Sex as a weapon


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Oh lets see where this topic takes us, if we get a bunch of different responses, I'll probably put up one of my ""OFF KEY" polls on the subject.

Have at it !!!
Guess i'm the first serious poster so the pressure is on!

I think sex as a weapon is bullshit. I don't think anybody should sell-out their bodies for any reason so dum as getting free cable or a raise or something (or even worse, to make somebody else feel like ****). Now i support recreational sex if both ppl are fine with it, to each his own as i've many time said, but its just not for me. Hell i don't even enjoy kissing somebody unless i have feelings for them so the prospect of fukn some floozy at the 7/11 so i can get a free sluchy and all my late fees erased is not one that i'ld so much as entertain.

I believe emotion should be involved in sex, so usuing it as a weapon dosn't fall into that cataogry. For me this was not a choice, i hangout out with a good number women who enjoy fooling around now and again, i got my feet wet and found out that it simply isn't for me. I'm old fashion i guess, but even with my personel guff aside i think its ok to fool around and enjoy yourself with whoever if that's wht your into, but using sex as a tool seems like self-hate to me, if you don't respect yourslef enough to use your mind to solve your problem/reach your goals, then your self-esteem must be pretty fukn low. And if you have done everything within your capacity to get something with your mind and it didn't happen (a job or something) then you don't fukn deserve it, move on and find a place where YOU (not just your body) is welcome.
They got us man they ****ing got us. You might as well have a trigger on it lady
Sex as a weapon, is not so much the ACT itself, but the insinuation of it happening, or happening with a stereotypical sexual moving figure.

Its used in advertising and movies constantly.

Oh how I have dreamed of unloading a cum Tsunami on that one chick in the Victoria Secrets commercial.

The target in the commercial is of course women..."look sexier women"... but us MEN are also lured... not to there clothing line, but into a figment of what OUR woman should look like to us that would turn us on.

Oh and it works... I'll admit to being a victim of sex as a weapon.

But I've grown out of it... kinda...

The reason it makes such a good weapon, is because we are NATURALLY drawn into it, we can't escape it if our body's are up to it.

You can't use the word "WEAPON" by its definition at , but it does sort of fit because it is a mental weapon.


Well I have used it as a "weapon" myself (no not that way dirty mind)...

My Ex (who i dated 4 1/2 years...****er)...was not exactly nice to me. There wasnt a day that went by the i wasnt called an idiot infront of friends...or even my family. He basically was quite mentally abusive in that aspect (not 100% nasty...but nasty enough to where I kinda shut down and was on the verge of losing my personality entirely....i have bounced back mind you). Anyhow I had made a decision about 3 years into it and realized that holding "love" for another person while it damages you is a crock. Love doesnt conquer all, it can conquer YOU!. So my decision was i wouldnt give anything up/to (sorry phreak tmi) unless he could go though an entire day without being a total asshole. I never told him that..just didnt do anything and always had headaches or too tired from work. Till he cracked by threatning to leave less i wanted to have some sort of sexual contact. Then i explained that he wasnt getting any untill he was nice to me..

his bullshit response

"The only reason im not nice to you is because you arent giving any..."

of course i had to reply

"guess were at a crossroads then huh...and i have had more experience dealing with your crap than you have had not getting anything for another 2 years..."

So in some cases it is a good thing to use.....
Nice to hear it didn't fuk you up but isen't that more a case of holding to principal or bringing to light a problem then using it as a weapon. I guess you could say you used it, well yah you used sex, but when i think weapon i think agressive. You were more reacting to his jack-assery. EG; were HE using it to keep you in that BS relationship then maybe that would be sex as a weapon but i dunno... Maybe you were because you were still holding out to fuk with him, not that he didn't deserve it, but its interesting.
Dating in America is sex as a tool if not a weapon. When I was young it was first, second, third base and home run with girls. In most cases it was so choreographed I thought it was according to how much money I spent on dates as progress of getting the prize seemed to be tied directly tied to the amount o f money spent. Then the army sent me to Korea where there were no American women to date and the only Korean prizes had a pre set price. Then I met women using sex as a tool for livelihood, but you could sort out those who actually liked to have sex with you just to be with you. After that experience of 13 months with Koreans all American women seemed like whores and Korean whores seemed as though some were whores and others trapped in circumstance.

Capitalism sells sex and women are just in between. Most women have very low sex drives in comparison to men and are easily distracted by stress and other family activities that seem more important to them. In the case of men sex relieves stress and makes family activities tolerable. Women will relent and give it up but there is nothing more worthless than a charity ****.

I worked with this young black woman teaching computers on the road and she loved to shake down old rich white men for steak and lobster dinners, jewelry and the like in exchange for sex. She always was flirting with me and I always felt like sticking my finger down my throat when she would. I mean she had nice booty but the price wasn
Unfortunately in todays world, young women are pretty much taught that the gender has to use sex to get anywhere. From commercials to mary-kate and aashley, forget pop music and even teh dolls they play with (hello barbie has nothing on teh bratz dolls). These poor girls are assaulted with images of women using sex to get ahead. Actually it's the men too (Some of the high fashion ads are horrible) so it really is a fight for young people not to use sex as a tool as that is what they are told it is for pretty much from borth. There aren't many places out there telling kids that sex can even coexist with emotion. It's a hard world to grow up in these days
Actually Phreak, when I saw this thread, I took it to mean "holding back sexual favors in order to get your way" and rewarding your partner with sex for good behavior.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Actually Phreak, when I saw this thread, I took it to mean "holding back sexual favors in order to get your way" and rewarding your partner with sex for good behavior.

Its a common mistake, don't feel bad.