Share your artwork!


Aug 9, 2005
Adelaide, South Australia
I thought I would contribute to the website by starting a thread to share your paintings.. drawings.. whatever really. I love looking at others artwork and seeing the talent. Make comments... give constructive help..

Oh and I apologise if there is another thread like this. But its like art galleries... there's more than one in the world. ;)

Here is a glimpse at some of my work:

a painting i did for my boyfriend for our 1 year anniversary.
a painting i did for my friends birthday.. she loves pink and green!
my first one i did which is actually really big and is on my wall above my bed. took my one night to do.. once i start something i can't stop!
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those are awe-some!! you're really, really good!!
and wasn't there already a thread like this?? i don't know, but here's one (out of the many) of mine:

Thoes are great! I love the paintings and the drawings are amazing. I dont have any decent pictures to post, becasue Im not that good of a drawer. Plus I dont have a scanner or anything.
i will post some of my art as soon as i can be bothered fixing the scanner. i should really do it know. might as well. nothing on tv.
Chazz said:
Here is one Joey Jordison drawing I made:

And here is one drawing from mascote of Iron Maiden Eddie:
OMG..i wish i could steal the first one and give it to my boyfriend. haha, he adores slipknot, but i refuse to draw them (the masks make it kinda hard), but he would love those!! you get a 10/10 :thumbsup: (i especially like the first one ^_^)

edit: wait...slipknot has like 8 members and now i'm not sure is he's one of them...
^They have 9 members.

Awesome drawings everyone!! I wish I could draw good.

I have a pretty decent Hybrid Soldier drawing, that I drew a few months ago. I might post it.
You guys can draw soo good! I wish I could draw like that.
Today I was looking through some other websites with drawings of Linkin Park and I saw one of Chester that I really liked so I tried to draw it. Here's how it came out:
It looks nothing like him though. :(
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