fault. Catholic, what can I say?

Gal, stop piggybacking on other people's posts and remarks. Either come up with your own comments or keep your mouth shut; your cheerleading days are over. And no, I don't blame stupid people for being stupid, which is why i harbour no real ill will towards you. Though if something happened to you by accident, I wouldn't be inclined toward tears.

And Outlaw, it IS my **** list. That's why it was called SD's **** List. I can **** anything I want to--feel free to make dirty puns here; I could think of no other way to phrase it. I can decree a **** upon anything I wish to! Much cackling here.

Msixty, you're just a hateful little warmongerer, and you should be put down. What can I say? **** you as well. :)