Serial Killer blames Linkin Park


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2005
I got this from the LPA. I'll post the link below to the site. You'll have to go to the site to get the link for the whole story.

QUOTE:In what has to be the most creepy story involving Linkin Park I've ever reported, Richard Paul White, a serial killer in Colorado, Denver, recently spoke out from jail to CBS News, claiming Metallica and Linkin Park influenced him to kill.

"I would listen, actually, to Linkin Park before I would kill.", said White. "And while I was killing usually that music Linkin Park was on."

White has confessed to six different counts of murder in Denver. You can watch the entire fourty-eight minute interview here. QUOTE
cindy_lp_numb said:
I got this from the LPA. I'll post the link below to the site. You'll have to go to the site to get the link for the whole story.

QUOTE:In what has to be the most creepy story involving Linkin Park I've ever reported, Richard Paul White, a serial killer in Colorado, Denver, recently spoke out from jail to CBS News, claiming Metallica and Linkin Park influenced him to kill.

"I would listen, actually, to Linkin Park before I would kill.", said White. "And while I was killing usually that music Linkin Park was on."

White has confessed to six different counts of murder in Denver. You can watch the entire fourty-eight minute interview here. QUOTE
i dont ever recall LP singing about killing people
some people are so stupid
If I were to murder anyone, I'd listen to Slipknot or Slayer before doing it. Not LP and not Metallica. Both bands have got some anger, definately, but LP's music preaches piece of mind, SIB is a good example. They seek piece of mind, a way out of their troubles. That does not include serial killing.
Friðbjörn said:
If I were to murder anyone, I'd listen to Slipknot or Slayer before doing it. Not LP and not Metallica. Both bands have got some anger, definately, but LP's music preaches piece of mind, SIB is a good example. They seek piece of mind, a way out of their troubles. That does not include serial killing.

I totally agree.
Im not trying to rude but this person who was killing has mental problems if they think LP would convience them to kill, they probably think "I want to heal" goes "I want to kill".
It seriously annoys me that people blame stuff like music and games for violence. I mean, if someone is a serial killer, it's obvious they are more than a little messed up. They just snap, and do whatever serial killers do, and then try to find some excuses to make what they've done acceptable, or, I don't know, alledge temporary insanity or something. By blaming music, movies, and videogames for all the violence, they're taking the spot light off them and making people turn against forms of entertainment, and they're making themselves look like some poor little victims that where just a little overexposed to media. "Yeah, look at me, I'm a serial killer, you made me, Miss Society, how do you like it now!", that's what they attempt. Well, I think the problem comes from WITHIN the individual. I've watched violent movies,violent cartoons and I've played violent games. I have violent comic books. Am I a violent person? Hell no. I wouldn't hurt a fly. So that kind of stuff never got to me. Is it violent? Yeah, but it's just FICTION!! Strange how you never hear anyone say they're a serial killer because they watch CNN or Sky News. Because in real life, messed up violence happens everyday and is shown on TV, written on the newspapers, etc. So why blame music? Why blame movies? Why blame video games?? On top of it all, why blame LP?? Is it just me, or their music doesn't have the slightest bit of homicidal tendencies??
Gee, people are so weird sometimes... :(
That's so dumb.......People always say that things in movies and music such as violence, drugs, etc., make you do them. Well, they really don't. Most people have enough common sense to know it is fake. And to blame LP?! That's outrageous!!
that's pathetic!! OMG! That's the second time i heard something like that, in some town a long time ago a kid brought a gun to school and i can't remeber what he did with it, but yea. His friends blamed Linkin Park though. Cause they said that was his favorite band. Chester said something like this to that remark "saying that are music made him kill (or something) isn't any different then saying that the manase he ate for breakfast made him do it. We are sry to here that this happened though." I guess ppl just take the lyrics different ways, obiously that dude had some pyscho problems, and was mental. Well at least he has good taste in music :/
lol i showed this to a friend of mine and he was almost as shocked as i was. in fact, ill quote his respone:
what the fcuk!! thats sum retarted ****
sums up my thoughts exactly
ForgottenKid said:
blame the god fore-saken music. The best exscuse this guy could come up with.
lol.. actually, if u watch some of the interview, he had a very horrible childhood. his parents would shoot at eachother and point the gun at him and stuff like that, and they were drug addicts and alcoholics.. im not justifying what he did, im just saying that the music wasnt his only reason that he said.
i_love_mike_shinoda2 said:
I totally agree.
Im not trying to rude but this person who was killing has mental problems if they think LP would convience them to kill, they probably think "I want to heal" goes "I want to kill".

Listen to that interview cd [forget what it is called] and they mention this story... Or a similar one... but I think they are the same...
Anyway, thats just messed up...

Also, moving on to the quote^^^
These must be the lyrics they were hearing...

I wanna kill
I wanna spill
Blood from someone real
I wanna kill someone ive hated all along
Then go somewhere I belong...

[which would be jail... or the nut-house] :thumbsup:
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Listen to that interview cd [forget what it is called] and they mention this story... Or a similar one... but I think they are the same...
Anyway, thats just messed up...

Also, moving on to the quote^^^
These must be the lyrics they were hearing...

I wanna kill
I wanna spill
Blood from someone real
I wanna kill someone ive hated all along
Then go somewhere I belong...

[which would be jail... or the nut-house] :thumbsup:

LMFAO...well he's gettin what he wants, isn't he?
Friðbjörn said:
If I were to murder anyone, I'd listen to Slipknot or Slayer before doing it. Not LP and not Metallica. Both bands have got some anger, definately, but LP's music preaches piece of mind, SIB is a good example. They seek piece of mind, a way out of their troubles. That does not include serial killing.

SlipKnot!! ::looks at my backyard and counts mounds::

Slipknot? Oh yea man!