should i take her back?


it's pagan poetry
basically this girl, elena, use to be a really close friend. we laughed and got really pissed and ****. but i had a falling out with her during a class at school because she hit me and she didnt even properly apologize, we gave a half-hearted apology which i accepted. then later we were walking to the sports field for games when low and behold she hits me again, which i think is unacceptable because i draw the line at being hit. so i kinda exploded all over her and told her to **** off. So later on that day i was waited outside my history class when she was walking past going to an art lesson and she was bitching about saying how much she hates me and that im not a real friend and that im really ugly. so i dont do anything and ignore it think it we will all probably make up by tommorrow. so i go home and go on myspace. (and i had made the mistake off telling her my password ages ago) and most of my friends have been deleted off my friends list. so im thinking: err wtf? so i go onto my friends pages to add them back. and guess what? elena went on my account posed as me and left messages and comment on all my real friends pages saying stuff like: i ****ing hate you and your a ****. Then to add insult to injury she gave out my password to a bunch of her friends and they have all been on my myspace account reading personal messages.
so basically i get loads of hatemail from random ppl and some of myfriends wont talk to me anymore because they think that i hate them. err
then a few days ago i get this message from her basically saying sorry.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Yelena Alexandrovna
Date: Apr 15, 2006 1:13 AM

Heyy, Sygy!

How has your Easter been so far? I heard that the Greek trip apparantly went REALLY well- hope you had fun! Btw;; Wales was wicked! Hehe, I also got an iPod Nano for my b-day, it's beyond wickedness!

I wanna say a proper apology to you for me being so stupid and pathetic as to giving your password to someone else and being a complete bitch..

I am really sorry; I'm really sorry about what happened in P.S.H.E, I didn't realize the affect it had on you and sorry to remind you of it by saying this. I was being stupid and now I think back, I could've slapped myself!

Anywho, I hope that we could make-up and I know I need to be a better friend. I'm working on thinking more of other people..less of myself =/

I don't want to lose you as a friend because you're funny, unique and you're Sygy. I really like you as a friend and as who you are. I miss having all the laughs and (lol- bunking of prayers, haha).and fun times with you! I don't want to break the thread =(

Okayz..that's what I wanted to say to you and again, I'm sorry about what happened.


Elle x

so do you think i should accept her apology and take her back as a friend?

sorry if none of this makes much sense i kinda a bit stressed and tired at the moment.
she sounds like shes sorry. the thing you have to ask yourself is if shes a good enough friend and would you trust her again if you had another argument?

see its like this, if shes done this once shes bound to do it again, wich means you will always be wary of her, also this might stop you telling her personal stuff and your worries etc...(in the end thats what friends are for) if you can't do that because you don't trust her then shes not a true friend.

if i were you i'd sit down and write down a list, reasons for staying friends on one side and reasons for not on the other. but its up to you hun but all i can say is that i would never be abled to trust my friend again if she did that to me!!!!
It's really up to you. No one can make that decision, except yourself.
I personally would however tell her to piss off, considering what she's done.
well i think u should forgive her....coz from the things she wrote in the message, it seems like she realized how mean she was n will try not to be like that anymore....she actually admitted her mistakes in the message....n that's what's actually important for a person to accept before apologizing
This girl has issues...she torments you, you run, she gets you to come back, and torments you again. She is taking out her frustration on you, and then has to get you back so she can keep doing it. Its a cycle that you actually control. Its up to you if you want to go back into that friendship or not, but I wouldn't.
I'd get a new MySpace, new passwords, new SNs, and stay away from her. And if your friends actually don't believe you when you tell them what happened, they weren't real friends to begin with.
accept her aplogy.. but better not to tell her everything.. better change ur password... there r few very very personal things that u shouldnot tell anyone... my advice is that donot trust people too much..and donot tell everythig to ur friends
Physical violence is never acceptable. She sounds horrible >.< Her actions have lost some of your other friends from what she did to your MySpace account, and she definitely shouldn't be let off lightly for that. Her e-mail sounds genuine enough I suppose but don't be decieved by her again, and it doesn't make up for what she has caused you >.> She doesn't sound like a "real" friend at all. Maybe in time she'll be more respectful, but yeah, be wary of her at the current moment. Stay away for a while and see how it goes.
well ive decided not to become friends with her becasue she treated me like utter **** today. she was basically bitching about all through maths,she threw all my stuff all over the floor and she then she basically let the door swing back and smack me in the face. so ive decided that its over, cause if i think about it, its her loss because most of my year and the year below hate her so she will just have no one to talk to. end of. thanx for the advice.
good choice. i agree with some of the people. that she just torments you. and if you take her back as a friend whos saying she wont wind up doing the same thing over again?
hmm..... i wouldnt trust her.

she found it so easy to dump you after being you're 'friend'. And she went behind your back and did all that crazy crap and went into your myspace account and stuff.

I've known enough people in my time to see when they only want to be friends with someone for thier own benifit and this girl sounds proper dodgy.

Trust me, you're worth more than her. She's using you. You can do better. I know it must be hard for you, but if she really did care for you, she would never have done it in the first place.

xx jo xx


shite! just read youre reply!!!!

GOOD! if no-one else like her, i'm not surprised! you're better off with out her!