Seperate the men from the boys.

"In the meantime, customers will be able to watch the whisky's progress on the distillery's webcams"

Well, that makes for some shitty entertainment.

As for the whiskey itself, it'd be interesting to try, yet I don't think I ever would.
Holy ****! What good would this stuff be?
I remember drinking 101 proof Everclear. That stuff tastes like ****! ECOJ
TheJenn88 said:
"In the meantime, customers will be able to watch the whisky's progress on the distillery's webcams"

Well, that makes for some shitty entertainment.

As for the whiskey itself, it'd be interesting to try, yet I don't think I ever would.

Something like paint drying? Just a whiff would knock down a Coors Lite drunk like myself.
I take everclear with me to concerts to pour in my beer. That way i only need 5-6 beers to get drunk and i don't have to piss every 5 mins.

As for taking shots of that ****, not me!!! I was dumb enough to try a couple of sips of moonshine straight from the still. It was not fun. I'll be a boy and stick with beer.
"Two spoonfuls of this last liquor is a sufficient dose; if any man should exceed this, it would presently stop his breath, and endanger his life," Martin wrote.

Good God! Sounds like Everclear.....
This is definatly something I'd want to experience.

I've done the 151, chase with beer thing.

I've done and accually enjoyed the world of Moonshine. (A harsh bite, but no aftertaste.... atleast no tastbuds left to experience it :) )

I next on the ladder is this wiskey! Though I usually stick to good ol' Rum, Whiskey is an East Coast Tradition.
everclear....that brings me back to college. I would buy a bottle of that and a couple of bottles of fruit punch gatorade and go to town

talk about sending the liquor right to the blood stream.

.......good times man, good times.......sigh
No sixes, it sounds like!

I would have a sip, pass out, and then when I woke up killed myself because the hangover was so bad.
Vortex said:
everclear....that brings me back to college. I would buy a bottle of that and a couple of bottles of fruit punch gatorade and go to town

talk about sending the liquor right to the blood stream.

.......good times man, good times.......sigh

Did you guys get the 120 proof or 180?
My dads down says he wants to get on the waiting list for this stuff.

But until then i suppose i'll have to settle for trusty old absinthe.:D