Don't you get anything out of ***, TJ?
Psssssssst - if you're not, you're doing it wrong!
I get a lot from a loving relationship where an active and fun sexual lifestyle is a major part. But I also see where removing the relationship element completely changes things.
Eliminating love changes *** into a simple form of physical release, similar to taking a dump, any toilet will do, no big deal.
I still don't think the "booty call" mentality has anything to do with it, no.
So you don't think an overall attitude of *** being an insignificant event between men and women these days can contribute to both being more likely to look for *** in more place with more people?
Fewer barriers I guess is my point.
I believe it does erase barriers.
If he isn't, then neither is she. If he wants more ***, then maybe he should pitch in and help with the kids more. Personally, I think that's a more feasible solution than going to work and banging the Accounts Recievable department manager in the supply closet.
Well men have a chemical driven *** drive, while women have a emotion driven *** drive. If a woman is upset about something, her *** drive is erased (at least for her husband) while a man will still be desiring *** no matter what is happening.
Now take the same guy with the same chemical driven sexual drive who gets cut off and he has some attractive ladies at work who he also spends more time with than his wife.........
All I am saying is it is "ONE" element among many.
Turn it around, a woman who is not getting the emotional propping from her man at home works with men at work and one is very supportive, compliments her on her looks, listens to her when she has something to say.....well maybe????
Taken to the extreme, women who work at prisons and fall in love with convicts.
I have investigated many situations of women who work at a prison but who end up in relationships with the inmates. These men obviously do not have much to offer a woman, no job, no helping around the house with children or washing dishes and yet these ladies still put everything on the line to have affairs and even in some cases help the prisoners to escape..........why?
I have seen everything from healthcare workers to relatively high ranked Security officials who have been drawn into these relationships and not being a woman myself I cannot really understand why?
I assume it is the level of attention the imnates shower on the women but I could be wrong. Certainly the women spend a lot more time around these guys than with their husbands so there is a time element with who is giving her more emotional support. Most of my investigations showed a very, very long buildup between the people to include letters, pictures (yes, even nude, lol) phonecalls, and it leads to *** and other things. My first investigation was started by nude pictures found during a routine shakedown of an inmate by two internal security officers. They saw some nude pictures hidden in the cover of a book so it made them look closer and were stunned to understand they knew her, she was their supervisor in the control room and the inmate was the main gate housekeeping worker. She later confessed to a three year affair with this inmate.....sad.
All I can say is you would think they would know better, but still it happens a lot more often than the public is allowed to know.