
I've stolen when I was small because well I was a bad kid when I was small. I didn't really steal from like stores...just from people. And I felt bad afterwards so I stopped. NEver done it again.

One time I accidentally stole batteries home because my jacket hooked a set of batteries o_O I didn't notice till I got home.

As for music...yah I guess I stole a lot >< But I always support the good artists :D

As for finding stuff on the floor...I found a $100 bill before o_O Lol yah, tried to return it to the guy but he kept it ^^"
pink flammingo? lol. are you serious?
when i was like, i think, 7 or 8( which is almost 6 years ago) i stole a small file binder,probably worth 10 singaporean cents, from the girl sitting next to me because i lost mine. hehe. other than that, i've never stolen before. never. i know people who have, my cousins and they got caught. serve them right.
I stole a box of 12 Krispie Kream donuts from Wal-Mart once. I just walked right out with them...
The funny part is they were escorting me out, for being a dumbass lol.
Vash_the_Stampede said:
Yeah....I'm sure you've seen them, lol.

Actually I never shoplifted, i have stold alot via the net though, my friends on the other hand... one has stold atleast 1,000 worth of things for walmart...
just found out i stole a book from my old school library...oh..yey, what i always wanted! (is it really stealing when u didnt mean it???) >_< :D