Seven children killed in Iraq today

"Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:eek:xcLj.34266$
>> "jamezd" <> wrote in message
>>> The only true justice to the Iraq war: ****-for-brains Bush goes over
>>> and brokers a peace deal ala Kissenger after his term is over. If he
>>> had a pair he'd do it....

>> My prediction is that jr will vanish from the public scene
>> I believe he liked getting the job of president but he sates doing the
>> job.
>> He prefers to "delegate" and walk away never to hear of the outcome of
>> the task.
>> He's plain lazy

> The most maligned man in human history and you couldn't stand up to it for
> 8 minutes, much less 8 years.
> -Eddie Haskell

So you agree with me, jr
will vanish from the public
scene.....maybe attend a
baseball game once in a while.
"Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> "Coffee in Madrid" <> wrote in message
> news:gdeppe-AA66D3.19445209042008@[]...
>> In article <tRaLj.33094$>,
>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>>> The poll for the BBC, ABC, ARD and NHK of more than 2,000 people also
>>> suggests that a majority believe that security in their area has
>>> improved
>>> since 2007.

>> Which 'neighborhood' did they do the poll?
>> did they go door to door and hand out the candy?

> Oh yeah, the BBC and ABC are in the can for Bush and want to paint Iraq in
> a positive light!
> My god you ****ers are desperate and pathetic idiots!
> Bwahahahahahahahah!
> -Eddie Haskell

What is it with you guys that you
find the truth such a problem?
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> news:u0eLj.30343$
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:KIaLj.33786$
>>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Sm7Lj.20717$
>>>> "John B." <> wrote in message
>>>> On Apr 9, 12:41 pm, "Get a life" <> wrote:
>>>>> He didn't blow his top he just pointed out some facts that you do not
>>>>> want
>>>>> to here. To bad you don't have a brain to go along with your mouth.
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> That's funny. You can't spell or write a simple declarative sentence,
>>>>> but I'm the one that lacks a brain. What a hoot!
>>>> Don't ever lie and pretend you give a fiddlers damn about dead Iraqis
>>>> again, scum-bag. The only thing dead Iraqis are to you is something you
>>>> can bash Bush with and you simply don't give a **** what would happen
>>>> if we withdrew precipitously.
>>>> You've proven that.
>>>> -Eddie Haskell
>>> Why should we spend
>>> one more life or one
>>> more dollar to the ****ing Iraqis?

>> Because we invaded their country, destroyed the government and civil
>> order and OWE it to them as a matter of national honor and morality.

> We've spent five years
> and $3/4 trillion rebuilding...then
> they blow it up, then we rebuild it.
> Then they shoot at us and blow
> it up again, then we rebuild it....
> Five years we've been giving
> them democracy....
> They are playing us for suckers.

I've already addressed the "they" statement in you posts. Bother to actually
READ what I have said, as well as the REALITY of the world around you and
get back to me.

Continue to READ.

>>> For five years we've helped them.
>>> We got rid of their dictator.
>>> We gave them a government
>>> We built a police force
>>> We built an army
>>> We rebuild their stuff, they blow it up again

>> I do not for one minute equate murderous terrorists deliberately killing
>> innocents as a means of vying for control of Iraq as Iraqis. That's as
>> utterly ****ing ludicrous as calling Timothy Mcveigh a patriot.
>>> This ****'s been going on for five years.
>>> Now Petraeus, Crocker and jr say we need
>>> to keep acting like fools for an unlimited time.
>>> We
On Apr 9, 6:13 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> "John B." <> wrote in message
> On Apr 9, 1:40 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> > "John B." <> wrote in message
> > Now, please respond with more of the invective, hatred and rabid
> > foaming at the mouth that I find so entertaining.

> Uhmmm.. Okay then.
> "Clinton didn't invade Iraq, you Nazi war-mongering pig. The
> international war criminal George W. Bush and his corrupt and
> murderous crony, Dick Cheney, did that, you evil sociopath. Clinton
> didn't bomb Iraq over "non-existent WMDs," you vile heap of steaming
> dogshit. He bombed in response to a terrorist attack, you lying,
> fascist vermin."
> -John B.
> "Now you can go back to masturbating over child pornography."
> -John B.
> "Read the list again if you can, you illiterate bed-wetter."
> -John B.
> "Happy Easter, you slimy, maggot-infested rodent."
> -John B.
> "Dude, for Christ's sake, you just keep posting the same ****ing thing
> over and over again. Who was it that defined insanity as doing the
> same thing again and again expecting a different result?"
> -John B.
> Ohhhhh.. Camptown racetrack five miles long.. do dah.. do dah..
> Eddie Haskell

I was just trying to beat you at you own game.
On Apr 9, 9:01 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:dFaLj.33784$
> > "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> >news:Fk9Lj.33041$

> >> "HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> On Apr 9, 11:16 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
> >>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message

> >>>news:3W5Lj.20669$

> >>> > "John B." <> wrote in message
> >>> >
> >>> >> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements, here's
> >>> >> what's they've been missing back in Baghdad, where the people are
> >>> >> happy, enjoying life, and deeply grateful to George Bush for
> >>> >> liberating their country.

> >>> > How many children would die in the certain violence that would insure
> >>> > if
> >>> > we withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consiquinces for
> >>> > the
> >>> > US be if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths would
> >>> > that
> >>> > lead to? Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred and
> >>> > childish stupidity are more important to you.

> >>> The stupid assumptions
> >>> that the administration
> >>> makes about the future
> >>> of Iraq in the even we
> >>> pull out stinks of the cold
> >>> war's "domino theory.

> >>> The Iraqis are bleeding
> >>> us dry.

> >>> >> Someday there's going to be a reckoning for what the Bush/Cheney/
> >>> >> Rumsfeld cabal has done.

> >>> > Not one of your accounts were perpetrated by Bush or Cheney and ALL
> >>> > were
> >>> > the result of terrorists and insurgents who would no doubt go on a
> >>> > murder
> >>> > spree if we left before the government can provide security, you
> >>> > immoral
> >>> > liar and childish frothing with blind hatred idiot.

> >>> > Why the **** do you want to betray the Iraqi people, see murder and
> >>> > mayhem
> >>> > the likes of which we have not seen before, and bring shame on the US?

> >>> > Why? Because you HATE and are a ****ing childish IDIOT.

> >>> > Now grow the **** up and deal with reality instead of letting your
> >>> > blind
> >>> > emotions and hatred control you, mo-****ing-ron.

> >>> > -Eddie Haskell

> >>> >> War News for Wednesday, April 09, 2008
> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
> >>> >> Baghdad
> >>> >> soldier in a roadside bombing on Tuesday, April 8th. No other details
> >>> >> or location were given.

> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
> >>> >> Baghdad
> >>> >> soldier in a non-combat related injuries on Wednesday, April 9th. No
> >>> >> other details or location were given.

> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division - Center
> >>> >> Soldier in a roadside bombing in an eastern neighborhood of Baghdad
> >>> >> on
> >>> >> Tuesday, April 8th. No other details were released.

> >>> >> Security incidents:

> >>> >> Baghdad:
> >>> >> #1: Witnesses say a rocket or mortar has been fired into the Green
> >>> >> Zone in the Iraqi capital. There was no immediate word on casualties
> >>> >> or damage. Black smoke could be see rising after a blast from the
> >>> >> heavily fortified area. Loudspeakers warned residents to take cover
> >>> >> and await further instructions. Helicopters circled overhead.

> >>> >> The city's Green Zone, which houses diplomatic missions and much of
> >>> >> Iraq's government, also came under renewed attack by rockets or
> >>> >> mortars early Wednesday. The U.S. embassy confirmed the shelling, but
> >>> >> said there were no immediate reports of casualties.

> >>> >> Around 9 a.m. two mortar shells hit the Green Zone.

> >>> >> Around 4 p.m. a mortar shell hit the Green Zone.

> >>> >> #2-4: Police said the seven victims in Sadr City _ including three
> >>> >> children _ died when projectiles slammed into a house in the
> >>> >> sprawling
> >>> >> slum, a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-American cleric
> >>> >> Muqtada al-Sadr. Twenty-seven other people were wounded, said a
> >>> >> hospital official who asked not to be identified because he was not
> >>> >> authorized to speak to the media. Eyewitnesses in the area said the
> >>> >> attack was carried out by U.S. helicopters, but police said the
> >>> >> blasts
> >>> >> were caused by mortar rounds. The U.S. military had no immediate
> >>> >> comment.

> >>> >> #2: One mortar round struck the rooftop of a house where a family was
> >>> >> having breakfast, killing three members of a family, including two
> >>> >> children.

> >>> >> A few minutes later, a mortar shell hit a house in the same district,
> >>> >> killing a woman and her two children.

> >>> >> #3: Another mortar struck a nearby tent set up for a condolence
> >>> >> service for a person killed earlier in the week. Mortar shells hit a
> >>> >> funeral, killing eight and injuring 27, witnesses told Deutsche
> >>> >> Presse-
> >>> >> Agentur dpa.

> >>> >> #4: while a third fell on an empty plot.

> >>> >> #5: At least 15 people were killed and 200 wounded on Tuesday,
> >>> >> according to hospitals in the slum, home to 2 million people.

> >>> >> #6: Loud explosions were heard in Sadr City, a stronghold of the
> >>> >> Mahdi
> >>> >> Army of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and US helicopters
> >>> >> were
> >>> >> striking the area which has been encircled by US and Iraqi troops for
> >>> >> nearly two weeks.

> >>> >> #7: Clashes between Iraqi army and Mahdi Army militia in Sadr city,
> >>> >> injuring three civilians.

> >>> >> #8: Around 8 a.m. A mortar shell hit Al Ghadeer neighborhood causing
> >>> >> damages with no casualties.

> >>> >> Basra:
> >>> >> #1: In Basra, at least eight people were killed in a U.S. military
> >>> >> raid on the southern city, al-Sumaria reported. Circumstances of the
> >>> >> incident were not known.

> >>> >> Dhuluiya:
> >>> >> #1: A mortar shell landed on a house in Dhuluiya, 70 km (45 miles)
> >>> >> north of Baghdad overnight, killing a woman and wounding her four
> >>> >> sons, police said.

> >>> >> Kirkuk:
> >>> >> #1: Iraqi police found a body hand-cuffed and riddled with bullets
> >>> >> east of the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday.

> >>> >> Army private Carl "Superman" Reiher has lost part of his left arm as
> >>> >> a
> >>> >> result of an assault on his humvee, or armored vehicle. He is the
> >>> >> second Marshall Islander to be seriously injured since the war
> >>> >> started
> >>> >> in Iraq in 2003. The firefight involving Reiher's Army unit occurred
> >>> >> last week (4-2007) in an unspecified region of Iraq. Family members
> >>> >> said on Wednesday that Reiher's humvee came under attack, first by
> >>> >> what is believed to be an improvised explosive device. As the men
> >>> >> piled out of the burning vehicle, they were hit by rifle fire that
> >>> >> killed soldiers on either side of Reiher. Reiher was wounded by at
> >>> >> least three bullets, a family member said. He was first evacuated to
> >>> >> Germany for emergency medical treatment, and then at the weekend
> >>> >> flown
> >>> >> to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. for
> >>> >> further
> >>> >> treatment. He was forced to have his left arm amputated below the
> >>> >> elbow as a result of the injuries sustained in the attack, and is
> >>> >> receiving skin grafts for burns and other treatment for his multiple
> >>> >> wounds. He is in stable condition, the family member said.- Hide
> >>> >> quoted text -

> >>> - Show quoted text -

> >>> Hell,more kids than that died in Los Angeles yesterday.Where's your
> >>> compassion for those poor little mexxkins??

> >> He'd pretend to have compassion for them if he could figure an angle on
> >> how to blame Bush for it.

> >> -Eddie Haskell

> > I have no compassion for the Iraqis.
> > The killing is their choice. They have
> > the guns and the motives and the
> > ability to stop.

> And if they don't stop Al Qaeda or Iran the consequences are for YOU.
> Do-you-un-der-stand little boy?
> -Eddie Haskell

How exactly do you propose to "stop" AQ or Iran?
In article
"John B." <> wrote:

> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements...

Care for some cheese with your whine?

"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> news:06eLj.30347$
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:eek:xcLj.34266$
>>> "jamezd" <> wrote in message
>>>> The only true justice to the Iraq war: ****-for-brains Bush goes over
>>>> and brokers a peace deal ala Kissenger after his term is over. If he
>>>> had a pair he'd do it....
>>> My prediction is that jr will vanish from the public scene
>>> I believe he liked getting the job of president but he sates doing the
>>> job.
>>> He prefers to "delegate" and walk away never to hear of the outcome of
>>> the task.
>>> He's plain lazy

>> The most maligned man in human history and you couldn't stand up to it
>> for 8 minutes, much less 8 years.
>> -Eddie Haskell

> So you agree with me, jr
> will vanish from the public
> scene.....maybe attend a
> baseball game once in a while.

Wouldn't doubt it based on what I just said. .

And your failure to even attempt to refute it tells me that you know it's

-Eddie Haskell
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> news:F9eLj.30350$
>> "Coffee in Madrid" <> wrote in message
>> news:gdeppe-AA66D3.19445209042008@[]...
>>> In article <tRaLj.33094$>,
>>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>>>> The poll for the BBC, ABC, ARD and NHK of more than 2,000 people also
>>>> suggests that a majority believe that security in their area has
>>>> improved
>>>> since 2007.
>>> Which 'neighborhood' did they do the poll?
>>> did they go door to door and hand out the candy?

>> Oh yeah, the BBC and ABC are in the can for Bush and want to paint Iraq
>> in a positive light!
>> My god you ****ers are desperate and pathetic idiots!
>> Bwahahahahahahahah!
>> -Eddie Haskell

> What is it with you guys that you
> find the truth such a problem?

If at any time you'd like to actually say something, Sid, you feel free..

-Eddie Haskell
"John B." <> wrote in message
> On Apr 9, 6:13 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>> "John B." <> wrote in message
>> On Apr 9, 1:40 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>> > "John B." <> wrote in message
>> > Now, please respond with more of the invective, hatred and rabid
>> > foaming at the mouth that I find so entertaining.

>> Uhmmm.. Okay then.
>> "Clinton didn't invade Iraq, you Nazi war-mongering pig. The
>> international war criminal George W. Bush and his corrupt and
>> murderous crony, Dick Cheney, did that, you evil sociopath. Clinton
>> didn't bomb Iraq over "non-existent WMDs," you vile heap of steaming
>> dogshit. He bombed in response to a terrorist attack, you lying,
>> fascist vermin."
>> -John B.
>> "Now you can go back to masturbating over child pornography."
>> -John B.
>> "Read the list again if you can, you illiterate bed-wetter."
>> -John B.
>> "Happy Easter, you slimy, maggot-infested rodent."
>> -John B.
>> "Dude, for Christ's sake, you just keep posting the same ****ing thing
>> over and over again. Who was it that defined insanity as doing the
>> same thing again and again expecting a different result?"
>> -John B.
>> Ohhhhh.. Camptown racetrack five miles long.. do dah.. do dah..
>> Eddie Haskell

> I was just trying to beat you at you own game.

"you own game"?


Trying to beat me at the game YOU STARTED you mean?

And I apparently just finished!


Ohhhhh.. Camptown racetrack five miles long.. do dah.. do dah..

-Eddie haskell
"John B." <> wrote in message
On Apr 9, 5:42 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> "John B." <> wrote in message
> On Apr 9, 5:05 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> > "John B." <> wrote in message

> >
> > On Apr 9, 4:03 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:

> > > "Get a life" <> wrote in
> > > messagenews:AS8Lj.50813$

> > > > "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> > > >news:QO8Lj.33025$

> > > >> "John B." <> wrote in message
> > > >>
> > > >> On Apr 9, 2:18 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> > > >>> "John B." <> wrote in message

> > > >>>
> > > >>> On Apr 9, 1:40 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:

> > > >>> > "John B." <> wrote in message

> > > >>> >

> > > >>> > >> How many children would die in the certain violence that
> > > >>> > >> would
> > > >>> > >> insure
> > > >>> > >> (sic) if we
> > > >>> > >> withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consiquinces
> > > >>> > >> (sic)
> > > >>> > >> for
> > > >>> > >> the US be
> > > >>> > >> if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths would
> > > >>> > >> that
> > > >>> > >> lead
> > > >>> > >> to?
> > > >>> > >> Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred and
> > > >>> > >> childish
> > > >>> > >> stupidity
> > > >>> > >> are more important to you.

> > > >>> > >> > Someday there's going to be a reckoning for what the
> > > >>> > >> > Bush/Cheney/
> > > >>> > >> > Rumsfeld cabal has done.

> > > >>> > >> Not one of your accounts were (sic) perpetrated by Bush or
> > > >>> > >> Cheney
> > > >>> > >> and
> > > >>> > >> ALL
> > > >>> > >> were the
> > > >>> > >> result of terrorists and insurgents who would no doubt go on
> > > >>> > >> a
> > > >>> > >> murder
> > > >>> > >> spree
> > > >>> > >> if we left before the government can provide security, you
> > > >>> > >> immoral
> > > >>> > >> liar
> > > >>> > >> and
> > > >>> > >> childish frothing (sic) with blind hatred idiot.

> > > >>> > >> Why the **** do you want to betray the Iraqi people, see
> > > >>> > >> murder
> > > >>> > >> and
> > > >>> > >> mayhem
> > > >>> > >> the likes of which we have not seen before, and bring shame
> > > >>> > >> on
> > > >>> > >> the
> > > >>> > >> US?

> > > >>> > >> Why? Because you HATE and are a ****ing childish IDIOT.

> > > >>> > >> Now grow the **** up and deal with reality instead of letting
> > > >>> > >> your
> > > >>> > >> blind
> > > >>> > >> emotions and hatred control you, mo-****ing-ron.

> > > >>> > >> -Eddie Haskell

> > > >>> > > Wow, I've never laughed so hard in my life. I sure do enjoy
> > > >>> > > watching
> > > >>> > > you blow your top. I can't wait for your next eruption!

> > > >>> > Funny thing.. That's what your old lady said.

> > > >>> > Anyway.. Answer the question, you pathetic coward.

> > > >>> > How many children would die in the certain violence that would
> > > >>> > ensue
> > > >>> > if we
> > > >>> > withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consequences
> > > >>> > for
> > > >>> > the
> > > >>> > US
> > > >>> > be
> > > >>> > if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths would
> > > >>> > that
> > > >>> > lead
> > > >>> > to?
> > > >>> > Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred and
> > > >>> > childish
> > > >>> > stupidity
> > > >>> > are more important to you.

> > > >>> > -Eddie Haskell- Hide quoted text -

> > > >>> > - Show quoted text -
> > > >>> > I don't know the answers to any of your questions and neither do
> > > >>> > you.
> > > >>> > All I know is that (a) I've never said anything about
> > > >>> > withdrawing
> > > >>> > precipitously

> > > >>> Then STFU with your idiotic side-line political heckling. This is
> > > >>> a
> > > >>> serious
> > > >>> matter and the good of your country is at stake despite how much
> > > >>> you
> > > >>> HATE
> > > >>> Bush.

> > > >>> > , (b) 4,000 dead Americans and hundreds of thousands of
> > > >>> > dead Iraqis would be alive today if GW Bush hadn't invaded Iraq

> > > >>> Well, damn. Get out your time machine then, moron.

> > > >>> > , and
> > > >>> > (c) the dangers posed by AQI and Iran didn't exist before the US
> > > >>> > invasion and are a direct result of it.

> > > >>> Then you don't have a point at all other than to bash Bush. We are
> > > >>> there
> > > >>> now
> > > >>> and we have to win. Thanks for your cooperation, you un-American
> > > >>> political
> > > >>> opportunist ass-wipe.

> > > >>> > Now, please respond with more of the invective, hatred and rabid
> > > >>> > foaming at the mouth that I find so entertaining.

> > > >>> No one can compete with the vile hatred you display here, little
> > > >>> Johnny.

> > > >>> Thoot.

> > > >>> -Eddie Haskell- Hide quoted text -

> > > >>> - Show quoted text -

> > > >>> Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Anger, hatred and obscenity
> > > >>> without a a shred of reason or insight to support it.

> > > >> Well, at least you admit it.

> > > >>> I love it! Gimme more!

> > > >> Funny. That's something else your old lady said to me.

> > > >> Now, yet again. You say that you didn't say Bush lied about WMDs so
> > > >> what
> > > >> do
> > > >> your following words mean? And try not to be a coward and an
> > > >> imbecile
> > > >> and
> > > >> run like a girl by posting nonsensical bullshit again.

> > > >> "The basis for what Hillary said in 2002 was faulty intel provided
> > > >> by
> > > >> the
> > > >> Bush administration. Contrary to what you might think, the Senate
> > > >> is
> > > >> not
> > > >> in
> > > >> the intel-gathering business. Her mistake was to believe what the
> > > >> lying
> > > >> bastards told her."

> > > >> "Big ****ing deal. So, both Clintons made mistakes. So what? What
> > > >> was
> > > >> the consequnece of those mistakes? Did they invade Iraq on false
> > > >> pretexts?"

> > > >> -John B.

> > > >> Furthermore, you said that I'm blaming Clinton for something when I
> > > >> point
> > > >> out that he said Saddam had WMDs when he didn't. Again, post here
> > > >> what
> > > >> I'm
> > > >> supposed to be blaming on Clinton, imbecile.

> > > >> Answer the questions coward.

> > > >> -Eddie Haskell

> > > > Eddie you can't argue with an idiot that does not want to use his
> > > > brain!
> > > > Jim

> > > What brain?

> > > Hahahahaha!

> > > -Eddie Haskell- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -
> > > Hahaha is right! So funny! And so original and creative! Gosh, you
> > > guys are soooo smart!

> > Boy, it must really suck for you to want as much murder and mayhem as
> > possible in Iraq for democrat political gain.

> > Little Johnny B: 4,000 dead Americans and hundreds of thousands of dead
> > Iraqis would be alive today if GW Bush hadn't invaded Iraq

> >

> > Now brace yourself little Johnny, this one is REALLY gonna sting:

> > Resilient Iraqis ask what civil war?

> > Marie Colvin

> > DESPITE sectarian slaughter, ethnic cleansing and suicide bombs, an
> > opinion
> > poll conducted on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the US-led
> > invasion
> > of Iraq has found a striking resilience and optimism among the
> > inhabitants.

> > The poll, the biggest since coalition troops entered Iraq on March 20,
> > 2003,
> > shows that by a majority of two to one, Iraqis prefer the current
> > leadership
> > to Saddam Hussein's regime, regardless of the security crisis and a lack
> > of
> > public services.

> > The survey, published today, also reveals that contrary to the views of
> > many
> > western analysts, most Iraqis do not believe they are embroiled in a
> > civil
> > war.

> >

> > -Eddie Haskell- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -
> > Well, there you go with your poll again. Too bad that's all you've
> > got. There have been other polls that reached different conclusions,
> > but what use are those to you? For example, most polls show that a
> > majority of Iraqis want the Americans out. But you've got your little
> > poll that props up your right-wing fantasies, so you're just gonna
> > keep pounding away at it. Good for you, Eddie! I admire that.

> > BTW, the fact that most Iraqis didn't think there was a civil war
> > going on doesn't mean there never was one. During the American Civil
> > Sar, there were a lot of Americans who didn't think they were in a
> > civil war. Even Lincoln (whom you probably hate) called it a
> > "rebellion."

> Lincoln didn't think we were in a civil war because he called it a
> "rebellion?"
> Are you serious?
> Hahahahahaha!
> <sniffle><sniffle>
> Oh.. man.. Please..
> No more!
> Bwahahahahaha!
> -Eddie Haskell- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

> Yes, I'm serious. How many Lincoln biographies have you read?

Enough to know he absolutely didn't advocate equal citizenship for blacks.

> I've
> read three. I've also read the Battle Cry of Freedom. You probably
> don't even know what that is, do you? (Quick, look it up on Amazon,
> and then come back and tell me that OF COURSE you know what it is. Not
> only are you a foreign policy scholar, you're an American history
> scholar, too!)

I don't care what you have read, nutcase. Lincoln didn't think we weren't in
a civil war because he happened to use the term "rebellion" in some

That's ridiculous!

And so are you!


-Eddie Haskell
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> news:XEdLj.30333$
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:dFaLj.33784$
>>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Fk9Lj.33041$
>>>> "HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Apr 9, 11:16 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
>>>>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:3W5Lj.20669$
>>>>> > "John B." <> wrote in message
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements, here's
>>>>> >> what's they've been missing back in Baghdad, where the people are
>>>>> >> happy, enjoying life, and deeply grateful to George Bush for
>>>>> >> liberating their country.
>>>>> > How many children would die in the certain violence that would
>>>>> > insure if
>>>>> > we withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consiquinces for
>>>>> > the
>>>>> > US be if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths would
>>>>> > that
>>>>> > lead to? Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred and
>>>>> > childish stupidity are more important to you.
>>>>> The stupid assumptions
>>>>> that the administration
>>>>> makes about the future
>>>>> of Iraq in the even we
>>>>> pull out stinks of the cold
>>>>> war's "domino theory.
>>>>> The Iraqis are bleeding
>>>>> us dry.
>>>>> >> Someday there's going to be a reckoning for what the Bush/Cheney/
>>>>> >> Rumsfeld cabal has done.
>>>>> > Not one of your accounts were perpetrated by Bush or Cheney and ALL
>>>>> > were
>>>>> > the result of terrorists and insurgents who would no doubt go on a
>>>>> > murder
>>>>> > spree if we left before the government can provide security, you
>>>>> > immoral
>>>>> > liar and childish frothing with blind hatred idiot.
>>>>> > Why the **** do you want to betray the Iraqi people, see murder and
>>>>> > mayhem
>>>>> > the likes of which we have not seen before, and bring shame on the
>>>>> > US?
>>>>> > Why? Because you HATE and are a ****ing childish IDIOT.
>>>>> > Now grow the **** up and deal with reality instead of letting your
>>>>> > blind
>>>>> > emotions and hatred control you, mo-****ing-ron.
>>>>> > -Eddie Haskell
>>>>> >> War News for Wednesday, April 09, 2008
>>>>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>>>> >> Baghdad
>>>>> >> soldier in a roadside bombing on Tuesday, April 8th. No other
>>>>> >> details
>>>>> >> or location were given.
>>>>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>>>> >> Baghdad
>>>>> >> soldier in a non-combat related injuries on Wednesday, April 9th.
>>>>> >> No
>>>>> >> other details or location were given.
>>>>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>>>> >> Center
>>>>> >> Soldier in a roadside bombing in an eastern neighborhood of Baghdad
>>>>> >> on
>>>>> >> Tuesday, April 8th. No other details were released.
>>>>> >> Security incidents:
>>>>> >> Baghdad:
>>>>> >> #1: Witnesses say a rocket or mortar has been fired into the Green
>>>>> >> Zone in the Iraqi capital. There was no immediate word on
>>>>> >> casualties
>>>>> >> or damage. Black smoke could be see rising after a blast from the
>>>>> >> heavily fortified area. Loudspeakers warned residents to take cover
>>>>> >> and await further instructions. Helicopters circled overhead.
>>>>> >> The city's Green Zone, which houses diplomatic missions and much of
>>>>> >> Iraq's government, also came under renewed attack by rockets or
>>>>> >> mortars early Wednesday. The U.S. embassy confirmed the shelling,
>>>>> >> but
>>>>> >> said there were no immediate reports of casualties.
>>>>> >> Around 9 a.m. two mortar shells hit the Green Zone.
>>>>> >> Around 4 p.m. a mortar shell hit the Green Zone.
>>>>> >> #2-4: Police said the seven victims in Sadr City _ including three
>>>>> >> children _ died when projectiles slammed into a house in the
>>>>> >> sprawling
>>>>> >> slum, a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-American
>>>>> >> cleric
>>>>> >> Muqtada al-Sadr. Twenty-seven other people were wounded, said a
>>>>> >> hospital official who asked not to be identified because he was not
>>>>> >> authorized to speak to the media. Eyewitnesses in the area said the
>>>>> >> attack was carried out by U.S. helicopters, but police said the
>>>>> >> blasts
>>>>> >> were caused by mortar rounds. The U.S. military had no immediate
>>>>> >> comment.
>>>>> >> #2: One mortar round struck the rooftop of a house where a family
>>>>> >> was
>>>>> >> having breakfast, killing three members of a family, including two
>>>>> >> children.
>>>>> >> A few minutes later, a mortar shell hit a house in the same
>>>>> >> district,
>>>>> >> killing a woman and her two children.
>>>>> >> #3: Another mortar struck a nearby tent set up for a condolence
>>>>> >> service for a person killed earlier in the week. Mortar shells hit
>>>>> >> a
>>>>> >> funeral, killing eight and injuring 27, witnesses told Deutsche
>>>>> >> Presse-
>>>>> >> Agentur dpa.
>>>>> >> #4: while a third fell on an empty plot.
>>>>> >> #5: At least 15 people were killed and 200 wounded on Tuesday,
>>>>> >> according to hospitals in the slum, home to 2 million people.
>>>>> >> #6: Loud explosions were heard in Sadr City, a stronghold of the
>>>>> >> Mahdi
>>>>> >> Army of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and US helicopters
>>>>> >> were
>>>>> >> striking the area which has been encircled by US and Iraqi troops
>>>>> >> for
>>>>> >> nearly two weeks.
>>>>> >> #7: Clashes between Iraqi army and Mahdi Army militia in Sadr city,
>>>>> >> injuring three civilians.
>>>>> >> #8: Around 8 a.m. A mortar shell hit Al Ghadeer neighborhood
>>>>> >> causing
>>>>> >> damages with no casualties.
>>>>> >> Basra:
>>>>> >> #1: In Basra, at least eight people were killed in a U.S. military
>>>>> >> raid on the southern city, al-Sumaria reported. Circumstances of
>>>>> >> the
>>>>> >> incident were not known.
>>>>> >> Dhuluiya:
>>>>> >> #1: A mortar shell landed on a house in Dhuluiya, 70 km (45 miles)
>>>>> >> north of Baghdad overnight, killing a woman and wounding her four
>>>>> >> sons, police said.
>>>>> >> Kirkuk:
>>>>> >> #1: Iraqi police found a body hand-cuffed and riddled with bullets
>>>>> >> east of the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday.
>>>>> >> Army private Carl "Superman" Reiher has lost part of his left arm
>>>>> >> as a
>>>>> >> result of an assault on his humvee, or armored vehicle. He is the
>>>>> >> second Marshall Islander to be seriously injured since the war
>>>>> >> started
>>>>> >> in Iraq in 2003. The firefight involving Reiher's Army unit
>>>>> >> occurred
>>>>> >> last week (4-2007) in an unspecified region of Iraq. Family members
>>>>> >> said on Wednesday that Reiher's humvee came under attack, first by
>>>>> >> what is believed to be an improvised explosive device. As the men
>>>>> >> piled out of the burning vehicle, they were hit by rifle fire that
>>>>> >> killed soldiers on either side of Reiher. Reiher was wounded by at
>>>>> >> least three bullets, a family member said. He was first evacuated
>>>>> >> to
>>>>> >> Germany for emergency medical treatment, and then at the weekend
>>>>> >> flown
>>>>> >> to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. for
>>>>> >> further
>>>>> >> treatment. He was forced to have his left arm amputated below the
>>>>> >> elbow as a result of the injuries sustained in the attack, and is
>>>>> >> receiving skin grafts for burns and other treatment for his
>>>>> >> multiple
>>>>> >> wounds. He is in stable condition, the family member said.- Hide
>>>>> >> quoted text -
>>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>>>> Hell,more kids than that died in Los Angeles yesterday.Where's your
>>>>> compassion for those poor little mexxkins??
>>>> He'd pretend to have compassion for them if he could figure an angle on
>>>> how to blame Bush for it.
>>>> -Eddie Haskell
>>> I have no compassion for the Iraqis.
>>> The killing is their choice. They have
>>> the guns and the motives and the
>>> ability to stop.

>>And if they don't stop Al Qaeda or Iran the consequences are for YOU.
>>Do-you-un-der-stand little boy?
>> -Eddie Haskell

> Al-Qaeda and Iran can
> be stopped by other means.

What means? Stick your neck out.

And could you PLEASE start posting in normal word-wrap?


-Eddie Haskell

> A war and occupation in
> Iraq that dissipates our
> strength without achieving
> the goal is stupid.
> BUT...that's the bush-Republican
> way. It needs to be stopped.
> **** the Iraqis we've helped
> them enough.
> They can stand up....because
> we/re standing down.
"John B." <> wrote in message
> On Apr 9, 9:01 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:dFaLj.33784$
>> > "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>> >news:Fk9Lj.33041$

>> >> "HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> On Apr 9, 11:16 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
>> >>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message

>> >>>news:3W5Lj.20669$

>> >>> > "John B." <> wrote in message
>> >>> >
>> >>> >> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements,
>> >>> >> here's
>> >>> >> what's they've been missing back in Baghdad, where the people are
>> >>> >> happy, enjoying life, and deeply grateful to George Bush for
>> >>> >> liberating their country.

>> >>> > How many children would die in the certain violence that would
>> >>> > insure
>> >>> > if
>> >>> > we withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consiquinces
>> >>> > for
>> >>> > the
>> >>> > US be if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths would
>> >>> > that
>> >>> > lead to? Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred and
>> >>> > childish stupidity are more important to you.

>> >>> The stupid assumptions
>> >>> that the administration
>> >>> makes about the future
>> >>> of Iraq in the even we
>> >>> pull out stinks of the cold
>> >>> war's "domino theory.

>> >>> The Iraqis are bleeding
>> >>> us dry.

>> >>> >> Someday there's going to be a reckoning for what the Bush/Cheney/
>> >>> >> Rumsfeld cabal has done.

>> >>> > Not one of your accounts were perpetrated by Bush or Cheney and ALL
>> >>> > were
>> >>> > the result of terrorists and insurgents who would no doubt go on a
>> >>> > murder
>> >>> > spree if we left before the government can provide security, you
>> >>> > immoral
>> >>> > liar and childish frothing with blind hatred idiot.

>> >>> > Why the **** do you want to betray the Iraqi people, see murder and
>> >>> > mayhem
>> >>> > the likes of which we have not seen before, and bring shame on the
>> >>> > US?

>> >>> > Why? Because you HATE and are a ****ing childish IDIOT.

>> >>> > Now grow the **** up and deal with reality instead of letting your
>> >>> > blind
>> >>> > emotions and hatred control you, mo-****ing-ron.

>> >>> > -Eddie Haskell

>> >>> >> War News for Wednesday, April 09, 2008
>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>> >>> >> Baghdad
>> >>> >> soldier in a roadside bombing on Tuesday, April 8th. No other
>> >>> >> details
>> >>> >> or location were given.

>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>> >>> >> Baghdad
>> >>> >> soldier in a non-combat related injuries on Wednesday, April 9th.
>> >>> >> No
>> >>> >> other details or location were given.

>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>> >>> >> Center
>> >>> >> Soldier in a roadside bombing in an eastern neighborhood of
>> >>> >> Baghdad
>> >>> >> on
>> >>> >> Tuesday, April 8th. No other details were released.

>> >>> >> Security incidents:

>> >>> >> Baghdad:
>> >>> >> #1: Witnesses say a rocket or mortar has been fired into the Green
>> >>> >> Zone in the Iraqi capital. There was no immediate word on
>> >>> >> casualties
>> >>> >> or damage. Black smoke could be see rising after a blast from the
>> >>> >> heavily fortified area. Loudspeakers warned residents to take
>> >>> >> cover
>> >>> >> and await further instructions. Helicopters circled overhead.

>> >>> >> The city's Green Zone, which houses diplomatic missions and much
>> >>> >> of
>> >>> >> Iraq's government, also came under renewed attack by rockets or
>> >>> >> mortars early Wednesday. The U.S. embassy confirmed the shelling,
>> >>> >> but
>> >>> >> said there were no immediate reports of casualties.

>> >>> >> Around 9 a.m. two mortar shells hit the Green Zone.

>> >>> >> Around 4 p.m. a mortar shell hit the Green Zone.

>> >>> >> #2-4: Police said the seven victims in Sadr City _ including three
>> >>> >> children _ died when projectiles slammed into a house in the
>> >>> >> sprawling
>> >>> >> slum, a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-American
>> >>> >> cleric
>> >>> >> Muqtada al-Sadr. Twenty-seven other people were wounded, said a
>> >>> >> hospital official who asked not to be identified because he was
>> >>> >> not
>> >>> >> authorized to speak to the media. Eyewitnesses in the area said
>> >>> >> the
>> >>> >> attack was carried out by U.S. helicopters, but police said the
>> >>> >> blasts
>> >>> >> were caused by mortar rounds. The U.S. military had no immediate
>> >>> >> comment.

>> >>> >> #2: One mortar round struck the rooftop of a house where a family
>> >>> >> was
>> >>> >> having breakfast, killing three members of a family, including two
>> >>> >> children.

>> >>> >> A few minutes later, a mortar shell hit a house in the same
>> >>> >> district,
>> >>> >> killing a woman and her two children.

>> >>> >> #3: Another mortar struck a nearby tent set up for a condolence
>> >>> >> service for a person killed earlier in the week. Mortar shells hit
>> >>> >> a
>> >>> >> funeral, killing eight and injuring 27, witnesses told Deutsche
>> >>> >> Presse-
>> >>> >> Agentur dpa.

>> >>> >> #4: while a third fell on an empty plot.

>> >>> >> #5: At least 15 people were killed and 200 wounded on Tuesday,
>> >>> >> according to hospitals in the slum, home to 2 million people.

>> >>> >> #6: Loud explosions were heard in Sadr City, a stronghold of the
>> >>> >> Mahdi
>> >>> >> Army of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and US helicopters
>> >>> >> were
>> >>> >> striking the area which has been encircled by US and Iraqi troops
>> >>> >> for
>> >>> >> nearly two weeks.

>> >>> >> #7: Clashes between Iraqi army and Mahdi Army militia in Sadr
>> >>> >> city,
>> >>> >> injuring three civilians.

>> >>> >> #8: Around 8 a.m. A mortar shell hit Al Ghadeer neighborhood
>> >>> >> causing
>> >>> >> damages with no casualties.

>> >>> >> Basra:
>> >>> >> #1: In Basra, at least eight people were killed in a U.S. military
>> >>> >> raid on the southern city, al-Sumaria reported. Circumstances of
>> >>> >> the
>> >>> >> incident were not known.

>> >>> >> Dhuluiya:
>> >>> >> #1: A mortar shell landed on a house in Dhuluiya, 70 km (45 miles)
>> >>> >> north of Baghdad overnight, killing a woman and wounding her four
>> >>> >> sons, police said.

>> >>> >> Kirkuk:
>> >>> >> #1: Iraqi police found a body hand-cuffed and riddled with bullets
>> >>> >> east of the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday.

>> >>> >> Army private Carl "Superman" Reiher has lost part of his left arm
>> >>> >> as
>> >>> >> a
>> >>> >> result of an assault on his humvee, or armored vehicle. He is the
>> >>> >> second Marshall Islander to be seriously injured since the war
>> >>> >> started
>> >>> >> in Iraq in 2003. The firefight involving Reiher's Army unit
>> >>> >> occurred
>> >>> >> last week (4-2007) in an unspecified region of Iraq. Family
>> >>> >> members
>> >>> >> said on Wednesday that Reiher's humvee came under attack, first by
>> >>> >> what is believed to be an improvised explosive device. As the men
>> >>> >> piled out of the burning vehicle, they were hit by rifle fire that
>> >>> >> killed soldiers on either side of Reiher. Reiher was wounded by at
>> >>> >> least three bullets, a family member said. He was first evacuated
>> >>> >> to
>> >>> >> Germany for emergency medical treatment, and then at the weekend
>> >>> >> flown
>> >>> >> to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. for
>> >>> >> further
>> >>> >> treatment. He was forced to have his left arm amputated below the
>> >>> >> elbow as a result of the injuries sustained in the attack, and is
>> >>> >> receiving skin grafts for burns and other treatment for his
>> >>> >> multiple
>> >>> >> wounds. He is in stable condition, the family member said.- Hide
>> >>> >> quoted text -

>> >>> - Show quoted text -

>> >>> Hell,more kids than that died in Los Angeles yesterday.Where's your
>> >>> compassion for those poor little mexxkins??

>> >> He'd pretend to have compassion for them if he could figure an angle
>> >> on
>> >> how to blame Bush for it.

>> >> -Eddie Haskell

>> > I have no compassion for the Iraqis.
>> > The killing is their choice. They have
>> > the guns and the motives and the
>> > ability to stop.

>> And if they don't stop Al Qaeda or Iran the consequences are for YOU.
>> Do-you-un-der-stand little boy?
>> -Eddie Haskell

> How exactly do you propose to "stop" AQ or Iran?

By stopping you and your ilk, dumbass.

-Eddie Haskell
"Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> "John B." <> wrote in message
>> On Apr 9, 9:01 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>> news:dFaLj.33784$
>>> > "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>> >news:Fk9Lj.33041$
>>> >> "HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
>>> >>
>>> >> On Apr 9, 11:16 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
>>> >>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>> >>>news:3W5Lj.20669$
>>> >>> > "John B." <> wrote in message
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> >> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements,
>>> >>> >> here's
>>> >>> >> what's they've been missing back in Baghdad, where the people are
>>> >>> >> happy, enjoying life, and deeply grateful to George Bush for
>>> >>> >> liberating their country.
>>> >>> > How many children would die in the certain violence that would
>>> >>> > insure
>>> >>> > if
>>> >>> > we withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consiquinces
>>> >>> > for
>>> >>> > the
>>> >>> > US be if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths would
>>> >>> > that
>>> >>> > lead to? Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred and
>>> >>> > childish stupidity are more important to you.
>>> >>> The stupid assumptions
>>> >>> that the administration
>>> >>> makes about the future
>>> >>> of Iraq in the even we
>>> >>> pull out stinks of the cold
>>> >>> war's "domino theory.
>>> >>> The Iraqis are bleeding
>>> >>> us dry.
>>> >>> >> Someday there's going to be a reckoning for what the Bush/Cheney/
>>> >>> >> Rumsfeld cabal has done.
>>> >>> > Not one of your accounts were perpetrated by Bush or Cheney and
>>> >>> > ALL
>>> >>> > were
>>> >>> > the result of terrorists and insurgents who would no doubt go on a
>>> >>> > murder
>>> >>> > spree if we left before the government can provide security, you
>>> >>> > immoral
>>> >>> > liar and childish frothing with blind hatred idiot.
>>> >>> > Why the **** do you want to betray the Iraqi people, see murder
>>> >>> > and
>>> >>> > mayhem
>>> >>> > the likes of which we have not seen before, and bring shame on the
>>> >>> > US?
>>> >>> > Why? Because you HATE and are a ****ing childish IDIOT.
>>> >>> > Now grow the **** up and deal with reality instead of letting your
>>> >>> > blind
>>> >>> > emotions and hatred control you, mo-****ing-ron.
>>> >>> > -Eddie Haskell
>>> >>> >> War News for Wednesday, April 09, 2008
>>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>> >>> >> Baghdad
>>> >>> >> soldier in a roadside bombing on Tuesday, April 8th. No other
>>> >>> >> details
>>> >>> >> or location were given.
>>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>> >>> >> Baghdad
>>> >>> >> soldier in a non-combat related injuries on Wednesday, April 9th.
>>> >>> >> No
>>> >>> >> other details or location were given.
>>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>> >>> >> Center
>>> >>> >> Soldier in a roadside bombing in an eastern neighborhood of
>>> >>> >> Baghdad
>>> >>> >> on
>>> >>> >> Tuesday, April 8th. No other details were released.
>>> >>> >> Security incidents:
>>> >>> >> Baghdad:
>>> >>> >> #1: Witnesses say a rocket or mortar has been fired into the
>>> >>> >> Green
>>> >>> >> Zone in the Iraqi capital. There was no immediate word on
>>> >>> >> casualties
>>> >>> >> or damage. Black smoke could be see rising after a blast from the
>>> >>> >> heavily fortified area. Loudspeakers warned residents to take
>>> >>> >> cover
>>> >>> >> and await further instructions. Helicopters circled overhead.
>>> >>> >> The city's Green Zone, which houses diplomatic missions and much
>>> >>> >> of
>>> >>> >> Iraq's government, also came under renewed attack by rockets or
>>> >>> >> mortars early Wednesday. The U.S. embassy confirmed the shelling,
>>> >>> >> but
>>> >>> >> said there were no immediate reports of casualties.
>>> >>> >> Around 9 a.m. two mortar shells hit the Green Zone.
>>> >>> >> Around 4 p.m. a mortar shell hit the Green Zone.
>>> >>> >> #2-4: Police said the seven victims in Sadr City _ including
>>> >>> >> three
>>> >>> >> children _ died when projectiles slammed into a house in the
>>> >>> >> sprawling
>>> >>> >> slum, a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-American
>>> >>> >> cleric
>>> >>> >> Muqtada al-Sadr. Twenty-seven other people were wounded, said a
>>> >>> >> hospital official who asked not to be identified because he was
>>> >>> >> not
>>> >>> >> authorized to speak to the media. Eyewitnesses in the area said
>>> >>> >> the
>>> >>> >> attack was carried out by U.S. helicopters, but police said the
>>> >>> >> blasts
>>> >>> >> were caused by mortar rounds. The U.S. military had no immediate
>>> >>> >> comment.
>>> >>> >> #2: One mortar round struck the rooftop of a house where a family
>>> >>> >> was
>>> >>> >> having breakfast, killing three members of a family, including
>>> >>> >> two
>>> >>> >> children.
>>> >>> >> A few minutes later, a mortar shell hit a house in the same
>>> >>> >> district,
>>> >>> >> killing a woman and her two children.
>>> >>> >> #3: Another mortar struck a nearby tent set up for a condolence
>>> >>> >> service for a person killed earlier in the week. Mortar shells
>>> >>> >> hit a
>>> >>> >> funeral, killing eight and injuring 27, witnesses told Deutsche
>>> >>> >> Presse-
>>> >>> >> Agentur dpa.
>>> >>> >> #4: while a third fell on an empty plot.
>>> >>> >> #5: At least 15 people were killed and 200 wounded on Tuesday,
>>> >>> >> according to hospitals in the slum, home to 2 million people.
>>> >>> >> #6: Loud explosions were heard in Sadr City, a stronghold of the
>>> >>> >> Mahdi
>>> >>> >> Army of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and US helicopters
>>> >>> >> were
>>> >>> >> striking the area which has been encircled by US and Iraqi troops
>>> >>> >> for
>>> >>> >> nearly two weeks.
>>> >>> >> #7: Clashes between Iraqi army and Mahdi Army militia in Sadr
>>> >>> >> city,
>>> >>> >> injuring three civilians.
>>> >>> >> #8: Around 8 a.m. A mortar shell hit Al Ghadeer neighborhood
>>> >>> >> causing
>>> >>> >> damages with no casualties.
>>> >>> >> Basra:
>>> >>> >> #1: In Basra, at least eight people were killed in a U.S.
>>> >>> >> military
>>> >>> >> raid on the southern city, al-Sumaria reported. Circumstances of
>>> >>> >> the
>>> >>> >> incident were not known.
>>> >>> >> Dhuluiya:
>>> >>> >> #1: A mortar shell landed on a house in Dhuluiya, 70 km (45
>>> >>> >> miles)
>>> >>> >> north of Baghdad overnight, killing a woman and wounding her four
>>> >>> >> sons, police said.
>>> >>> >> Kirkuk:
>>> >>> >> #1: Iraqi police found a body hand-cuffed and riddled with
>>> >>> >> bullets
>>> >>> >> east of the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday.
>>> >>> >> Army private Carl "Superman" Reiher has lost part of his left arm
>>> >>> >> as
>>> >>> >> a
>>> >>> >> result of an assault on his humvee, or armored vehicle. He is the
>>> >>> >> second Marshall Islander to be seriously injured since the war
>>> >>> >> started
>>> >>> >> in Iraq in 2003. The firefight involving Reiher's Army unit
>>> >>> >> occurred
>>> >>> >> last week (4-2007) in an unspecified region of Iraq. Family
>>> >>> >> members
>>> >>> >> said on Wednesday that Reiher's humvee came under attack, first
>>> >>> >> by
>>> >>> >> what is believed to be an improvised explosive device. As the men
>>> >>> >> piled out of the burning vehicle, they were hit by rifle fire
>>> >>> >> that
>>> >>> >> killed soldiers on either side of Reiher. Reiher was wounded by
>>> >>> >> at
>>> >>> >> least three bullets, a family member said. He was first evacuated
>>> >>> >> to
>>> >>> >> Germany for emergency medical treatment, and then at the weekend
>>> >>> >> flown
>>> >>> >> to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. for
>>> >>> >> further
>>> >>> >> treatment. He was forced to have his left arm amputated below the
>>> >>> >> elbow as a result of the injuries sustained in the attack, and is
>>> >>> >> receiving skin grafts for burns and other treatment for his
>>> >>> >> multiple
>>> >>> >> wounds. He is in stable condition, the family member said.- Hide
>>> >>> >> quoted text -
>>> >>> - Show quoted text -
>>> >>> Hell,more kids than that died in Los Angeles yesterday.Where's your
>>> >>> compassion for those poor little mexxkins??
>>> >> He'd pretend to have compassion for them if he could figure an angle
>>> >> on
>>> >> how to blame Bush for it.
>>> >> -Eddie Haskell
>>> > I have no compassion for the Iraqis.
>>> > The killing is their choice. They have
>>> > the guns and the motives and the
>>> > ability to stop.
>>> And if they don't stop Al Qaeda or Iran the consequences are for YOU.
>>> Do-you-un-der-stand little boy?
>>> -Eddie Haskell

>> How exactly do you propose to "stop" AQ or Iran?

> By stopping you and your ilk, dumbass.
> -Eddie Haskell

Round and round we go,
where it stops nobody

Round and round we go,
where it stops nobody

Round and round we go,
where it stops nobody
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> news:bFfLj.33930$
>> "John B." <> wrote in message
>>> On Apr 9, 9:01 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
>>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:dFaLj.33784$
>>>> > "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>>> >news:Fk9Lj.33041$
>>>> >> "HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Apr 9, 11:16 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
>>>> >>> "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
>>>> >>>news:3W5Lj.20669$
>>>> >>> > "John B." <> wrote in message
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> >> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements,
>>>> >>> >> here's
>>>> >>> >> what's they've been missing back in Baghdad, where the people
>>>> >>> >> are
>>>> >>> >> happy, enjoying life, and deeply grateful to George Bush for
>>>> >>> >> liberating their country.
>>>> >>> > How many children would die in the certain violence that would
>>>> >>> > insure
>>>> >>> > if
>>>> >>> > we withdrew precipitously? What would the long term consiquinces
>>>> >>> > for
>>>> >>> > the
>>>> >>> > US be if Iraq were lost to Al Qaeda or Iran? How many deaths
>>>> >>> > would
>>>> >>> > that
>>>> >>> > lead to? Oh, but all that's none of your concern. Blind hatred
>>>> >>> > and
>>>> >>> > childish stupidity are more important to you.
>>>> >>> The stupid assumptions
>>>> >>> that the administration
>>>> >>> makes about the future
>>>> >>> of Iraq in the even we
>>>> >>> pull out stinks of the cold
>>>> >>> war's "domino theory.
>>>> >>> The Iraqis are bleeding
>>>> >>> us dry.
>>>> >>> >> Someday there's going to be a reckoning for what the
>>>> >>> >> Bush/Cheney/
>>>> >>> >> Rumsfeld cabal has done.
>>>> >>> > Not one of your accounts were perpetrated by Bush or Cheney and
>>>> >>> > ALL
>>>> >>> > were
>>>> >>> > the result of terrorists and insurgents who would no doubt go on
>>>> >>> > a
>>>> >>> > murder
>>>> >>> > spree if we left before the government can provide security, you
>>>> >>> > immoral
>>>> >>> > liar and childish frothing with blind hatred idiot.
>>>> >>> > Why the **** do you want to betray the Iraqi people, see murder
>>>> >>> > and
>>>> >>> > mayhem
>>>> >>> > the likes of which we have not seen before, and bring shame on
>>>> >>> > the US?
>>>> >>> > Why? Because you HATE and are a ****ing childish IDIOT.
>>>> >>> > Now grow the **** up and deal with reality instead of letting
>>>> >>> > your
>>>> >>> > blind
>>>> >>> > emotions and hatred control you, mo-****ing-ron.
>>>> >>> > -Eddie Haskell
>>>> >>> >> War News for Wednesday, April 09, 2008
>>>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>>> >>> >> Baghdad
>>>> >>> >> soldier in a roadside bombing on Tuesday, April 8th. No other
>>>> >>> >> details
>>>> >>> >> or location were given.
>>>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>>> >>> >> Baghdad
>>>> >>> >> soldier in a non-combat related injuries on Wednesday, April
>>>> >>> >> 9th. No
>>>> >>> >> other details or location were given.
>>>> >>> >> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division -
>>>> >>> >> Center
>>>> >>> >> Soldier in a roadside bombing in an eastern neighborhood of
>>>> >>> >> Baghdad
>>>> >>> >> on
>>>> >>> >> Tuesday, April 8th. No other details were released.
>>>> >>> >> Security incidents:
>>>> >>> >> Baghdad:
>>>> >>> >> #1: Witnesses say a rocket or mortar has been fired into the
>>>> >>> >> Green
>>>> >>> >> Zone in the Iraqi capital. There was no immediate word on
>>>> >>> >> casualties
>>>> >>> >> or damage. Black smoke could be see rising after a blast from
>>>> >>> >> the
>>>> >>> >> heavily fortified area. Loudspeakers warned residents to take
>>>> >>> >> cover
>>>> >>> >> and await further instructions. Helicopters circled overhead.
>>>> >>> >> The city's Green Zone, which houses diplomatic missions and much
>>>> >>> >> of
>>>> >>> >> Iraq's government, also came under renewed attack by rockets or
>>>> >>> >> mortars early Wednesday. The U.S. embassy confirmed the
>>>> >>> >> shelling, but
>>>> >>> >> said there were no immediate reports of casualties.
>>>> >>> >> Around 9 a.m. two mortar shells hit the Green Zone.
>>>> >>> >> Around 4 p.m. a mortar shell hit the Green Zone.
>>>> >>> >> #2-4: Police said the seven victims in Sadr City _ including
>>>> >>> >> three
>>>> >>> >> children _ died when projectiles slammed into a house in the
>>>> >>> >> sprawling
>>>> >>> >> slum, a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-American
>>>> >>> >> cleric
>>>> >>> >> Muqtada al-Sadr. Twenty-seven other people were wounded, said a
>>>> >>> >> hospital official who asked not to be identified because he was
>>>> >>> >> not
>>>> >>> >> authorized to speak to the media. Eyewitnesses in the area said
>>>> >>> >> the
>>>> >>> >> attack was carried out by U.S. helicopters, but police said the
>>>> >>> >> blasts
>>>> >>> >> were caused by mortar rounds. The U.S. military had no immediate
>>>> >>> >> comment.
>>>> >>> >> #2: One mortar round struck the rooftop of a house where a
>>>> >>> >> family was
>>>> >>> >> having breakfast, killing three members of a family, including
>>>> >>> >> two
>>>> >>> >> children.
>>>> >>> >> A few minutes later, a mortar shell hit a house in the same
>>>> >>> >> district,
>>>> >>> >> killing a woman and her two children.
>>>> >>> >> #3: Another mortar struck a nearby tent set up for a condolence
>>>> >>> >> service for a person killed earlier in the week. Mortar shells
>>>> >>> >> hit a
>>>> >>> >> funeral, killing eight and injuring 27, witnesses told Deutsche
>>>> >>> >> Presse-
>>>> >>> >> Agentur dpa.
>>>> >>> >> #4: while a third fell on an empty plot.
>>>> >>> >> #5: At least 15 people were killed and 200 wounded on Tuesday,
>>>> >>> >> according to hospitals in the slum, home to 2 million people.
>>>> >>> >> #6: Loud explosions were heard in Sadr City, a stronghold of the
>>>> >>> >> Mahdi
>>>> >>> >> Army of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and US
>>>> >>> >> helicopters
>>>> >>> >> were
>>>> >>> >> striking the area which has been encircled by US and Iraqi
>>>> >>> >> troops for
>>>> >>> >> nearly two weeks.
>>>> >>> >> #7: Clashes between Iraqi army and Mahdi Army militia in Sadr
>>>> >>> >> city,
>>>> >>> >> injuring three civilians.
>>>> >>> >> #8: Around 8 a.m. A mortar shell hit Al Ghadeer neighborhood
>>>> >>> >> causing
>>>> >>> >> damages with no casualties.
>>>> >>> >> Basra:
>>>> >>> >> #1: In Basra, at least eight people were killed in a U.S.
>>>> >>> >> military
>>>> >>> >> raid on the southern city, al-Sumaria reported. Circumstances of
>>>> >>> >> the
>>>> >>> >> incident were not known.
>>>> >>> >> Dhuluiya:
>>>> >>> >> #1: A mortar shell landed on a house in Dhuluiya, 70 km (45
>>>> >>> >> miles)
>>>> >>> >> north of Baghdad overnight, killing a woman and wounding her
>>>> >>> >> four
>>>> >>> >> sons, police said.
>>>> >>> >> Kirkuk:
>>>> >>> >> #1: Iraqi police found a body hand-cuffed and riddled with
>>>> >>> >> bullets
>>>> >>> >> east of the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday.
>>>> >>> >> Army private Carl "Superman" Reiher has lost part of his left
>>>> >>> >> arm as
>>>> >>> >> a
>>>> >>> >> result of an assault on his humvee, or armored vehicle. He is
>>>> >>> >> the
>>>> >>> >> second Marshall Islander to be seriously injured since the war
>>>> >>> >> started
>>>> >>> >> in Iraq in 2003. The firefight involving Reiher's Army unit
>>>> >>> >> occurred
>>>> >>> >> last week (4-2007) in an unspecified region of Iraq. Family
>>>> >>> >> members
>>>> >>> >> said on Wednesday that Reiher's humvee came under attack, first
>>>> >>> >> by
>>>> >>> >> what is believed to be an improvised explosive device. As the
>>>> >>> >> men
>>>> >>> >> piled out of the burning vehicle, they were hit by rifle fire
>>>> >>> >> that
>>>> >>> >> killed soldiers on either side of Reiher. Reiher was wounded by
>>>> >>> >> at
>>>> >>> >> least three bullets, a family member said. He was first
>>>> >>> >> evacuated to
>>>> >>> >> Germany for emergency medical treatment, and then at the weekend
>>>> >>> >> flown
>>>> >>> >> to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. for
>>>> >>> >> further
>>>> >>> >> treatment. He was forced to have his left arm amputated below
>>>> >>> >> the
>>>> >>> >> elbow as a result of the injuries sustained in the attack, and
>>>> >>> >> is
>>>> >>> >> receiving skin grafts for burns and other treatment for his
>>>> >>> >> multiple
>>>> >>> >> wounds. He is in stable condition, the family member said.- Hide
>>>> >>> >> quoted text -
>>>> >>> - Show quoted text -
>>>> >>> Hell,more kids than that died in Los Angeles yesterday.Where's your
>>>> >>> compassion for those poor little mexxkins??
>>>> >> He'd pretend to have compassion for them if he could figure an angle
>>>> >> on
>>>> >> how to blame Bush for it.
>>>> >> -Eddie Haskell
>>>> > I have no compassion for the Iraqis.
>>>> > The killing is their choice. They have
>>>> > the guns and the motives and the
>>>> > ability to stop.
>>>> And if they don't stop Al Qaeda or Iran the consequences are for YOU.
>>>> Do-you-un-der-stand little boy?
>>>> -Eddie Haskell
>>> How exactly do you propose to "stop" AQ or Iran?

>> By stopping you and your ilk, dumbass.
>> -Eddie Haskell

> Round and round we go,
> where it stops nobody
> knows!
> Round and round we go,
> where it stops nobody
> knows!
> Round and round we go,
> where it stops nobody
> knows!

Promenade across the floor
Sass shay right on out the door
Out the door and in to the glade
And everybody promenade
Step right up, you're doing fine
I'll pull your beard, you pull mine
Yank it again, like you did before
Break it up with a tug of war
Now into the brook and fish for the trout
Dive right in and splash about
Trout, trout, pretty little trout
One more splash and come right out
Shake like a hound dog, shake again
Wallow around in the old pig pen
Wallow some more, you all know how
Roll around like an old fat sow
Allemande left with your left hand
Follow through with a right-left grand
Now lead your partner, the dirty ol' thing
Follow through with an elbow swing
Grab a fence post, hold it tight
Whomp your partner with all your might
Hit him in the shin, hit him in the head
Hit him again, the critter ain't dead
Wop him low and wop him high
Stick your finger in his eye
Pretty little rhythm, pretty little sound
Bang your heads against the ground
Promenade all around the room
Promenade like a bride and groom
Open up the door and step right in
Close the door and into a spin
Whirl, whirl, twist and twirl
Jump all around like a flying squirrel
Now don't you cuss and don't you swear
Just come right out and form a square
Now right hand over and left hand under
Both join hands and run like thunder
Over the hill and over the dale
Duck your head and lift your tail
Don't you stray and don't you roam
Turn it around and promenade home
Corn in the crib pen, wheat in the sack
Turn your partner, promenade back
And now you're home
Bow to your partner
Bow to the gent across the hall
And that is all

-Eddie Haskell
"Harold Burton" <> wrote in message
> In article
> <>,
> "John B." <> wrote:
>> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements...

> Care for some cheese with your whine?
> Snicker.


-Eddie Haskell
"Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message
> "Harold Burton" <> wrote in message
>> In article
>> <>,
>> "John B." <> wrote:
>>> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements...

>> Care for some cheese with your whine?
>> Snicker.

> <chuckle>
> -Eddie Haskell

Hooray! one step forward.....

Two steps backwards.
"John B." <> wrote in message
On Apr 10, 4:06 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> "Harold Burton" <> wrote in message
> > In article
> > <>,
> > "John B." <> wrote:

> >> While Petraeus and Crocker yack about security improvements...

> > Care for some cheese with your whine?

> > Snicker.

> <chuckle>
> -Eddie Haskell

> Four Americans and about 40 Iraqis, three of them children, were
> slaughtered in Iraq today. Why don't you snicker and chuckle over that
> for a while?

Why don't you chime in here and pretended to give a **** about Iraqi deaths
while you revel in them for democrat political gain and don't give a ****
about the carnage that would ensue if we left before the Iraqi government
could provide security for it's citizens, you simplistic immoral little

-Eddie Haskell
In article
"John B." <> wrote:

> On Apr 10, 4:06