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Accosting her?Are you slow? Stop accosting her. She already made it clear she is not about to waste her time arguing with crazy people who think they are always right and always have others figured out when they are totally WRONG!
She decided to make a claim of lies about another person based on what Chi?
Emkay decided to show her azz and make a nasty assumption about a complete stranger on a public forum Chi. If she keeps her assumption of lies from this man to herself then fine, nobody can comment, but if she shares her insane accusation against this man on this public forum then she invites comment.
You both have your closed society forum where you can post whatever you want without anyone objecting to it at the jungle, if anyone does object you can simply have them removed so you can both go there if you desire the ability to post without other people responding to what you say.
But you all know by now that I respond to posts on this forum and just the act of submitting your comments means you invite me to be a part of it. It is actually pretty silly to complain that I did reply to be honest.