Sd's **** List!!!!!

Silver_dragon87 said:
We don't nuke you. We don't WAGE war

you don't nuke us because your afraid of nukes like all weapons, and you don't wage war because you know we would kick your ass all the way back to France, your all wannabe Europeans with no balls, shut the **** up and keep wishing you were a real country, ever see south park bigger longer and un-cut? that movie gave too much credit to the Canadian military, your national guard ****ing sends people to the united states to train, your entire military would be wiped out by our rednecks that you so despise, and i am so proudly one of, tell me something, have you ever looked down the barrel of a Remington 870? **** with my state or country and you will, not a threat, but a fair warning
Another swing, another miss. We don't nuke you, and won't, because we--in general, as a people--don't believe in war. It's called peace, numbnuts. So as for which military would win, I have no doubt that your rednecks could wipe us out. That's not really the point, so you can stop trying to comapre the size of your dick to mine, sixty. For one thing, because I just don't have one. Mostly, though, it's because having the biggest army is not a/the competition. Being the best nation to live in is about things like peace, diplomacy, taking care of each o--ah ****, why the hell do I bother. Anyway, your air force trains here so....pbbbt ;) Oh, and I would, with the childish abandon that makes you so endearing, look down the barrel of a Remington 870.
Silver_dragon87 said:
And Outlaw, it IS my **** list. That's why it was called SD's **** List. I can **** anything I want to--feel free to make dirty puns here; I could think of no other way to phrase it. I can decree a **** upon anything I wish to! Much cackling here.

LMAO! Is that an invite? :p j/k
I do see alot of Canadians here at Fort Knox training here. They are cool peoples from what I hear. I hear Canada has FEMALE tankers. That surprised the hell outta me!
I've never been on a tour or anything, but I'm under the impression that we have a bit of female anything. What with the equality and so forth. I'm not very well informed about that, I'm afraid. And yes, we ARE cool people--mostly. There will always be assholes, though. But I guess the difference is that I don't get pissed off at them and shoot them, and they don't shoot me either. We just tell each other off as we walk away. >_<
Silver_dragon87 said:
Tizz, just because you were a complete moron and didn't know **** about your own country doesn't make me the same as you, okay? You were spunky at 17, I'm pissed off at 17. That doesn't make us the same damn person. Stop telling me who I am and what to do. Also, I have no problem with the natural part of your country, except for the HUMAN-made pollution. A country does not get points in my books for being naturall beautiful; that's Earth, not you. I never said there was NOTHING good about the US, I only believe that it's MOSTLY a shithole. Some of my best friends are from said shithole, so SOME **** must be...good ****. And I suppose you never thought about how many of those cultures are NOT persecuted and hated, and are NOT kept from voting in your 'democratic elections.' How many of those cultures are segregated into places like 'Chinatown' and 'little Italy,' and how many people from countries with an ACTUAL culture are allowed to keep it intact when they move to yours? There's a reason why the US is called a melting pot. Again, not something to be proud of. You are only correct about one thing; I have much growing up to do, and I can't speed that process up. That does not, however, make me an idiot.

Also, I said that my parents sometimes piss me off by telling me who to be, but I never said I hated them as people--or didn't mean to say, anyway. I don't think they have great parenting SKILLS and could use some lessons, and mostly it is not their fault. Catholic, what can I say?

Gal, stop piggybacking on other people's posts and remarks. Either come up with your own comments or keep your mouth shut; your cheerleading days are over. And no, I don't blame stupid people for being stupid, which is why i harbour no real ill will towards you. Though if something happened to you by accident, I wouldn't be inclined toward tears.

And Outlaw, it IS my **** list. That's why it was called SD's **** List. I can **** anything I want to--feel free to make dirty puns here; I could think of no other way to phrase it. I can decree a **** upon anything I wish to! Much cackling here.

Msixty, you're just a hateful little warmongerer, and you should be put down. What can I say? **** you as well. :)

If ignorance is bliss, then your's must be a utopia. Cheerleader? LOL gods that IS funny. And I said said, you ARE me at 17, pissed off ignorant know it all. All kinds of protesting and spouting my mouth off. Don't worry, eventually you will grow up and find ways to actually make a difference in the world. Feel free to believe most of the US is a shithole, truth is a LOT of it is. I never denied that and I am the first to say we have a lot of work to do, but don't go confusing the people with teh governement policies now. And if you actually knew anything or accepted that anyone has experience enough for you to learn from, you might find out that the US has no unified culture and that in fact most people DO hold onto their culture and tradition when they come here (big reason we have none of our own to speak of.) And for your info, we haven't been a melting pot for some time, more like a salad, al thrown together but never mixing. It's pointless to even discuss it with you because you don't live here, you haven't met the people or experienced anything of the us (though I concede Canada has gotten it's share of our polution which in turn led to the clean air act in teh '80's) so you honestly have no clue. Don't worry I am sure you will find one over the next 5-10 years and a few years after that you will develope a good sense of humor regarding your youth. It's good to be idealistic as a teen, that's what it's there for ;)
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Yet another ****ing US vs Canada bitchfest

Someone tell me when theres some WORTHWHILE debate going on somewhere. I'm going to do something less painful than read this drivel, like slam my head in a car door

I knew I wasn't the only one that thought this was babaling bullshit.
Sounds like someone has an ego problem :rolleyes:
Granted, I don't live in the US, and I thank my luck that I don't. I know a few people from the US, but again, it's granted that it's not a very good sample group. However, the conduct of a nation as a whole reflects the people. Canada, peace. US, frequent war. Yes, sometimes you have to stand up for the little guy in a foreign country and sometimes giving them food and blankets won't solve their problems, but we ALL know that the 'liberation of Iraq' was NOT the reason your troops went in.

And by the by, how dare you steal our analogy! CANADA is the salad and always will be--find your own image.

No one said I had no sense of humour, but being pissed off when people hear my age and immediately shake their head and sigh is completely justified. If someone gave you that look every time they heard you were a woman, you'd get pissed off too.

Anyway, while I have to admit that I've never been to the US--though I've had opportunity, I would rather eat worms than set foot on your soil (just my principles. Call it a boycott of sorts.)--I have seen your national conduct for many years. It stinks. You tell the rest of the world to go **** itself and continue to act as though you're the greatest country on Earth. Anyone who isn't with you is a communist, anyone who isn't fiercely patriotic is gay. Anyone who is gay, of course, is a freak. Anyone who isn't Christian, holy ****, you lose your MINDS. There was never this much hatred toward muslims before, now everyone's up in arms because of a few assholes. It's ridiculous, and your whole country is one sick joke. Again, just my opinion based on what I observe.
Well your view is pathetically scewed and as for your age, I from your first post I figured you had to be between 16 and 19 or retarded. I can't say I think of a single american (even the expatriots) that would do so much as sigh at the thought of you not comming here. We have enough teen angst of our own. As for the salad, I honestly never heard that said of canada. Hopefully when I do get the chance to travel canada and view it's natural wonders, you aren't part of the experience.

Let's see here

Americans are assholes
Gays are freaks,
Christians are mindless

Yup a ****ed up teen, no need to list your age it is evident

So you have seen our national conduct for many years. HEHE

Except for the fools wraped up in false nationalism, you are not going to find many people who won't admit to our country's problems. You just assume we are all little bushes (cause you have never been here and don't know ****) Well what if I told you I think all canadians are the streotype portrayed on southpark? LMAO are you Terrence or Phillip? And as for teh commie thing? UM that went out with perestroika. You watch too many movies kid.
Ahhhh.... the love... you could cut it with a knife...

"In my day, everyone used to hate ME! Now I have competition"
For one thing, you haven't been listening. The people who ARE the retards are the ones calling the gays freaks--not me. Again, don't open your mouth (or in this case, put finger to key) until you know what the **** you're talking about. See, myself, I DO talk to a lot of Americans--my own age, older, and younger. It's not the biggest sample group, and I tend to avoid as much of the red states as possible, but yes. Anyone who isn't with you is a communist, everyone who isn't Christian is a terrorist, and everyone who is gay is a freak and a sinner and is 'just doing it to get attention.'

What, exactly, is wrong with thinking that people who literally scream at the top of their lungs to the rest of the world, 'THE US IS THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH AND **** THE REST OF YOU' every day are arrogant? Where is the faulty part of this statement? You told the world to **** off when everyone ELSE was signing the Kyoto treaty. When everyone ELSE is trying to save the planet, you tell them to go to hell. When you lose track of some terrorists, you blame Canada. And when a few nutballs attack you, you lose your MINDS, blindly follow a complete MORON, and attack and pillage a nation of innocents to take down someone who wasn't a threat in the first place! Not, at least, the kind they SAID he was. Then when it turns out the whole thing was a sham, you pretend it was to 'liberate Iraq' and act like the whole issue of being a nation of MORONS never happened. What am I missing here?
Most American teens today are nothing but arrogant knuckledraggers. I have already explained why. Keep in mind I said MOST.
I can't ****ing believe the word retard is still used to insult people or to catagorize someone or some group.
I only use retard when I am goofing off. I never use it to insult anymore because it actually defies its definition. I prefer knuckledragger. Synonymous with stupid. Beetleheaded is good too.
Silver_dragon87 said:

(The last **** list was too long--if I'm going to post something, I'd like to be attacked for it. (This ain't gonna be pretty.))

**** boybands--ESPECIALLY Hanson--**** all those teen pop sluts, **** Bush, **** his country, **** rednecks, **** every owner of an SUV and every asshole who regularly takes showers longer than 20 mins, ****, every ***** who litters and doesn't recycle and conserve energy, **** the US Senate and Supreme Court, **** any and every God, **** Jesus, **** religion, **** every religious whackjob--ESPECIALLY Christian whackjobs, and **** alcohol, its makers, and its abusers. If I left anyone out, then **** them too.

Okay, show of hands for '**** YOU, SD'! maybe we should "hook up"(thats if ur a chick)

...You know what the say ....opposites attract Mwuhahaha mmmbop beda mmmbop flicks cig butt :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Silver_dragon87
Oh, and to the newest retard by the name of GrayGal, who uses the spelling of Grey which I despise, the 'people' did not vote for George ****face Bush. Ethnic people were NOT ALLOWED to vote. They were told stations were closed, and they were THREATENED to stay away. That is NOT democracy, that it NOT a fair election, that is NOT SOMETHING TO BE ****ING PROUD OF, YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE.


It's fair to assume that people live in places like that because they want to--but I say that's retarded. Don't you think those people would be happier if they could live in the same kind of harmony--but wherever the **** they wanted? Do you think people ENJOY living in ghettos or areas where there are ****ing boundaries like 'this is the normal city' and 'this is Chinatown--your area.' Who could possibly be comfortable with that, unless they're just as racist as those who cross over that boundary and feel as if they've entered someone else's domain. Point is, there shouldn't BE 'my place' and 'your place.' It gives ridiculous meaning to 'this land is your land, this land is my land,' the point of which is SUPPOSED to be 'this land is OUR land.' There is no "Land of Tolerance," no place that welcomes the huddled masses. Your society HAS segregated these people, and you rock yourself to sleep at night thinking 'it's alright; they like it there.'

And as for how much better your country is than the rest of the world....... Well. You just summed your country UP with that statement, and I leave it to everyone else to decide how that reflects upon you.
Originally Posted by Silver_dragon87
Oh, and to the newest retard by the name of GrayGal, who uses the spelling of Grey which I despise, the 'people' did not vote for George ****face Bush. Ethnic people were NOT ALLOWED to vote. They were told stations were closed, and they were THREATENED to stay away. That is NOT democracy, that it NOT a fair election, that is NOT SOMETHING TO BE ****ING PROUD OF, YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE.

It appears that Canada is somewhat confused about how things work in the United States.

1.) NOBODY was barred from voting because of thier race or for any other reason. This is illegal in America. If it somebody had tried that it would've been all over the news. This is ridiculous thought posted by a northern hate-monger. (Silly Canuckistanis)

2.) America, as strange as can be at times, is still the greatest country in the world. (I must admit my personal bias here)

3.) Canada is run by a french candian premier who has so little respect for his own country that he allowed terrorists to move into Canada and set up shop. Yet the Canadians have the nerve to question George Bush.

4.) Canada does NOTHING to control the massive number of packet kiddies that conduct ddos attacks on the rest of the world. In this way, Canada and Romania are very similar.

5.) Compare the number of Americans who died in WWII to the number of Canadians who died during WWII. (military casualties)

6.) Canada needs to relax and be thankful that the U.S. stands between them and the rest of the world.

We need to stop fighting eachother and start fighting the terrorists that seem to love to attack the free countries in the world.