Serial Killer blames Linkin Park

cindy_lp_numb said:
I got some more info at this website

From Blabbermouth:
Serial killer Richard Paul White (photo), one of Colorado's most notorious killers, recently spoke from jail about his crimes. He has confessed to six murders in the Denver area. A lifetime of untreated mental illness, heavy metal music and violent movies drove him to kill, he said, in an exclusive interview with CBS4 Denver News reporter Rick Sallinger.

Music was a big influence in his life, White said. His spree of killing was accompanied by a soundtrack of heavy metal.

"METALLICA probably the most," he said.

A set of lyrics stand out: "Guilty as charged, but damn it, it ain't right, there's someone else controlling me." (from METALLICA's "Ride the Lightning" off the album of the same name.)

Music by LINKIN PARK would also play in the background.

"I would listen, actually, to LINKIN PARK before I would kill," White said. "And, while I was killing usually that music LINKIN PARK was on."

A childhood of abuse, coupled with untreated mental illness, set the stage. A society filled with violence did little to hold back White.

"Today's culture, here in America, everything is based on violence," he said.

White talked about movies he would watch that influenced him to kill. There was one in particular, "The Boondock Saints", about two Irish youth who set about to rid Boston of gangsters.

"There's just a lot of killing," White said. "And it makes it seem right and makes it almost OK to go out and kill."

Add to the mix violent video games, such as Doom, that White played.

"I think they influenced me towards killing," he said. "It desensitized me to the killing, because when I pulled the trigger on the TV screen, something would just go away."
That dude has really serious problems man,i can´t believe the bs he said aboit LP.I wonder what LP would say about this,they probably would freak out that´s and that´s for sure.
That guy MUST BE IN JAIL 4EVER,also he must kill himself instead of killing other ppl.
Linkin Park told him to kill? Rofl yeah, and Modest Mouse told me to drink bleach. And Stephen King told me to go find the Dark Tower. And J.R.R. Tolkien told me that, if I possess that one special ring, I can rule the entire world and then some with a whole army of orcs at my command. Might as well say the dog made him kill all those people, or as Allied suggested, Britney Spears.
Screw this guy. He is just a wacko trying to shirk off the cold reality that he killed six people in Denver, Colorado by projecting it onto a good, decent band.
He says that it is our society's fault that he did what he did. Whatever. Society is may have overstimulated images of violence, but dammit we aren't all running around killing people, are we? Exactly. It sounds like, on the advice of his lawyer, he is playing the "I'm insane but its not all my fault" card. How pathetic.
Clogz said:
Linkin Park told him to kill? Rofl yeah, and Modest Mouse told me to drink bleach. And Stephen King told me to go find the Dark Tower. And J.R.R. Tolkien told me that, if I possess that one special ring, I can rule the entire world and then some with a whole army of orcs at my command. Might as well say the dog made him kill all those people, or as Allied suggested, Britney Spears.
Screw this guy. He is just a wacko trying to shirk off the cold reality that he killed six people in Denver, Colorado by projecting it onto a good, decent band.
He says that it is our society's fault that he did what he did. Whatever. Society is may have overstimulated images of violence, but dammit we aren't all running around killing people, are we? Exactly. It sounds like, on the advice of his lawyer, he is playing the "I'm insane but its not all my fault" card. How pathetic.
lol :p
thats some funny stuff
but yeah i agree its dumb to blame someones action on everthing else but them selves
Allied said:
Alright, calm down everyone. I've planned for this exact situation.

1st, I'll need some volunteers. PEople with experience in Breaking and entering prefered. Anyone willing to accept a suicide mission would be great.

2nd, We break into this guys cell.

3rd, we kidnap the guy and leave one of our volunteers in his place.

4rd, this is where things get difficult. We need to brainwash him into think Britney Spears convinced him to do it. Sleep depravation, abuse, drugs whatever it takes.

5th once he believes Britney made him do it, we put him back in his cell.

This is the best way to save Linkin Park from the same fate the Manson has.

...making a joke about a serial killer. Thats a pretty dark thing to do. A symptom of toadys culture that thinks little of death. Once again, I blame Britney.
:thumbsup: wicked. but honestly, i think that guy is phyco. i mean, come on, lp influecing a baboon like him?? no way man...lp has positive lyrics man..
Clogz said:
Linkin Park told him to kill? Rofl yeah, and Modest Mouse told me to drink bleach. And Stephen King told me to go find the Dark Tower. And J.R.R. Tolkien told me that, if I possess that one special ring, I can rule the entire world and then some with a whole army of orcs at my command. Might as well say the dog made him kill all those people, or as Allied suggested, Britney Spears.
Screw this guy. He is just a wacko trying to shirk off the cold reality that he killed six people in Denver, Colorado by projecting it onto a good, decent band.
He says that it is our society's fault that he did what he did. Whatever. Society is may have overstimulated images of violence, but dammit we aren't all running around killing people, are we? Exactly. It sounds like, on the advice of his lawyer, he is playing the "I'm insane but its not all my fault" card. How pathetic.
Exactly my opinion.
And how did I guess that sooner or later movies and videogames would also be blamed for what he did? :mad:
Hahninator said:
Stupid asshole :(

I have to agree with this. :p
But u know, a gurl from my country killed herself jumping from a high window, just because she couldn't go to LP show here. C'mon, that's stupid too. But I don't think she killed herself just because of the show, I think there was more things involved, like family stuff for instance.
I smell bullshit. I don't know how he can justify a killing from listening to MUSIC. It's music goddammit >.< I'm sure a billion and more people listen to Linkin Park, and Metallica, and any other bands that he mentioned, but you don't see a billion people out there murdering people because of it. He is sick...sick in the mind and so incredibly screwed up and twisted. I hope he get's at least a life sentence >.<. It's always easier to blame the media and games, and music for the things he did, I wonder if he ever stopped to think that it's all HIS problem. It's his actions. Nobody elses. Go to hell and burn shithead :\

Huh. I'm sorta listening to the interview, and I'm not sure, but I THINK he said he killed a prostitute to put them to "peace". God told him that they needed to go somewhere better. o_0

OMFG! It got to the bit where he said he said the bit about listening to Linkin Park when he was killing and it felt "good". Piss off you retarded peice of **** >.< Urgh.
Urgh again. He just said that he's an emotional person and feels sad if he hears a sad song, and feels violent when he hears heavy metal. Like wtf man.... o0o yeah, I hear crazy guitar riffs, I heard drums, heavy bass, lets kill people... urgh.

Uhh ok... I'll shush now. Really, nobody else gets homocidal thoughts when listening to LP.
i can understand why he killed cuz of lp it gets your blood pumping but i dont see how.... i dont know its confuzing too me, and very sad.. so i hope he gets what he deserves
lp_151999 said:
i can understand why he killed cuz of lp it gets your blood pumping but i dont see how.... i dont know its confuzing too me, and very sad.. so i hope he gets what he deserves

What? You can understand why he killed because of Linkin Park? That means you're agreeing with what he says.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
I smell bullshit. I don't know how he can justify a killing from listening to MUSIC. It's music goddammit >.< I'm sure a billion and more people listen to Linkin Park, and Metallica, and any other bands that he mentioned, but you don't see a billion people out there murdering people because of it. He is sick...sick in the mind and so incredibly screwed up and twisted. I hope he get's at least a life sentence >.<. It's always easier to blame the media and games, and music for the things he did, I wonder if he ever stopped to think that it's all HIS problem. It's his actions. Nobody elses. Go to hell and burn shithead :\

Huh. I'm sorta listening to the interview, and I'm not sure, but I THINK he said he killed a prostitute to put them to "peace". God told him that they needed to go somewhere better. o_0

OMFG! It got to the bit where he said he said the bit about listening to Linkin Park when he was killing and it felt "good". Piss off you retarded peice of **** >.< Urgh.
Urgh again. He just said that he's an emotional person and feels sad if he hears a sad song, and feels violent when he hears heavy metal. Like wtf man.... o0o yeah, I hear crazy guitar riffs, I heard drums, heavy bass, lets kill people... urgh.

Uhh ok... I'll shush now. Really, nobody else gets homocidal thoughts when listening to LP.

I agree with you.
shirakawa_otori said:
Exactly my opinion.
And how did I guess that sooner or later movies and videogames would also be blamed for what he did? :mad:

Because, its like Chris Rock says when he did a routine on the Columbine Shootings...
"What? You can't be crazy no more?! That trenchcoat mafia had six members. I didn't have six friends in high school. I don't got six friends today!"
It is easier to just blame video games and music, because America today feels that thier is no such thing as personal responsibility. Our culture puts to much emphasis on what influences these people and ignores the fact they are stupid, crazy nuts.
The only one who wins is the lawyer. :rolleyes:
so what? All he's saying is he listened to heavy music to get into the mood for killing people...... that's hardly Linkin Park's fault....
by the way, interesting to see this guy thinks of himself as some social commentator or something..... it's like, dude, you killed people. Shut up.

although I think it's a bit different with say, Slipknot and stuff, I mean if they ARE actually trying to influence people to do wierd stuff that's not good.....