Yeah...I'm pretty sure ...In MY opinion the whole gay thing is just twisted - and yes you do make a point with what you said but were talking about gays here. I stand firmly by the Adam and Eve lifestyle that *** created - no child wants or needs Adam and Steve nor Eve and Eva
Ok, so let's try this again...
We're not just "talking about gays here" - we're talking about "should gays be allowed to adopt ??", as that is the name of the thread.
We're talking about whether or not there should be rules of exclusion - should gays be excuded from the right to adopt.
So when we discuss this, we are examining the concept of Exclusion - therefore we need to look at various factors. The determining criteria in deciding who should be able to adopt is the health, safety, and well-being of the children - not pandering to any one particular bias.
If you operate off bias you then open up to:
Should Christians be allowed to adopt? - they may turn the child into a Christian!
Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormans, Baptists...why, they'd probably try to foist off their religion on the poor child!
Should a black couple be allowed to adopt a white child? A white adopt an Asian? Adopting a Native American child may deprive the child of the teachings of his heritage...
If you're a Democrat, you sure as **** don't want any Fricken Republican adopting children and turning out more republicans......
The religion, politics, color and culture have no bearing on whether or not a person can adopt. Why then should sexuality be a factor?
If you're going to draw in sexuality as a criteria,....why should a person who watches ****, who's into whips and chains, who dresses in women's panties, who likes to be tied up and beaten..who perfers a nice warm allowed to adopt?
It just doesn't follow.
You don't have to be gay, no one is asking you to. You don't have to cultivate gay friends, nor give your first born up to a pack of gays. You don't have to LIKE them! But if you're in the drivers seat, making the rules, or casting your vote, examine the basis of your vote.
Or lean a bit further back on your rockin chair in your bib overalls, scratch your ***** and stay home.